What music do you listen to when you're stoned?

What music do you listen to when you're stoned?

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anything, but shoegaze and dreampop are best

The same stuff I listen to sober.

well that sucks

all music sounds better high it’s a matter of finding what you like the best

I love listening to boomer classic/psych/prog rock and imagining what it would be like to get high in the 60s and hear those records for the first time.

what sucks about listening to the music you like stoned?

>mfw listening to the new Earth single while on DPH

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inside out by Spoon is a god tier high song

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does being stoned actually change how you experience music? And how so? Never tried it, not trying to be condescending at all, just legitimately curious.

Dude I thought I was the only one who did this lmao


only in mono tho




It completely changes your understanding of how music is structured. It is intoxicating how good it sounds.

It kinda does, but not to the degree that people say it does. Weed effects your hearing and your perception of time. It makes everything sound slightly more full and reverby. Slightly more all-encompassing, if that makes sense. It makes things sound slightly more dynamic too. It feels like there's more space between the instruments. It also makes everything feel way longer than it is. A normal 4 minute song will feel like 10 minutes if you're stoned.

not as much as acid but yeah it'll seem more interesting, but not as much as the meme is stating it to be.

Beatles mane

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You remeber the default visuals from winamp or windows media player from sounds with all the colors and shit affected by sound? It is like that but instead its in your head and with a billion times more clarity.

Yes. At least for me I can separate all the instruments while listening to them as a whole. Pretty neat. Also if you ever get really fucking high it can feel like your headphones are pressing down on your head and you get a lot of cool visualizations in your head.

>It completely changes your understanding of how music is structured
do a real drug like LSD then we'll talk

There's levels to everything user.

The main reason I smoke is to listen to music. You will love your favorite album 10x more when you listen to it stoned.
I remember my first few times smoking weed the effects were a lot stronger, and I was drawn into a universe created by the music. (I was going through a Ween phase, and the reverse reverb in Mutilated Lips made me actually feel like a cold ocean wind was blowing me away.) I don't recommend taking bong rips for the first time however.
Weed essentially just amplifies your current mood, so go into it happy and with a good record prepared and you'll be set. I know you're only curious, but if you take music listening seriously you're bound to try it with weed at least once.

I like smoking weed, and I like getting extremely high, but it's honestly overrated and it has caused me a ton of anxiety that I didn't have before. I've never tried any other drug, though. I'm pretty straight-laced aside from weed.

I once ate 2 500mg edibles and a couple of dabs, still isn't comparable to acid

Never said it wasn't. But compared from only listening to music sober, weed does change your perception of music.

get CBD oil if its available to you. it won't eliminate your anxiety but it'll help so much. it feels like a warm hug

When I get high, especially in social situations, I go mute and become extremely self conscious about myself, and I worry if it's some underlying narcissism.

me and a lots of people tend to get like that. when i would smoke with friends, we would stay mute for a while. that's why i smoke alone a not before work/school

it effects everyone to different levels but whenever i smoke music literally becomes fucking transcendental. ive felt emotions while high that i have rarely ever felt while sober

ill be honest i prefer listening to music high over tripping. ive tripped a bunch of times in various different settings but something about weed just makes music orgasmic to me in a way acid hasnt. have definitely had amazing experiences on acid (the other week i listened to xtal on a sunny beach and felt the warmth of the bass radiating my entire body and had wild CEVs) but man, when i take a t break from weed and get smacked, music is insane. i cant stop grooving to it

but i think weed effects me way differently than most people, or at least how it is culturally portrayed

You know what's better then listening to music stoned?
Making music stoned

Actually this. Ever since I started smoking weed I've been pumping out songs like mad.

don't over think it, thats all you gotta do. i get blasted with dabs and have never felt shitty

No, not significantly so anyway. It holds your attention more and you can definitely be "feeling it".

Like I can sit just monging out with my eyes closed grooving to 20 minute long droning black metal songs but if was sober it would just be background noise to some other activity.

I started making music after I started smoking every day about 2 years ago, before that I just sat on the computer all day playing vg. I thought weed was meant to make you lazy :/

I fucking love prog when I'm high.

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imo Adderall is the best drug there is for making music on.

Forget about weed, forget about acid, adderall just makes me bust out tunes all day long like a machine.

My man

I'm sure it is, its just meth pretty much lol. I'm sure you could bust shit out quick but if id be any good who knows

it's the number one thing to do if you're high. it's incredibly good. weed can make the most mundane things interesting, so if you use it to enhance music it will make it downright transcendental

I'm listening to that record right now. It's crackly as fuck, but it doesn't skip at all and it was free. Its such a great album. I've been meaning to pick up a cleaner copy.

I love listening to bands like Sleep and Electric Wizard. I also like some Doom Metal.

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2112, La Villa Strangiato and Xanadu are fucking magical, both when sober and high.

all of it

>the classic:


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you know the fuckin vibes

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field recordings of sheep grazing

It's normal, knowing that doesn't often help my anxiety at the time though.

not as much as people are claiming itt but the music feels deeper and more complex. for a real mindblowing experience do lsd or mdma

>used to get high on pain pills and weed constantly
>look into music while doing so
>all my favorite kinds of music are druggie-esque shit (Sweet Trip, Kyuss, QotSA, Acid Bath, Bowery Electric, ect)
>move to new town and lose all my connections
>been stone cold sober for half a year (not by choice, just no connections)
>my music taste makes me look like I spend every waking moment high

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yo read my mind