What do left-wing Christian women listen to?

What do left-wing Christian women listen to?

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Anything contradictory

less than 5% of Christian women are actually Christian. It's typically a facade to cover up their sinful nature.
Mother Mary is one of the few holy women to ever exist.
Look at what happens at almost every nunnery in history. As soon as they witness an attractive man walk past the window they all lose their shit and start having orgies and speaking in tongues.

No, that's what right-wing Christians listen to.

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have sex

all women are inherently left-wing

Why did all the commie leaders hate religion so much then?

based and christpilled

Becuase they weren’t real communism and I love grimes and soi and penis so much

their boyfriends

Jesus could double all the food, something a left leaning country never could


Whatever their husband lets them listen to, just like any other Christian woman.




I remember a while back she got caught in an argument between the DSA freaks and leftcaths and both ended up disowning her because she kept trying to appeal to both of the (brutally dogmatic) sides. Was funny to watch, leftism not even once etc.


To be in the far right spectrum you need to be strong, convictions and, most importantly honor.
Women don't know what honor is because they don't have any honor, they lack it.

leftism is when bad thing happen durrr xddd

Attached: famines.jpg (1351x1920, 324K)

>supports abortion
>supports gender ideology
>publicly humiliates her husband for clicks

>Christian and communist
Feels good man

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>To be in the far right spectrum you need to be strong, convictions and, most importantly honor.
Sounds like a fancy way of saying you need to be spooked

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>bad weather and natural disasters are capitalism’s fault
>literal organized mass-murders don’t count aren’t real communism
Get fucked.

Who said anything about being anyone's fault? I'm only posting proof that famines are everywhere, regardless of ideology, you brainlet.

>When a famine happens in a capitalist country it's a natural disaster
>When a famine happens in a communist country it's a genocide

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Be aware that the Church has declared communism, an inherently anti-theistic and materialist ideology, flatly incompatible with a Christian teaching. That’s like saying you’re a Mormon Hindu. Memes like leftist integration (aka communism but I’m going to call it something different) are not a way around this.


You are all fucking idiots if you don't think being christian and a leftie isn't contradictory.

>the church
Your first mistake was thinking I'm some sort of catholic pope's bitch. Also you have no idea what you're talking about, study some political science, religion and philosophy first.

Oh and good thing the church is full of corrupt pedos so I don't give a fuck what they think.

Catholic church is the whore of Babylon.

Calvinist-Communist uprising soon.

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Martin Luther saved Christianity for the modern world

Is there not a difference between
>bad thing happens to occur in a capitalist society
>bad thing is organized and executed by a communist society for the express purpose of furthering communism
Not denying that imperialism has led to fucked up stuff, but show me an example of a “capitalist authority” (which is meaningless since the tenets of capitalism have informed pretty much every human society until this century) intentionally decimating his own society solely because it’d cement his little cult.

Whoever made this is a retard.
It classifies Ethiopia's 80s famine as caṕitalist while the country was under a marxist-leninist dictatorship.
Communists are so retarded they are proud for falling for the most idiotic propaganda.

You realize there's left wing people that are pro-life and trans-critical because "left-right" is an economic axis and not a social one?

Likewise libertarians are definitely right wing as fuck despite largely being pro-choice and pro-drug legalization.

Nobody asked you a damn thing, tripfag.

Neutral Milk Hotel probably

What “church” are you part of then, I need a laugh
The reality is that if you support an ideology that gets churches leveled, laypeople massacred, nuns raped, and priests lined up against walls, you’re not any sort of Christian. There’s no way around it.

Nice thread.


>(which is meaningless since the tenets of capitalism have informed pretty much every human society until this century)
>Capitalism is primordial. Things have always been this way. We've always been at war with Eurasia.
I took one hit of this pure, unadulterated black tar Colombian ideology and died.

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Fuck off you stupid commie.

>You realize there's left wing people that are pro-life and trans-critical

Yea but they disappeared after the fall of USSR.

You first, mutt.

>left wing people that are pro-life
Yeah Bruenig tried this for about 5 minutes before Chapo kids doxxed her family and banished her from the “revolution”

God's church. Sola fide, bitch.

>The reality is that if you support an ideology that gets churches leveled, laypeople massacred, nuns raped, and priests lined up against walls, you’re not any sort of Christian.
You're damn right.

And also a communist

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Absolutely based. Spergs lose their minds and try to counter true socialist christ with shitty "no food" jokes

Keep this shit on twitter, where I can block all of you.

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I've literally never met one.

>an ideology that gets churches leveled, laypeople massacred, nuns raped, and priests lined up against walls
You just described religious wars. Oh and daily reminder that the p*pe sided with literal fascists lmao.

Jokes on you, I'm not a mutt, burger.

So did Stalin desu.

They don't exist. That's just a shitpost.

Stalin didn't invent communism though so I don't know why you're mentioning a literal tankie

>the p*pe sided with literal fascists lmao
So did the Soviet Union with Nazi Germany to invade Poland, therefore starting world ward two lmaaaooo

Stop speaking, tripfag mutt.

>destroyed in unofficial or mob actions by Calvinist Protestant crowds as part of the Protestant Reformation.[2][3]
It’s capitalism’s fault that a bunch of prots get riled up and commit blasphemy?


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Bitch how am I supposed to know your tendency.

>literal fascists
On no he said the scary F-word, guess I’ve lost the argument

Catholics sided with fascists who are all vile and degenerate godless beings. That's a fact you cannot change, sorry buddy.

I'm not a mutt, stop prejecting.


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Christian fascists > christian commies

I didn't know you still posted here.

No, you don't understand. I'm saying destroying the graven idols of the Catholic church and their heretical clergy as the protestant reformers were doing is God's work.

The fact I'm also a communist is just besides the fact.

This is an interesting thread. It starts off being about Christianity so belongs in /x/. But then takes a swift turn and becomes about history therefore belonging in /his/. Interesting. I might download this.

Yeah right, and before that Stalin was actively warning France and Britain about Germany's rising and suggested to form a union against Nazis but those retards decided to give up the whole Czechoslovakia to Hitler instead, lmao

>anyone who doesn't support my terrible failed Jew ideology is an American
Are commies actually this delusional?

>Christian fascists

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Their mixed race and/or adopted child's soundcloud.

>If you have any treaties with the Nazis that means you're siding with the Nazis.
Epic. Just like that great ally of Nazi Germany, Poland.


So have all denominations aside from Jehovah's witness man, as well as plenty of other religions. It's true that the church needs to actively repent for such actions, but there were just as many protestants who did the same.

>Jew ideology
Hey, little fella, looks like you lost your way; /pol/ is that way. You're welcome.

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Commies are degenerate kike puppets, we opposed to fascists so it makes more sense a fascist being christian than a commie.

Christ was literally a Jew though.

You too, buddy

>as opposed to fascists


How long can we keep this up before someone posts the actual answer?

Kek, embarassing

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Actively carving up another country with facists is a bit different than a non-aggression pact. Besides, Piłsudski was super fash my man, facism doesn't mean exclusively just Nazis, there was/are Jewish Facists.

The Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus youtu.be/ygIK7HzFPCY

Yeah, you are.

>this materialistic view of Jesus Christ

I'm sorry if you fell for jewish trickery

It makes more sense when you realize these are the guys they're up against.

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altright spergs actually were the ones that got punched, what are you on about

>degenerate godless beings
I can think of Hitler, and..?
Mussolini was certainly godless but he allowed Catholicism to flourish as de facto state religion.
If you’re up for the “Franco was a fascist” meme, he vehemently defended Spanish Catholics amidst the civil war when the leftists were literally roving around and murdering clerics.

I'm sorry your anti-social behaviour, anti-intellectualism and isolation has lead you to become detached from reality.

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>no u
The left can't meme

Ok, then how do you deal with the fact that all apostles were Jewish?

>thinking painting the imperial core red will save your decadent lifestyle
>earnestly believing in historical materialism as something prophetic and not a simple analytical tool
>implying you or anyone you know is physically or mentally capable of changing anything
>doubling down on slave morality

ole ole ole ole ole ole ole a ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

>Catholics sided with fascists who are all vile and degenerate godless beings
So did commies. See: Soviet Union's alliance with Nazi Germany and negotiations to join the Axis.

I mostly don't tbqh

>and before that Stalin was actively warning France and Britain about Germany's rising
Therefore the Soviet Union decided to ally with Nazi Germany so both could take Poland? Interesting.

probably Mozart

>Actively carving up another country with facists is a bit different than a non-aggression pact.
Yeah but as you said yourself the Polish were also fash.

Not to mention Britain and France literally just gave the Germans Czechoslovakia in its entirety and no one's accusing them of siding with Germany.

Oh no a short "alliance" (is wasn't even that you fucking historically illiterate retard) means communists = literally fascists oh no my ideology has been debunked. Fucking an hero already you fucking tripfag.


lol butthurt

Today I learned the Soviet Union was part of the Axis

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see see and get the fuck off my board, zoomer newfags.

In the beginning yeah.

>say some dumb shit
>get told (by a tripnigger no less)

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Jesus was apolitcal. His kingdom was on heaven not earth.
The bible applied to american politics is definitely more towards the center and if practiced properly would not like republicans or democrats


>get told

This is some BTEC history right here.

Call me when the Food stamps run out niggus

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I wonder who's behind this post

Jews killed Christ and christianity is a thing so I deal pretty well.

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lol newfags

I don't really see how that changes the fact that Stalin worked with Nazis, even if it's against another fascist. But I actually would argue that the Brits were at least leaning pro-nazi (esp Churchill) right up to when poland was invaded.


>it's not the Jews
>it's not the Jews
>it's not the Jews
>it's not the Jews
>it's not the Jews
>it's not the Jews

>Therefore the Soviet Union decided to ally with Nazi Germany so both could take Poland?
Imagine that the country whose entire ideology is based on genociding your people gets to get a common border with you as well as half of Europe, what would be your actions? Would you move the border away from your heartland and prevent that country from seizing more land, or would you just do fucking nothing?

maybe retarded authoritarian ideologies from the 20th century are solved problems and not secretly good things

maybe the solution to neoliberal ennui isn't regression and mass murder

>be insane and agenda driven
>heh... don't you know...
>it's the juice
>argument won

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Friendly reminder that the Soviet Union genocided millions of cossaks, poles, chechens, ingush, kazakhs and ukrainians and tankies will still deny they are fascists.


>make the claim that Christians sided with fascists
>okay (which is true)
>make the claim that communists sided with fascists
>not okay (despite it still being true)
You have brain damage.

It wasn't, but they were close to joining.

Keep going Shlomo

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Do you honestly think the USSR wasn't planning on invading Germany and that the non-aggression pact was bullshit in its core?

the final redpill is that there's no solution for neoliberal ennui

>Imagine that the country whose entire ideology is based on genociding your people
You are talking about the Soviet Union here? >Would you move the border away from your heartland and prevent that country from seizing more land
But the reason Hitler invaded Poland was because they allied with the Soviet Union. You might as well claim the opposite, that Hitler allied with the Soviet Union so the Soviet Union didn't take the totality of Poland (like they did with all the former Soviet states).

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If anything murder is more of an option in the 21st century

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Oops! Looks like music related at first but is actually bait! Sorry!

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>Soviet Union genocided millions of cossaks, poles, chechens, ingush, kazakhs and ukrainians

>Do you honestly think the USSR wasn't planning on invading Germany
It literally wasn't. Stalin didn't believe it when Hitler invaded Russia at first.

>the non-aggression pact was bullshit in its core
They both signed the pact because they both wanted to invade Poland.

Land is the discount Deleuze, who was the discount Spinoza, who was just stupid.

No fascism please, we are going on the moon with our Pop Prog space shuttle.

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I didn't deny Stalin worked with the Nazis, I said he didn't side with them. Both Nazi Germany and the USSR consistently and explicitly expressed their opposition to each other and any kind of alliance was never a possibility. Retards point to the Molotov-Ribbontrop as some kind of smoking gun when it's literally just a short-term non-aggression pact.

The Soviets also had a non-aggression pact with the Japanese from 1941 until 1945 but they certainly weren't on their side.


why don't you all have a cup of shut the fuck up?


Also see

Oh look! It's a tankie mirrors fascists by denying genocide claims again!

>I said he didn't side with them
But he literally did. They were allied until Hitler invaded them.

>Retards point to the Molotov-Ribbontrop as some kind of smoking gun when it's literally just a short-term non-aggression pact.
>an alliance is not an alliance
Communists are so retarded.

>The Soviets also had a non-aggression pact with the Japanese from 1941 until 1945 but they certainly weren't on their side
Except for the fact that the Soviet Union had negotiations with the Axis to join them.


curious if this guy still pretends to be a girl after 5 years

Communists in denial about Stalin forming an alliance with Hitler and almost joining the Axis lmaaaaoooo
Friendly reminder that tankies are fascists too!

Check it out: history.stackexchange.com/questions/31108/why-was-stalin-surprised-by-the-german-attack-in-june-1941
Using a stackexchange link so it's easier for you to understand.

A non-aggression pact is not an alliance. It is a non-aggression pact. The USSR was neutral in WW2 until the Germans invaded.

>Except for the fact that the Soviet Union had negotiations with the Axis to join them.
And the negotiations failed so the USSR didn't join the Axis. Therefore they weren't allied either Germany, Japan, Italy or any of their satellite states.

What do you not understand?

Land is ahead of his time.

The future of politcs is anti human vs post human.

Automation will deterritorialize social and economic conditions. All forms of entertainment will be made by robots and AI. It will be the end of human achievement. This will obliterate the culture war and identity politics. No one race or gender or sex will win. The machines will win.

The future of the right wing is nick land.

The future of the left wing is transhumanism/posthumanism

The future of the center is escaping this turd earth on the elon mobile and letting all you poor fags die


What does this statement mean?

>denying genocide
Give me 5 (five) sources that tell that those genocides actually happened and weren't made up by the (((CIA))) niggers whose filthy assholes you love to lick so much and even then tell me how's that comparable to the actual genocide of 27 million people most of whom were civilians

Dude I understand, I'm not trying to be all nazbol or whatever like the tripretard, but I think the pact is a bit more than just a standard treaty due to the whole secret partitioning Poland bit. There can be gradiations of collusion or cooperation or whatever the correct term, but Stalin did materially help the Nazis and the Weimar republic with trade, it's not like it was a super reluctant deal.

american poser social democrats decided to post some woman's personal information online for being pro-life while aligned with them

what's so difficult about that?

But that's the one bit that wasn't secret. You can't exactly hide two countries invading another within days of each other and then by the end of the month they have a border where there used to be a completely different country.

>but Stalin did materially help the Nazis and the Weimar republic with trade
Every country was trading with the Germans until they went to war with them.

Fair enough.

>weren't made up by the (((CIA))) niggers
Ad hominem.
I'm posting only one because one source is enough to prove a point. It's up to you to disprove the source I post.
Source: Orlando Figes. A People's Tragedy: The Russian Revolution: 1891–1924

>then tell me how's that comparable to the actual genocide of 27 million people most of whom were civilians
So, the Soviet Union was good because they were not as bad as the Nazis? Typical fascist.

>I'm not trying to be all nazbol or whatever like the tripretard
I'm the opposite of a nazbol. Nazbol is probably one of the most retarded ideologies ever.

I don't know who either of those groups referenced are.

>Source: Orlando Figes. A People's Tragedy: The Russian Revolution: 1891–1924
Jokes on you, I have actually read this book. Even if we set aside the very interesting personality of Figes himself, this book is still pretty poorly written since the one of the author's thesis is the fact that Russian Revolution was driven by the people who revolted against the oppressive tsarist government but then all these events led to power even the more oppressive government, but then, acknowledging this fact, he proceeds to mostly rely on the works of the people who were pretty sympathetic towards the said oppressive tsarist government and doesn't even questions of they could possibly be to some extent biased

You are not proving him wrong here.

>pretty poorly written
Subjective. Atatcks the form of the argument and not the argument. A fallacy.

>he proceeds to mostly rely on the works of the people who were pretty sympathetic towards the said oppressive tsarist government
Ad hominem.

>Ad hominem
How so? The guy literally agrees that tsarist sympathisers were pretty anti-people but then he uses their sources to show how great they knew what was good for the people, don't you see a contradiction here?

>this thread

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Again, WHO says what is irrelevant, what matters is WHAT they say. Do the pro-tsarists make correct claims regarding number of deaths or not? If you think they don't you have to explain what about their analysis is flawed.

>The guy literally agrees that tsarist sympathisers were pretty anti-people
>then he uses their sources to show how great they knew what was good for the people
You will need to be more specific than that, and use quotations as well to prove your point, otherwise your argument is baseless. Even if you did this, that wouldn't disprove the claim that the Soviet Union genocided the Cossaks. THAT's the claim you have to disprove. Or do you admit the Soviet Union committed genocide (like any sane person would)?

Opium of the the people


>What do left-wing Christian women listen to?

Probably the sound of some serious Psych Medications.

>to give up the whole Czechoslovakia to Hitler instead

Only the sudetenland

I'm sorry to respond so late but that part of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was literally secret, they didn't sign it right before they invaded, they planned it out ahead of time. They didn't just say that they were going to invade Poland in a few months and split it, the Nazis had a surprise invasion and the Soviets then invaded on the pretense of protecting Soviet citizens. Also, while plenty of countries traded with the Nazis, not all of them traded military weapons and poison gas in violation of the Versailles Treaty, as well as letting the German army train in the U.S.S.R to get around a ban against remilitarization. Not that I can entirely not understand considering the economic situation, but they still did it.

Not really.

commies in this thread getting BTFO left and right

My bad I mischaracterized some stuff, they didn't sell poison gas but they did help remilitarize the Weimar Republic.

Not really though


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the sound of domestic disputes

>If you think they don't you have to explain what about their analysis is flawed
Lots of them count any death that occurred unnaturally in the lands occupied by the Soviets as the murder by Red Army, others just take the numbers up their asses. If you want to get a more realistic view of the real kill count look up the Soviet archives, though they are heavily biased as well they certainly have to distort the facts less than the tsarists since they need them to operate the country's development, so the truth lies somewhere in between the two.

>genocided the Cossaks
Cossaks aren't an ethnicity, it's a class that started to form in the early 17th century on the territory of the Southern Russia and Ukraine out of fluent peasants who eventually formed some sort of militocracy but then got subjugated to the Russian tsar again and operated as a battle cavalry and sometimes as militia in an exchange for keeping some autonomy. Genetically they aren't different from Russians and Ukrainians, so it wasn't a genocide but a mass class execution which is actually acceptable since it was their own choice to keep their class identity, and those who didn't were left alone and lived in the USSR as the regular citizens

You sure showed me :/

>Lots of them count any death that occurred unnaturally in the lands occupied by the Soviets as the murder by Red Army, others just take the numbers up their asses
[citation needed]

>If you want to get a more realistic view of the real kill count look up the Soviet archives
And as we all know, archives don't tell the whole story. Not all deaths are documented in state archives. That's what historians are for.

>the truth lies somewhere in between the two
That's a fallacy and you know it. Don't play stupid. The truth doesn't lie between 6 million dead jews during the holocaust and none because of holocaust denialist, the truth is 6 million because that's what analysis show, just like when it comes to the genocides committed by the Soviet Union.

Again, IF you want to prove the genocide claim is wrong, CITE what the author says is not a valid claim, adn THEN prove why this is not a valid claim. Otherwise everything you say is a baseless claim.

>Cossaks aren't an ethnicity
[citation needed]
What you said afterwards doesn't dispute the fact that they are an ethnicity (nor is it a sourced claim).
Also, ethnicity =/= genetics.

>it wasn't a genocide but a mass class execution which is actually acceptable since it was their own choice to keep their class identity
This is such bullshit. Commies (or at least tankies) really are fascists in disguise, I swear.

>I don’t like what an academic says happened so I’ll insist my own retarded tankie fan fiction is what actually went down
Fucking grow up.

>for a true number of communism’s extrajudicial murder victims, look at the communists’ official account
You people are beyond parody