ITT: Bands that peaked with their first and second albums

ITT: Bands that peaked with their first and second albums.

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Modest Mouse peaked at moon though

Moon is great but nowhere as close to lonesome.

Garbage, though their 10s stuff is shockingly decent.

I remember Bleed Like Me had some great songs (that I liked anyways) but I've never really heard anything else by them.

Listen to their first 2 albums, those are the ones that really matter. They're never outright bad but the 00s albums are probably the weakest of the lot.

I still consider Moon a 10 though. it was the last album before they got more poppy and its still quintessential modest mouse which is all incredible. Good News is still good just on the decline for modest mouse.

Modest mouses fall from grace is actually incredible. Compare any song from their last album or their new singles to anything from This is a long drive or Crowded west or moon and its like i'm in the fucking twighlight zone. How could Isaac fall so hard.

It's because he stopped doing all that LSD, coke and methamphetamine.

Deathstars. Synthetic Generation and Termination Bliss were peak gothic metal and everything since has been trash.

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Moon is lyrically and musically superior to Lonesome

God, Johnny looks so out of place there.

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linkin park lmao

Almost every classic Death Metal band.

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Because he is. Faggot ruined MM

their new shit is seriously some of the worst rock music I've ever heard it's a real shame because their first two albums are up there for best of all times

why does matt sharp look huge in that pic

Come on man it's not THAT bad

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Like 95% of bands

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Memes aside, CHVRCHES

I agree, Sad Sappy Sucker is underrated

>not liking In Utero

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But the Suburbs and Reflektor are both better than Funeral and Neon Bible

Based, altough Every Open Eye was a 8/10 at best.

well he was basically the lifeblood of weezer
turned to shite after he dipped

3rd planet is unironically the only good song on that album. Everything else is straight up mediocre or bad.

thinking of modest mouse makes me so sad. Their newest stuff is just SO bad while their first albums/EPs are some of my favourites

in utero is better than bleach, but I would agree that nevermind is their best

Honestly I like most of their albums, but "Future Present Past" and most of "Angles" make me want to shoot myself

they were unironically way fucking better on meth. the first album has this impeccable manic psychotic drive to it. it's evil shit but give it to a determined gang of musicians and things go into maximum overdrive

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>tfw the lead singer got fat (again)

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Foile a Deux was close to being some of their best work despite America's Suitehearts being shit though