
IRON DICK edition
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Melodeath sucks.

melodeath sucks, but melodic death metal can be ok sometimes

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You may not like it, but atmospheric black metal is the pinnacle of all metal creation.

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The Black Dahlia Murder is the only melodeath band that matters

post holy albums

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melodeath > meloblack

wrong as fuck

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Someone posted this a couple days ago and it seems pretty good. Don't know too many christian albums.

Favorite Megadeth album/song?

Killing is my business
Holy wars

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You may not like it, but Houdini is still the best sludge album yet made.

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>one of the members of carcass left to make actually good music [arch enemy]


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>"it doesn't focus on left-wing politics"
>"oh so it sucks i'm out of here"
>3 seconds later it says yikes on the screen

The vocals on this album remind me of In Battle There Is No Law. Anyone have any other I-don't-know-how-to-do-harsh-vocals-core?

Sup fags, Dark Ambient fan here looking to get into more music from different genres. Been listening to some Metal lately.

So far I listened to:
>Filosofem - Burzum
10/10, The perfect metal album in my eyes, oozes atmosphere and has drone, trance-like qualities I love so much in ambient
>Streetcleaner - godflesh
9/10, Amazing, Absolutely insane
>Dopethrone - Electric Wizard
7.5/10, Heavy shit
>Altar - Boris, Sunn O)))
7.5/10, Cheating because its Dark Ambient and Metal but this album is amazing, Etna in particular is a masterpiece.
>Paysage D'hiver - Self titled
6.5/10, Great despite the violins
>Houdini - Melvins
5/10, While I can admit it's good I just can't see myself revisiting more than a few songs(Going Blind, Sky Pup)
>Slow, Deep and Hard - Type O Negative
5/10, Thought the first two tracks were amazing but then halfway through Xero Tolerance there's a tone shift that is so jarring it ruins the atmosphere it built up. almost every song afterwards continues this trend

what albums should I listen to next?

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Does anyone know what that's all about? Are they the next band that's getting slandered by metalsucks or something?

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Ulver - Bergtatt
Elderwind - The Magic of Nature
Caladan Brood - Echoes of Battle
Mesarthim - Isolate

For atmospheric black metal.

Black One by Sunn O))), Jesu - Jesu, The Angelic Process - Weighing Souls With Sand, Melvins - Houdini or Lysol and Corrupted - El
mundo frio

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Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Demilich - Nespithe
Gorguts - Obscura
Eyehategod - Take As Needed For Pain
Naked City - Complete Studio Recordings

>Altar - Boris, Sunn O)))
The Sinking Belle alone is a strong 10/10

Lustre - Wonder

Lustre - And They Awoke To The Scent Of Spring

Altar Of Plagues - Teethed Glory & Injury

Axis Of Light - L’appel du vide

Mesarthim - “.- -... ... . -. -.-. .“

And pic related

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There are only a few black metal bands I like but I'd welcome some recs for me.
some Immortal
Wolves in the throne room

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Spectral Wound
Woods Of Desolation

Check this ones too

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That looks like some edgy bullshit. Is it actually good or are you fucking with me?

The infamous Jim Mutilator "sieg heil" photo from Terror Vision zine.

What the fuck is edgy about it?


I don't know why someone would complain about something looking edgy in the metal thread.

He's fucking with you user. Generic NSBM bullshit with kiddy melodies. The original LP even had a giant swastika with a dedication to "never forgotten" Reinhard Heydrich.

Name your favourite "old as shit (>20 years old)" hardcore/punk releases.
Negative approach, Minor threat, Infest, Poison idea, GBH, Misfits, Discharge, Dropdead, Raw power


This is a metal thread you antifa cuck.

Charles Bronson -Youth Attack!

Well you gotta admit that the album has a bit of a "YIKES" factor to it. I personally don't like to support nazi metal at all.

Metal gigs are fucking boring with smelly fat fucks waving their unwashed hair and the band wanking on their instruments. Punk/hc is superior in every way.
Btw fuck outta here with your retarded politics, you are just as retarded as the antifa idiots.

>nazi metal

Their bassist was part of some Nordic nazi league at some point. The Race of Cain album has a "Sieg Heil!" in the lyrics. And that swastika thing on the first album...There's plenty of proof.

I guess nazis can be depressed too that their 1000 year empire fell so quickly.

What was your last gig you attended?
>Alestorm and some bullshit bands from my country
Was miles better than I expected. It was fucking awesome to be exact.

Do you have like a picture of the swastika on the first original lp album? Because if not there is nothing nazi related on the album I posted.

It's on the '95 No Colours LP. Look it up.

I did and I'm not seeing this supposed swastika.

Why do many of you like black metal so much? There are only a handful of good bands to pick from.

>>Paysage D'hiver - Self titled
>6.5/10, Great despite the violins

You should go further into the PdH catalogue, Two of the albums are pure ambience (Einsamkeit and Die Festung - the former is the best) and the violins don't appear anywhere else if that's a concern. I recommend Das Tor and Winterkaelte.

Try Darkspace too! Album II.

some bullshit noise thing
basically just a retard banging on drums
but it was mostly to be with friends

What are those good bands?


Alestorm gig sound like shit, but if you had fun then good for you I guess

last time I've seen Gaahls Wyrd, Uada, Tribulation and Idle Hands.
Gaahls Wyrd were pretty damn good and played several Trelldom and Gorgoroth songs I like, also Gaahl is a very charismatic singer
Tribulation too were pretty good, even if I'm not into their more goth rock stuff
Uada and Idle Hands were ok, I was never crazy about any of them

Deafhaven some time ago. They were a lot better than what I expected.

>There are only a handful of good bands to pick from.

There are loads of great black metal bands and there is a lot of diversity within the genre. The only way to reach your conclusion is if A) you don't like black metal; or B) you have very limited experience with it.

>wanking on their instruments
Yeah, fyck being good at your instrument desu


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The only hc album i still go back to on a regular basis is suicidal tendencies' self titled album, its so good for being under half an hour. Also because hc and grunge girls get me diamonds specially the ones that act tough

>every album after the self titled has weird mixing
It's also a thing with DRI too, the first three albums are fast and angry but with a sense of humor about them, from Thrash Zone and beyond has this really corporate "Hello fellow thrashers" feel to it and has the same ST weird mixing that everything is slower and has reverb.

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Occult progressive-psychedelic Coven from late 60s is better.

better than what? but you're right

what the FUCK is that artwork

why do extreme metal bands still go to Malaysia? their government bans all shows from any band that has as much as a pentagram on an album sleeve, but always wait to do so when the band is actually in their country to fuck them over on travel cost

bunch of Dutch and Danish black metal bands
>flights cancelled from Denmark
>Dutch bands play later, not longer sets
>breaks are longer
>0 communication from a 100 max capacity venue
reminded me of gigging with my own band lol

some of you people probably have played in bands yourself, what's the absolute worst gig you ever played?
I'll start
>old school death metal band
>local musicians love us but practically no suitable packages come through our region
>get invited to open for some underground death metal bands from Brazil
>never heard of the venue despite living in the same town all my life
>Sunday evening gig (local crowds are notoriously absent for anything on Sunday evenings, despite being quite secular)
>the venue is literally a bunch of old temporary office space containers
>people are throwing plastic into a camp fire, of which the smoke is blown straight into the venue by the wind
>get told to 'wait until a crow arrives' to play at 6pm
>play to the Brazilian bands, the organizers and one of our friends at 8pm
>lose my voice after 3 songs because of the plastic-infused smoke
>we didn't have a bassplayer at the time, one guy in the crowd keeps asking us why and offers to join us several times during our set (unprovoked)
>friend leaves after we play, Brazilian bands only play to us
>ask them what they're getting paid
>'50% of ticket sales...'

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>playing in the middle of nowhere to no one while inhaling instant-cancer evil fumes
The true death metal experience, you should be glad your weak ass was even allowed in the venue.


Sleep discography

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Check out more TON, Bloody Kisses might be more up your alley

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New Vargrav is out.

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>not Black Sabbath self titled

horror edition

reminder that hoodie'd hardcore kids with 8-strings are not metal.

>Not talking about pic relared, the epithome of METAL

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Estoteric - The Pernicious Enigma
dISEMBOWELMENT - Transcendence Into The Peripheral

objectively, metal went to shit after 2005

how so

I never knew you liked Crimson Massacre THAT much

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can't wait

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the most based techdeath band (before Nocturnus releases their new album next month) that released their masterpiece in 2005

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This better be good, slut.

>gay finnshit

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Rust In Peace/Cryptic Writings (no bully)
Wake up Dead

no u

>mfw The Hyperborean's Epitath

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I don't understand this meme but I like it

Post Vampire Metal

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I ate too much chili sauce and now my ass is on fire quite literally
bangers for this misadventure

What kinda dumbass imaginary distinction is this?

*ruses finnish bm*

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death metal with melody isn't stylistically the same as the predominantly swedish melodic death metal scene


Same logic as
Dance Music > EDM
Metallic Hardcore > Metalcore

Alexander 'Gelal Necrosodomy" Halac, an Argentinian futbol/soccer hooligan that somehow infiltrated the white power scene in rural Virginia and started Arghoslent. It's a wholesome story.

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seconding this user. Pd'H is a must if you're a fan of dark ambient who gave filosofem a 10/10. Here's his bandcamp with 95% of his material on it. I'd also second Das Tor and Winterkälte as his best, and definitely check out Darkspace as well, all of their material is great.

chuck's suck and fuck (formerly sneed's)

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Type O Negative - October Rust
Isis - Panopticon
Burzum - Hvis lyset tar oss

So should I just take Nobody's Fault out of the tracklisting and put Reign of Terror in its place?

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Why is it that symphonic black metal doesn't suck only when the synths are just dumb and catchy bullshit?

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Urn helped with shitting, now it's much better, I gotta taake another shit just to make sure the chili is not there anymore

Go from Burzum to other black metal bands
>Immortal or Mayhem
Then go to blakened death metal
Then go to stright up death metal
>Canibal Corpse or Death
Then work your way down to thrash
>Slayer then Metallica
Then do classic heavy metal
>Judas Priest, Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath

deathened black metal is where it's at.

if you are talking about forgotten woods you are wrong and gay

Was going to post this but didn't because it's not metal

all suck.

it's on metal-archives

kys contrarian cunt

Then leave, you obviously don't like metal

whats your thoughts on gojira?

You are now baptized by pain.

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The Link is kinda cool.

the virgin genre progression vs the chad immediately listen to altars of madness

>suggests behemoth

A pretty overrated band imo. From Mars to Sirius is decent enough death-groove - as decent as gr*ove metal can be, maybe. But their albums have been on a decline since that, and I've enjoyed none of them.

Check out;
Black metal "classics" in general but especially Burzum - Hvis lyset tar oss
I Shalt Become - Wanderings
Gris - Il était une forêt...
Acid Bath's two albums
the rest of TON's discog after Origin of the Feces, they changed style after that to one you might like more, I rec World Coming Down especially

>I gotta taake another shit

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>you obviously don't like metal
>entry level ROOOOOOCKKKKK BROTHAS!!!!! bands

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>Elitist fag

A lot better than most of the entry level non-metal bands people start off with. Their albums up until From Mars to Sirius or maybe even The Way of All Flesh are pretty solid death/groove and are good enough on their own. Not a band I think I would enjoy if I found them today, though.

>Then go to blakened death metal

The two best blackened death metal records are:

1. Myrkskog - DeathMachine
2. Thunderbolt - Inhuman Ritual Massmurder

doesn't mean shit

There's nothing more pathetic than hating on classics


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goddamn, I say yeaaaahhh my brothas in arms! lets ride our Harleys into the sunset! hell yeeeeeeaaaahhh \m/ ಠﭛಠ \m/ rock on, dudes

>Feeling threatened by the presence of remotely socialised people in the board, the basement-dwelling slambro vomits out a plethora of tired caricatures, in a desperate attempt to convey his faux moral superiority

What class will you be playing, bros?

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This is a Wizard 101 board
Please leave

That ain't a class, pal

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>black metal
Undead Warlock
>death metal
Orc Warrior
>power metal
Human Paladin

what's Orc Shaman?

I don't like metal that much, in fact I think that in many cases it's plain dumb. And speaking of socializing, drinking bad beer together with a sweaty blue collar crowd while having your hearing destroyed by a mentally meager Nigel Tufnel wannabe chugging a power chord ins not quite the activity I look after.

>I don't like metal that much, in fact I think that in many cases it's plain dumb. And speaking of socializing, drinking bad beer together with a sweaty blue collar crowd while having your hearing destroyed by a mentally meager Nigel Tufnel wannabe chugging a power chord ins not quite the activity I look after.

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Doom metal

>I don't like metal that much, in fact I think that in many cases it's plain dumb. And speaking of socializing, drinking bad beer together with a sweaty blue collar crowd while having your hearing destroyed by a mentally meager Nigel Tufnel wannabe chugging a power chord ins not quite the activity I look after.

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Maybe, but that's my choice anyway.

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>I don't like metal that much, in fact I think that in many cases it's plain dumb. And speaking of socializing, drinking bad beer together with a sweaty blue collar crowd while having your hearing destroyed by a mentally meager Nigel Tufnel wannabe chugging a power chord ins not quite the activity I look after.

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>I don't like metal that much, in fact I think that in many cases it's plain dumb. And speaking of socializing, drinking bad beer together with a sweaty blue collar crowd while having your hearing destroyed by a mentally meager Nigel Tufnel wannabe chugging a power chord ins not quite the activity I look after.

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finally ended your sperging? good.

>tfw trips and quads in the same thread

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Thanks for informing us of your autism, remove yourself from the gene pool

>finally ended your sperging? good.

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>I don't like metal that much
Then why are you here?

I don't think you even belong to the gene pool.

>finally ended your sperging? good.

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>I don't like metal that much, in fact I think that in many cases it's plain dumb. And speaking of socializing, drinking bad beer together with a sweaty blue collar crowd while having your hearing destroyed by a mentally meager Nigel Tufnel wannabe chugging a power chord ins not quite the activity I look after.

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I love some metal.

Cock piercings don't count.


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What metal do you like, user?

Why would you bring up cocks?

I like metal that's close to my style, which is prog and krautrock.

user jerks off to Dream Theater confirmed


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>I like metal that's close to my style, which is prog and krautrock.

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Never understood this logic, I love Kraut and Prog too, but I still think Prog Metal does a poor job at being either Prog or Metal.

I don't like Dream Theater one bit. It seems rather superficial to me, and doesn't capture the essence of prog.

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>only listens to real prog

I didn't say that prog metal is in any way close to prog or krautrock, you did.


What are your favorite albums?

>I didn't say that prog metal is in any way close to prog or krautrock, you did.
I meant in a way that is fucking trash, and calling it either prog or metal is offensive to both genres.

>the essence of prog.
Prog is literally theatric rock with bastardized jazz and classical influences.

Indeed, I said that there's music that's close to prog and krautrock in spirit, not only in form.

This is an idiotic viewpoint, it only approaches genres as if they were dead bodies ready for dissection, not creative lived experience of different people.

Now you're just being pretentious.
But I can see where you're coming from.

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user rec us “real prog” then

>Now you're just being pretentious.
No I'm not, I think you're wrong here. Endless genre recycling and labeling is the mount Everest of pretentiousness, whereas I think there's also some spirit that's noteworthy on its own regardless of this encyclopedic bullshit.


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By the way, I'm not going to engage in bad faith arguments.

Just give us recs cuck

why are they "lord weird" again

Pretty good, would never have guessed that I'd have pure thrash in my AOTY list in 20-fucking-19 but here we are. I think it goes a little too hard on the melodic elements at times but it's still a pretty solid record.

He looks like the Amerimutt meme with long hair

Listening to it now and liking it so far


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Alright, but thats bullshit because melodeath wasn't a term made to make a distinction from melodic death metal or vice versa. It's an abbreviation, a nickname for the same genre.

Fuck, I love many of this albums.

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Most metal aoe2 track
aoe3 fight songs were great too though

They're all great albums some of them the best in metal

How much punk is allowed in metal?
youtube.com/watch?v=iWDAWu9CQJI is early grindcore too much punk?
Is Speedboozer enough metal despite it being Driller Killer + Motörhead?

That's very gay of you user. Scorn is the only acceptable album on that chart.

>absolute garbage like Torche
>great albums
Either you're baiting, or you buttchug enough soi for a lifetime on a daily basis.

>They're all great albums

Primitive Man have cool aesthetics, but the music is trash for cvltnation faggots.

I haven't listened to them for years but I really liked Scorn when it came out. Don't blame me, literally everyone around me was getting into non-trad doom back then.

>AoP, Batushka, The Sword, Elder, Mastodon, Vektor, Sun O))), Alcest, Yob, Burzum, Opeth, BTBAM, Ulver, Baroness, Mr Bungle, Alcest, Converge, NeO, Be'lakor, Enslaved, Megadeth, Obscura, Death, Cynic, Emperor

Those are the ones I like

That’s because they’re all very good albums (minus that Liturgy album ofc)

>most of the shit

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OK, well I have heard all of them but from the ones I have heard they are great. It's a stupid bait chart at the end of day, and if you don't think Rust in Peace is a masterpiece then you should just stop listening to metal

*haven't heard all of them

speedboözer used to be this general's favourite band
not sure if they still are but definitly metal enough
plus they can't stop shitting on midnight, and that's always a plus

Well then don't go making dumbass claims that they're all great. Because most of them aren't. And most, if not all of the good/bait type ones still have soi followings which somewhat justify they're inclusion.

Continued from yesterday:
What's some DEATH METAL?

>plus they can't stop shitting on midnight, and that's always a plus
The fuck you got against midnight, queer boy?

There's several 10/10 albums are that chart

uninspired black trash for edgy thots with pentagram chokers

Fuck off with this shitty soi meme, yeah maybe I'm soi so what? These so called "soiboys" have better taste in metal than the majority of the faggots on this general

*most of them are

Isis are better than your favourite band

>still giving yous to this underage fags that use the world “soi” unironically

Is In This Moment a good band?

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name them

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Isis are not better than Neurosis, Mercyful Fate, Voivod, or Megadeth

This, but everblack was their last good album

Low is Testament's best album

OK I was joking but /meal/ seems to hate them, but
Megadeth > Neurosis > Isis > Mercyful Fate > Voivod

where are my /slambros/??

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>mercyful fate that low


Just looked up Speedböozer, thanks for the rec.

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Don't worry they're still amazing, I've heard War and Pain by Voivod so I can't really rank them properly though I doubt they would be better than those other bands

you're fucking lucky to get into them only now, you won't have to wait as much as we did for the new album

*The New Order

>oh hi user! We have heard that you’re a fan of metal, that’s cool! Could you like, recommend us some good albums to make this party more interesting? Don’t be shy! We are very open minded people!

What would you say

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>I've heard War and Pain by Voivod so I can't really rank them properly though I doubt they would be better than those other bands
Go listen to Killing Technology and Dimension Hatross before you rate Voivod

not one likes metal at a party
that being said, solo ozzy

I never got into the genre but I used to like this album.

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What's the difference between Slam and Brutal?

Is Japanese metal welcome in here?


Carcass are melodic but they did cool shit.

[plays some funeral doom]

beketh nexehmu's entire discog is just atmoshit/ambient
first album is trash but rest is worth checking out

brutal death metal has some slams
slam metal is mostly or ONLY slams

melodic Carcass > grindcore Carcass

I used to love Abominable putridity, pathology and Abnormity but I got tired of the genre

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i really like this one but i guess no one will agree

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Yes! please post your favorite samurai riffs for me senpai

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Is it ok if I post goth instead?

Ghost. Thots love Ghost

going to see analepsy next month, gonna be fun

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Is it Goth metal? Sure

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the only correct answer


I don't know.

Only people with high IQ can appreciate Isis

If I was lost in a deserted island and this were alll the albums I could listen to I wouldn’t complaint desu

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that pic sexy

listen on your solar powered stereo you brought with you to this deserted island?

in reality it's mostly people without heads.

t. low iq brainlet

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wow.. this is based huh

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that's me

doom metal with blastbeats, is there such a thing?

death-doom maybe

Hmmmm not quite metal enough desu. You can do better than that, right senpai?

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thinking more like Candlemass with the occasional explosion of blastbeats

Post what you guys think is the best black metal release so for in 2019. pic related for me, a 10/10 all around and one of Drudkh best releases so far.

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Don't know, sorry

I got so many great recs from that chart

no need to be sorry, it's a bit of a weird request



hard rock with blastbeats, is there such a thing?

my cock with fast beats, is there such a thing?


Grindcore with blast beats. Am I gay?

Suck my cock sissy faggot

depends on the blast

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orc or troll most likely. warrior or priest.
Might roll alliance but probably not. If i do however it's gonna be human or dwarf.

Lmao this nerd actually responded

Abstract Void

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What's human female warrior?

Melodeath means specifically the popular Gothenburg style. I was memeing anyway.

Where do I go next with Behemoth? I've only heard The Satanist


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Listen to a good band

I've only heard two songs from the Aoratos album but I'm convinced.


*saves djent*

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start from the most recent and work your way back, the albums get better and better that way

Do you want to fight or what?


The satanist is the most accessible album from them but I’d say that Demigod and Evangelion would be your next options

when did nickelback turn into nugroove

pretty boring t b h
Probably shitty death metal that tries to get fans by their political views instead of their riffs

Don’t listen to him Behemoth is a good band

Bong-approved chart

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porno funk user

You listen to Sventevith, their only good album

So do I like it or not?

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>Japanese BVB
Honestly senpai, I expected much better from you

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different user but what do you actually want?


It's breddy gud. Short songs work best for their approach. The Bringer of War tribute is a cool touch.

Akasha for me for sure. Close second Funeral Presence.

AOTY contender

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they're the Canadian Pantera, except they're actually good

What's BVB?


milk truk just arive

>What's BVB?
justin BieVerB

You say Justin Bieber, I say Metallica!

That's my chart though


What should I listen to right now?

What the fuck man, I can't believe this is the same meme band


what is the name of this album?

dark angel


unholy grave 7" split #76

what album?

I've always felt that Black Seeds is their premium record. Love me some Nile.

Now that's more like it!

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New thread:

metal songs are not hard to manufacture

because A.N.T.I. is a masterpiece and this band's underrated

darkness descends, of course

ok it better be good

Par Le Sang Versé