what are some of your favorite band or artist debut albums?
What are some of your favorite band or artist debut albums?
Cringe. Glad he's dead.
Shut up, scumfuck.
just out of curiosity, how old are you?
I turned 19 a few months ago. Why?
Ok. I can understand why you'd think he's edgy then. I'm older and also from NH/know a lot of teh same people he/Merle, etc. were friends with and played in bands with. GG was legitimately fucked up. Yes, many, many live acts are "edgy" but GG actually had several mental disabilities which caused his crazy behavior.
>Blondie - Blondie
>Ramones - Ramones
>Talking Heads - 77
>Dead Kennedys - Fresh Fruit
>Cheap Trick - Cheap Trick
>McCartney - McCartney
>Beastie Boys - Licenced To Ill
>Queen - Queen
>The Police - Outlandous
>Duran Duran - Duran Duran
>Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
>The Cars - The Cars
>The Knack - Get The Knack
>REM - Murmur
>Dinosaur Jr - Dinosaur
>Pavement - Slanted & Enchanted
>The Smashing Pumpkins - Gish
>Shoes - Black Vinyl Shoes
>Weezer - blue album
>Harvey Danger - Where Have All The Merrymakers Gone?
>Fountains of Wayne - Fountains of Wayne
>The Sounds - Living In America
>Pixies - Surfer Rosa
>Breeders - POD
>Shellac - At Action Park
>UFO - UFO 1
>Big Star - #1 Record
>The Velvet Underground - TVU&N
You should actually listen to the debut. It’s before his voice deteriorated and he started doing all the crazy shit on stage. It’s pretty legitimate punk rock. Also, cringe
you listen to absolutely horrible music except for Ramones and Sabbath. Sadly though, Sabbath's debut is arguably the worst & most boring of their extremely vast & vibrant catalogue.
>I've never listened to 90% of these albums so theyre bad
Really hope this is a troll post
It's only the worst of their first 6 albums.
Funny how normal he looks here until he really went crazy with it
Back to tumblr
Björk - Debut
Pearl Jam - Ten
Weezer - The Blue Album
Daft Punk - Homework
honestly the debut album of any artist I like I mean if they start out good generally they're gonna stay good
very familiar with every one of these albums. 95% of them fucking suck.
while Master of Reality is good, 4 is better. Sabotage is awesome and could have been a double album with Sabbath Bloody Sabbath. Technical Ecstasy is criminal underrated and, ok, I take back my original statement. The debut is better than Never Say Die.
Dio Sabbath, including Heaven & Hell album are all awesome, even Dehumanizer.
Tony Martin Sabbath is fucking awesome and only underrated because Iommi himself keeps it stifled.
>including Heaven & Hell album
I'm sorry. By this, I meant The Devil You Know.
One of the best debut albums of all time
>very familiar with every one of these albums
No you're not you fucking idiot. You've not once ever listened to Shoes. Or like I said before, 90% of them. It's really easy to see through someone who would be so daft as to only say they like two of the most popular albums on the list and not even mention any of the others in passing. Are you 12?
cringe and delusional
you're basically just a child so you get a pass this time
No, I'm 36. Get this: I'm familiar with most of the albums because I've listened to them. And I concluded that they fucking sucked. Bland & watery shit that was considered "alternative" around the time of their releases. To me, they're shit.
shut up autist
lol. I cannot even imagine how quickly both of you fags would blow your loads sucking each others dicks irl if you met.
Ok bud, whatever you say. I still think you've never listened to 90% of the albums I listed, and that you're 100% full of shit.
Good argument.
hahaha fair enough.
Give Sabbath Volume 4 a listen and I bet you'll enjoy more than the debut. Or, fuck... based on the albums you listed, you'd probably like Sabotage or Sabbath Bloody Sabbath more.
What? Did you think I liked their debut more than any of their other albums?? Did you notice that the point of this thread is to mention good debut albums?????? I've been listening to Sabbath for 20 years!!! I've even seen them live (with Dio).
>Debut albums thread
oh shit, whoops, didn't see the debut albums part lol. Most of the bands in that list suck in general, though, imo.
You havent listened to most of the bands on that list. Not even imo, fact. Please go back and be retarded on reddit now.
hahaha I have. Believe me. I had to very painfully live through most of that era. I'm 36 and despised what music became during the birth of "alternative." As a metal head, it was disgusting to see how weak rock music became in the mainstream.
If you're only 36, you werent even alive for a lot of those albums. As a "metal head", you would not have listened to most of those other bands because metalheads are among the most closed-minded music fans on the planet. You are painfully dumb and not convincing in the least bit. You even conceded to the fact that you're retarded in this post right here
Stop being a transparent faggot now.
Ok fine, I'll level with you here. I'll review each, shortly. Reminder that my opinion is indeed the be all & end all, correct and authority on the matter, too so if you disagree, that's unfortunate.
>Blondie - Blondie
>Ramones - Ramones
>Talking Heads - 77
>Dead Kennedys - Fresh Fruit
so fucking gay and overrated
>Cheap Trick - Cheap Trick
pretty good
>McCartney - McCartney
haven't listened. probably sucks.
>Beastie Boys - Licenced To Ill
not bad
>Queen - Queen
respect but not my thing.
>The Police - Outlandous
i like Sting's solo stuff more although Police aren't bad.
>Duran Duran - Duran Duran
guilty pleasure, some of their radio jams
>Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
the best on this list
>The Cars - The Cars
so boring. nobody genuinely likes the cars; they just pretend to because they think it makes them seem intellectual. In truth, the Cars are painfully pop but by claiming you like them, you think the other person immediately says to themselves, "oh shit. they must be able to hear something special in the Cars that I can't. Fuck. They must be better at listening to music than I am..." when the truth is, the other person is actually just a fucking dork lol.
>The Knack - Get The Knack
suck. Cmon. You're kidding me. You're trying to pull the same shit as the con with the Cars.
>REM - Murmur
Out of Time much better album.
>Dinosaur Jr - Dinosaur
>Pavement - Slanted & Enchanted
gay and boring
>The Smashing Pumpkins - Gish
Corgan is the man but his band sucks
>Shoes - Black Vinyl Shoes
>Weezer - blue album
>Harvey Danger - Where Have All The Merrymakers Gone?
see The Cars and Knack. You're just trying to fool people.
>Fountains of Wayne - Fountains of Wayne
So boring.
>The Sounds - Living In America
overrated garbage
rest of albums on list not even worth reviewing. They are so bad. So boring, try-hard and gay.
user, listen, I just don't know why you insist on defending such obviously shitty music. You don't ACTUALLY enjoy that crap. What's clear is that you're only pretending to like it to come off as intellectually superior to other people. Why?
Holy shit dude. Still not even vaguely convincing. In fact, you're reinforcing my argument that you're completely mentally challenged.
Based, lol
It's even funnier too because nearly every album on my list is completely accessible. Not even in the realm of obscure or challenging.
>Still not even vaguely convincing
haha, how else do you need me to explain why something is shit? It's honestly not that hard.
dude come onnnnn, that's seriously it? Just "cringe?" You've gotten satisfaction out of responding to me with just "cringe?" Wtf man, I can't even get berated properly around Yea Forums these days haha. At least call me a faggot or I mean, SOMETHING. If not a non-politically correct insult, just try and snap out of your xanax/benzo state for a brief moment and be mad and not baseline for a second, yeesh, haha.
(pic related is unfortunately not you)
You're a sad 36 year old and you're also horrendously overweight and a virgin.
AHAHAHA. Only thing true about your response is my age but A for effort.
Alright, well, good shit talking argument we've had.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Ok fat 36 y/o greasy "metalhead" virgin who's nevet listened to any of those albums except Ramones and Sabbath. You've totally outsmarted me.
well, there's nothing i can do to actually & seriously convince you online that i've indeed listened to a bulk of most of the albums and concluded I didn't like them and wouldn't spend anymore time trying to find parts of them that, to me, are good but I'm SURE you're aware of the fact that some people just genuinely do not like some albums that are heralded as "classics" by famous music reviewers, no? Like, so they're easily accessible and digestible; so what? That's subjective anyway but still.
Steve Albini makes boring, crappy music.
>tldr; I'm a lying sack of shit turbopleb
Thanks, already knew that.
> I'm a lying sack of shit
made me lol irl as not as many people use that expression these days, it seems. Pretty good. Gonna try to call someone that tomorrow haha.