It's obvious her primary function in pop music isn't intended to be the "woke" answer to Ariana...

It's obvious her primary function in pop music isn't intended to be the "woke" answer to Ariana, but as the female replacement for X.

Yes, she had a ton of payola and a great PR machine very early on in her career, but she didn't *really* start getting pushed on us via high-profile interviews and her songs showing up unexpectedly on Spotify playlists until shortly after X's death. Her image as well seems to be very, very close to an archetypal "SoundCloud sadboi" thing, which is exactly how X was being marketed before he died (i.e. anime-coloured hair, fake depression, fake deep lyrics about mental health and wanting to die, illusion of being in-tune with the world and aware of social issues).

She even bragged about how he was her "special friend" and how he had a "huge impact" on her life (keep in mind she highlights her friendships with many of X's friends as well):

Attached: xxxbillxxxx.png (593x595, 560K)

Other urls found in this thread:

lmao how the fact is she anything like xzibit? is she in talks to host a new series of pimp my ride lmao

I'm pretty sure she only exists because Lorde stepped out of line

Lorde-alikes have been commonplace since 2014, Melanie Martinez, Alessia Cara, and Halsey being the three most obvious.

Let me level with you, Yea Forums.

She's a teen idol who makes music for teens.

There is no reason for you to be all worked up about her.

If you don't like her music then listen to something.

Wasting energy on something you hate is idiotic.

Attached: Billie-Eilish-5-1309x1620-1-920x584.jpg (920x584, 117K)

As soon as Lorde canceled her show in Israel last year she's been off the radar and Billie has taken her place.
it's so obvious. Speak out against Israel: either get killed or deplatformed.

I'd agree with you, but considering her enormous presence in pop music right now it's pretty hard to NOT have an opinion on her and/or speculate on all the reasons WHY she'd be pushed as hard as she is.

not this shit again

I can understand saying their music is a bit Lordesque, but as they weren't underage, I don't think they were intentional Lorde replacements.

Lorde's appeal had more to do with how cutting-edge her music sounded at the time, her age was just the icing on the cake. Billie OTOH is only applauded due to her age (despite the fact her 21-year old bro is the true artist).

her primary function in pop music is to trick art hoes into getting knocked up by rapers

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It's a real shame. Lorde was a genuine creative type.

wasn't creative enough to realize the country she was boycotting runs the music industry

Lorde also said hip-hop was misogynistic which riled up a lot of feathers.

based lorde

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>tfw a handsome, woke, lyrical soundcloud rapper will never share his coffee with you because you're not a 16-year old whore

Something something clout martyr

>creative enough to realize
creative is not the word user...
and she isnt wrong

How is she still not aware of (((who))) is pulling the strings?
if Lorde's next album isn't titled On the Jews and their Lies, she is braindead.

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Based Corey Wayne, lost my virginity partly thanks to the absolute lad

Seems true. Let's not forget X's fans rushed to Billie and she's getting the same cult leader treatment he did.

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brain damaged


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I’ll ask again: who the fuck keeps claiming this thot is “woke” or politically aware? Because I’m not seeing it.

her brother posts her on here all the time, he's a known 4channer.
he's selling out his sister to (((them))) for shekels and to leech off her success. She's going to end up overdosing or getting suicided and he's going to feel the weight of his actions someday.

No one is claiming that incel

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based and redpilled

finneas pls

>he's a known 4channer.

Shut UP holy shit

She’s not dead...

what the heck
why would that offend you? it's true.
She canceled her Israel concert last year and has been completely ditched by the media since then.

> "She's an industry plant"
> Makes hella sure we talk about her all the time

bluepilled-tier thinking

plants are going to be talked about no matter what so the goal is to change the conversation to being negative and turn her fame into infamy

>imma false flag, there is no such thing as bad publicity

But they are though. How many times are shills calling her “a voice of social consciousness for Gen Z” or some shit?

>rips audio from a good bit of an office episode in lengthy bits
>this is music now.

the fuck is wrong with you?

>a voice of social consciousness for Gen Z

translation she _____ black guys

Attached: GUCCI.jpg (768x1053, 225K)

congrats you figured out that everything mainstream is manufactured and planned well in advance by hollywood billionaires. They set the trend, the fashion, the ideal... It doesn't matter what "musician" is the face of it. There's no shortage of them.


if you dont call a forced meme forced more people will think it is a real meme

The only way you can take her down is if you give her a penis and get a bunch of girls to say he asked them if he could jack off in front of them. Right now you're only making sure we all eventually check her out. In my blue-pilled tier opinion.

if you make as many threads as the shills, you are part of the problem, not solution

>>a voice of social consciousness for Gen Z
>translation she _____ black guys

No evidence.

Evidence is right here
Look at how she craves a massive cock that can do that

Not evidence but okay.

i don't like how her face looks or how her music sounds or anything about her really

why are people saying that her show last weekend was important or something

Cuz payola.

She killed her feminist credentials by defending a known woman-beater.

ummm check your privilege and respect their culture sweetie

There is literally nothing respectful about whitewashing a man who nearly beat his gf to death, threatened to kill her multiple times, threatened to sexually violate her with a bbq fork, and was overall a shit human being.

wowww racist much?

rip jah u were a tru legend

HOLY SHIT VRO I miss him so much.

Industry plant :(

go join him then

God damn m8 calm down
Pop music is just heavily marketed background noise

Jah wouldn’t want it that way.

Her album got critical acclaim and almost outsold Ariana in its first week. Of course she’s being hyped up.

jah loved all of us tho... even u bro

He was a literal scumfuck. Not a big loss for music.

So she’s a literal clout chaser. Gotcha.

>65 replies
>20 posters

Groundhog Day in real life

he still luvs u

Oh fuck off.

But she's such a STRONG FEMALE in the music game today you i n c e l.

Stick your head back in your desert sand then

Not really. Lorde fell off because her sophomore album didn't even come close to living up to the anticipation and she just stopped making music like that. If she put out new shit she'd be welcomed back with open arms.


t. shill

>translation she _[culture vultures]_ black guys

Literally who

Billy Eyelashes

A lot of people are actually.

Bump for based Billie

She's boring.

Her brother is 21?

If I remember correctly he's four years older than her.

You have to be 18 to post on this board

X and Billie don't have much in common aside from generating a lot of internet buzz early on in their careers. The fake deep/depressed thing is suspicious.

She's just like Lorde

That puts him at 26 years old then. Billie is turning 22 this year, there's some iTunes screen cap from 2015 that proves her real age.

Seething because Billie Bob is a Lorde clone

Wtf he looks old af

She didn't blow up until 2016 when Interscope re-released Ocean Eyes. Why would Apple have a screencap of her from 2015?


no one can replace JAH. he was a LEGEND.

Attached: 90345F52-DE6D-4960-BA84-24C40052BF78.jpg (660x884, 120K)

Industry plants specifically marketed to reach a particular demographic isn't a conspiracy, bro.

>his smile
>her mouth

>being this old

You don't have to "blow up" in order to list music on Apple's service. She posted a message herself about "first playing the piano with drumsticks when I was 2 years old, 16 years ago". It was in reference to her creative process for "Ocean Eyes". I really wish I saved that screen cap, some user posted it here a few days ago.

Billie Eilish was born in 1997.

This interview with her mom from 2013 clearly states her age as 11, and her brother's as 15.


Same difference though.

Have you seen her brother? He clearly looks like somebody over the age of 25. Most people on this board have commented about Billie "already looking like she's about to hit 30". Rick James lied about being 25 or 26 when his debut album dropped because his record label thought it would make him more appealing to the youth.

On what basis would her mother have to lie about her kids' ages before either became famous?

Also, post a pic of her brother so I can see him with my own eyes.

No thanks, you're probably just some paid intern hired by the label to do damage control.

Why would her mom lie about her age years before she became famous?

Yeah she wrote the song about X.

Her mother and father have been in show business for decades. I gave you an example from the late 70s of an artist lying about their age for better exposure. I'm done here.

But why the fuck would they lie about how old their kids are before their kids even entered showbiz? What's their motivation?

>before their kids even entered showbiz?

They RAISED THEIR KIDS FROM BIRTH to be in show biz, dipshit.

Billie has even said she was homeschooled so she and her brother could focus on acting, singing, and dancing. She was in the LA children's choir and began professionally dancing at a very young age. THINK ABOUT IT. It's not unusual at all for stage parents to claim their children are younger than they really are so their kids can get parts made for younger children in film/TV. Why would Billie's case be any different?

Entirely speculative.

Just like your existence.

I want proof Billie is 22.

She's 21 years old right now.

I still want proof of her age.

She has skin imperfections and teeth greying that usually you don't see until late 20's... Seriously... If she's 17, it's a fucking rough 17

She has acne which is normal for a teenager.

she's ugly

Attached: 1555983963883.jpg (480x480, 40K)

I had acne until I was around 25 and still get bad cysts once or twice a year.

I'm still waiting for proof she's in her 20s.

Oh yeah, for sure, let me grab a photo copy of her birth certificate really quick. Or would a scan of her "home school" year book suffice?

Ironic because those "strong feminist lyrics" are written by her brother.

Of course.

It's not the acne. It's the skin aging brother.

Judging from the video OP posted it seems like acne.

denzel curry was molested. he should know better.

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Underrated post

Most sexual predators were molested themselves.

>her brother posts her on here all the time, he's a known 4channer.

I'm sure.

Whites women age like milk.

But that’s how it usually happens.

Bluepilled opinion desu

Reddit tier vibes right here

Why do people listen to Billie Eilish when they could be listening to MatPat’s wife Stephanie instead?

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Their parents groomed them for success lol

She's a useful idiot for democrats.

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Say what you want, i didn't like her album, either.
But my god, i'd fuck her until i died from exhaustion.


I'd "listen" to her, if you know what I mean

you tried to use reason in 4channel.

This actually makes sense considering they are both extremely overrated and "woke" on a very superficial level

Not really, she’s off the radar because she’s between album/tour cycles. Also her last album wasn’t as big as her debut anyways. I agree that artists that speak out against Israel often struggle but it didn’t seem to impact her that much.
