3x3/4x4/5x5 collage

last.fm collage thread. Post last week, last month, or last year. Give recs, shoot the shit and rate the others.
"What do you like to drink?" edition.
I'm fucking dying over here.

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Love your taste in Brian Eno.

I spent a good amount of time exploring Bandcamp recently.

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damn i love your chart's aesthetic.

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+Keaton Henson
+22, a Million

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im all in on whiskey desu

this is a beautiful chart and I'm gonna listen to all these albums. hope they're good!

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>im all in on whiskey desu
Not to be a moralfag, but alcohol is bad for you.

its true. I smoke weed mostly but the thread question was "what do you like to drink." I guess when I hear that kind of question I assume its about alcohol and not about soda or something

then again i'm also a lawyer and the stereotypes about alcoholism are chillingly accurate

+ eno and radiohead
rec: yume bitsu - giant surface music
spent too much on a fifth of southern comfort; shit is okay with cola but not much else. what are you having?
+ swell maps
rec: and also the trees - virus meadow
+ cherry glazerr and dead kennedys
rec: liquid liquid - optimo ep
what whiskey are you all in on?
hence why i drink it

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Flower Travellin' Band - Satori
Wand - Golem
water yummy

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I guess that must mean you’re an adult.



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I like tea btw

choclate milk ^_^

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>what are you having?
A cup of white tea always hits the spot.
>the stereotypes about alcoholism are chillingly accurate
Can you elaborate on this?

lol gay


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man FUCK you


I've been going to see local funk and jam bands where all the cool kids drink craft beer so I've been trying those

tried the new FLips album? I think its not half bad
Man Ode to Quetzalcoatl had me fucked up I hope it all went well for bixby
+YMO good shit

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