>Spend months at a time strategically planting ideas into people's heads, and playing mind games
>Get bored of someone after a while and move on to my next victim but that's okay because there's literally billions of you dirty little roaches to fuck around with.
>Some people actually believe I care about them as people but the truth is I only use them for my personal advantage and entertainment
You are a psychopathic narcissist, or some variation. Look it up
Jordan Brown
king crimson, swans, radiohead, gorillaz, the list goes on...
Dominic Flores
you sound like a massive faggot
William Brown
no he's not. He's a LARPer, you fucking retarded gullible newfag.
Henry James
I know a psychopath and all he listens to is grimes
Nicholas Watson
lo-fi beats to study to overlaid with a voice call to a therapist
Lincoln Walker
Does anyone have any actual experience with clinical sociopaths or narcissists? What are they like? How did they get that way?
Jeremiah Long
there's really no such thing as a pure sociopath people have tendencies but very rarely will you see somebody who fully embodies the definition(which is not a term used by the medical world)
Charles Butler
Psychopaths are born and sociopaths are made. Sorry to break the illusion for uou but morality is a lie. Everyone is literally a sociopath deep inside but full blown sociopaths are the ones who recognize this fact and stop pretending.
Whitehouse? I'm pretty sure I read an interview with William Bennett where he says he's into NLP and manipulation techniques.
Jason Moore
typical INTJ
Logan Harris
No just no. INTJs never do something just for fun or for the hell of it. They always have a plan and a specific purpose. This sounds more like a fucked up ENTP to me.
Jackson Stewart
Prog Metal for this particular mixture of autism and pretentions
Alexander Jenkins
maybe sociopaths can't, but LARPing faggots such as op can
Grayson Morgan
>le edgy intj
I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that you artists actually do this shit and think like this, or that anyone cares.
Benjamin Hughes
ENTPs are just daydreamers that cant contain their autism in public.
when's the last time you felt what people label a good emotion and when did this behavior start?
Jeremiah Nguyen
Duh, Filth by Swans
Brody Morgan
>he thinks people actually buy any of his shit
Cameron Roberts
toy-like people make me boy-like toy-like people make me boy-like
Adam Cook
More like ISTP
Juan Thompson
I had a friend that I believe was one. He was the most self interested person I've ever met. Went through girls like toilet paper. Went fucking apeshit when things didn't go his way, and hated anyone who bested him. Rarely ever offered food if you were at his house, would eat meals in front of you. Had a pretty rapey reputation around town but what they don't tell you is men don't give a shit and women are pretty forgiving about that behavior, especially if you're good looking and charming. He had that superficial charm thing too. He was a social climber for sure. Was a massive asshole but for some reason people liked him. I was in a transitional period where he went from very few friends to a lot. We were friends in middle school because we liked the same music. But gradually he transformed into that. The weird self interested shit was always there but he became something of a sociopath over time. What's weird is I've realized that that his attitude towards women besides the rapeyness wasn't far off from the correct way. It's just he was also an asshole in general.
Ryan Butler
what would you do if you were banished to a place of absolute solitude, silence, and darkness?
Austin Howard
hell is real
Easton Anderson
You have to go back
Anthony Campbell
Jonathan Nelson
i just don't know why you would assume that hell isn't real
Dominic Carter
I would be bored and that's it. I would probaly jerk off to alleviate the boredom or hunt animals if there are any.
Cameron Brown
death grips
Asher Scott
complete silence and darkness, no body, no world, nothing but your mind, for an indeterminate amount of time, possibly forever
Nicholas Flores
why are you responding to this faggot lol
Julian Collins
everyone should be aware of the vast possibilities of suffering
Daniel Reyes
>overcompensating this hard for feelings of powerlessness and inferiority Good lord... when are you faggots going to realize that true sociopaths don’t consciously process their own actions in this way. It’s far more automatic than that. A sociopath isn’t going to waste time on Yea Forums with mental invalids like you. In fact, they are often highly personable.
Go ahead, keep trying to frame your self perception in this what, you’ll realize eventually how unproductive it actually is.
Robert Hughes
NO you are wrong a psychopath wouldn't spend his time Yea Forums but trust sociopaths and especially low functionning sociopaths would definitely be on Yea Forums.
Gabriel Rodriguez
OP is a cringe faggot, pls put him out of his pain, or even better, OP delete urself