Name my band Yea Forums

name my band Yea Forums

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the mars drive-in

The wannabe punks


Four Fags


taco bell drive-thru

Omar knows you are an empty neoliberal suit but if you become president pitchfork will be declared illegal forever

NWA - Niggas With AIDS

The Rolling Wetbacks

The Has Beens and a Literal Who

funny how in the current year everyone used to be """"""""""""""""punk"""""""""""""" back in the day

The boomers are dying off. the forced boomer meme (which was always stupid) hasnt made you realize that the people you call boomers are actually gen x

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At the Volta

"the oh veys"

The Three Parentheses

Mariachi slipknot

Blood feast island panzeez

Less happy about the Beto
More happy about the Jim

do you think Cedric will vote for him
he seems like a socdem kind of guy

Our Lead Singer Sounds Like A Castrated Helium Huffer

>hasnt made you realize that the people you call boomers are actually gen x
t. Doesn't know what the meme means
It literally started as "That 30 year old boomer"

Redditboi and the doggos

The Beto Males

lewis and his band

Abercrombie and Fitch

based lewis and his band poster