Is this the most overrated instrument ever?

Is this the most overrated instrument ever?

Attached: Yamaha-GB1KPE-Baby-Grand-Piano-with-Bench-1.gif (1200x1200, 153K)

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wouldn't that be the guitar?

no it wouldn't

no lmao, literally the voice of God

Attached: luddy van beth.jpg (542x261, 23K)

op is retarded

The most overrated instrument is the human voice.


Agreed, organ sounds much better

It’s the guitar

Nope, definitely the guitar and the voice.

bunch a fags who can't play guitar itt

>t. guitarist who can only play his shitty instrument
How about you run along and read some tabs, buddy?

Literally every piece you posted would sound 200% better if performed on string or wind instruments.

>pieces literally written in the piano idiom would sound better on different instruments
So now we're saying retarded shit without any arguments, huh?

shit bait, came here to lol @ u

>cant vibrato
>cant modulate
>cant have different forms of attack
Weak shit

Technically, piano is a string instrument

at 87326320
This shit bait doesn't deserve a (((you)))

Its a percussion instrument

Show me vibrato on a piano then
Its pretty weak if it cant do that

vibrato in music is like ketchup on food, not sure why you value it at all

It's a chordophone, the hammers literally hit strings, you fucking muppet

>he thinks vibrato isnt needed

Attached: 8F902D58-EE3C-4C32-BA97-91FF4D3E43F5.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Holy cringe
was cringe but now this hs turned into a contest

>hitting things
Sounds like percussion to me

sounds like strings to me

Still waiting on why you give any sort of value to vibrato and why that should determine whether an instrument is good or not. I'll wait.

An instrument fits into a certain group based on what vibrates, not how. Strings vibrate in the piano, thus the piano is a chordophone i.e. technically a string instrument.

You realize being able to have more intricate playing and technique is good right?

Are you seriously implying the 88 key piano with 3 pedals and a very intricate mechanism lacks dynamics and phrasing? And what the fuck does an instrument have to do with how YOU play it or what YOUR technique is like?

Is slap bass percussion?

Yes it lacks vibrato

Is my wife an percussion?

Fucking kek

Refer back to my previous post, retard, and don't reply until you have an acceptable answer. Thanks.

Thats just a technique

Yes, but specifically the electric guitar.

Attached: images (1).jpg (252x200, 13K)

Wtf is this? A grandpa keyboard?

Attached: 9ae.jpg (1024x521, 43K)

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How about the hardest instrument to learn?

Probably some brass or violin shit where intonation is a bitch

Well, yeah, comparing to a cello or a saxophone it has fuckall in terms of allowing its user to produce expressive sound (dynamics being just one dimension of expressiveness, which, I'm sure you know). The only reason it became popular was because it allowed people to play both harmony and melody all by themselves and it was vastly easier to learn than a bowed or a wind instrument. If Bach was alive today he'd be playing a Moog, not a piano.

t.john lennon

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The theremin probably.

Imagine trying to accurately intonate the air around your instrument.

Really its just shapes and putting them in the right spots like every instrument
Its just weird since theres nothing there

Electric guitar is significantly less overrated than acoustic. An electric guitar is basically the synthesizer before synthesizer was invented, the pure range of sounds you can get out of it is insane.

Acoustic guitar on the other hand is the weapon of choice for pussy hunters everywhere.

>the widest range of pitches
>great dynamic expression
>graceful and versatile timbre
>up to 10 independent voices at once
>all the notes are laid out clearly in front of you
>builds finger strength and independent coordination in BOTH hands

so get a synth. even then, you'd still be playing them with keys.

and you'd need 4 people or more to perform those pieces on strings/woodwinds. that means not only rehearsing with each other, getting the timing and dynamics in sync, but also agreeing on a specific way to express said piece as a group. the pianist can just sit down and play as his heart desires.

>implying synths only work with keys
I can play a synth with an onahole if j want to

based and beethovenpilled

I play piano and I love it, it's definitely the best instrument though violin has some advantages over it, namely microtonality and vibrato