itt: your favourite album and the best and worst thing you’ve done
Itt: your favourite album and the best and worst thing you’ve done
I saved my friend's life once.
I choked my mother almost to death. Once.
Got addicted to femdom porn, eventually ended up watching scat a few times
Quit porn, learned to play guitar, turned my life around
Kind of mundane but I still feel really bad about the scat stuff
>worst thing did:
told my brother to call my mom a bitch when I was a kid
>best thing I've done:
Ava Taylor
Pet Sounds and i mouth raped my high school gf, i am so sorry
Donated hundreds of dollar to different causes.
Really bad kleptomaniac streak, stole from my family. Almost broke into my neighbor's house with a hammer. Used to frequently jack to femdom sissy JOI shit.
I don’t think watching some weird porn is on the same level as breaking into someone’s house with a hammer
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>favorite album:
Tourist History - Two Door Cinema Club
>best thing I've ever done:
I got my crush to fall asleep in my arms
>worst thing I did:
let my neighbor touch me as a 12 year old
and what about the worst thing?
>Swans - White Light From the Mouth of Infinity
>one time in the third grade I threw up in the bathroom and didn't clean the little bit of vomit that ended up on the toilet seat
You guys are morally fucked.
Don't hold yourself accountable for that user, if he was older than you he should have known better than to be a total sicko.
he was my age, I just had no resistance to peer pressure
Still, the adults in his life should have set him straight about that shit- I see no reason to blame yourself.
some friends and i stood up for an autistic kid being verbally abused at a public park
i accidentally came into my eyeball in the morning before school 2 weeks ago and it became very red and incredibly epiphoric, i told my mom i got shampoo in it. it remained leaky and red for the first two periods of school
A few years ago I decided to try to stop depressed about a certain thing and I got heavily into music and playing guitar.
In high school I threatened to kill this kid because he was dating the girl I liked.
Helped someone crack open a watermelon by banging my head on it
Took a shit in the sink at a pizza place
Thanks bro, it sits heavy on me a lot, I know it shouldn't though
learning a new language (having a hard time thinking of a good one that isn't a given. I'm a terrible human being.)
take creep videos of people I know without them knowing and wack off to them
if this isn't bait it isn't your fault man. he was the fucking pedo and you were just a kid
The best thing you've done is learn a skill to serve yourself and the worst thing you've done is repeatedly sexually violate people.
Kys faggot
Dude ur life sounds wild
Talked my best friend out of suicide
Two things actually one was accidentally sleeping with a 16 year old (she told me she was of age but still) when i was 19 and the second was not standing up for a sperg friend of mine when he really needed it and instead joined in on shit-talking about him
best: beta Phineas and ferb the game in one sitting
worst: one time I went into the washroom at my school in 2nd grade and since the toilet flush was too loud and I was afraid I would shit myself I ran across the hallway with my dich showing only one person looked at me but didnt see my dick
you guys are morally fucked
amazing album