Ok Computer vs Kid A
Ok Computer vs Kid A
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Paranoid Android, Let Down and No Surprises is better than any song on Kid A, but Kid A is better.
OKC but only because you included the first half of Kid Amnesiac.
Ok Computer is boring hospital waiting for an appointment musak trash
Kid A is interesting at least
Meh, Ok computer
OK Computer has much better tracks, but Kid A is better conceptually and is a more fluent experience.
In Rainbows
this, i can listen to most of OK's tracks on their own but when i want to listen to one track from Kid A, i always end up listening to the ful album
>During the tour, filmmaker Baz Luhrmann commissioned Radiohead to write a song for his upcoming film Romeo + Juliet and gave them the final 30 minutes of the film. Yorke said: "When we saw the scene in which Claire Danes holds the Colt .45 against her head, we started working on the song immediately."[27] Soon afterwards, the band wrote and recorded "Exit Music (For a Film)"; the track plays over the film's end credits but was excluded from the soundtrack album at the band's request.
holy fuck it was for an actual film
both of these albums are so basic but theyre also great. kid a is 4.5 ok comp is 4
This is so incredibly based
I guess OKC is good, but am not a big fan of Kid A given it's inconsistent quality. Neither deserve to be in the top 10 greatest albums of all time on rym.
Based. In Rainbows is the only Radiohead album I can say I genuinely really like.
Really? Wow. Okay.
Electioneering is one of my favorite songs on Ok Computer. It's a little underrated imo.
It sounds like it came straight off The Bends. That's why the normies hate it.
I thought normies loved The Bends?
Typically Radiohead normies distance themselves from Radiohead's 90s Grunge/Britpop music because it is generally frowned upon, although they still like OKC because it is truly what broke Radiohead into legend status. Normies love In Rainbows 9 times out of 10.
Both shit
Ok Kid ndeah
Kid A is better because it's the only one I've listened to.
I enjoy OK Computer more due to pure nostalgia.
Kid A is better though.
Plebs. In Rainbows is one of their worst.
Kid A, but both are probably tied for their best. OKC suffers because some songs just don't have the depth necessary to back their scope, and on repeat listens they tend to grate a bit (Paranoid Android, Exit Music, obviously Fitter Happier). Kid A is basically perfect song to song but suffers from slight tonal inconsistency. For example Optimistic does not follow Treefingers well at all, and Kid A is too abstract of a track following the single most abstract track in Radiohead's discography.
That said, at the end of the day, for me, it's Hail to the Thief.
theres only like, 4 good songs on httt
Name them
TKOL is better than HTTT.
AMSP is clearly their best.
Both albums are underrated and amazing, but HTTT is still better.
>tfw I love the Bends, OKC, Kid A, Amnesiac, Hail to the Thief, and In Rainbows almost equally
What does that make me?
Sail to the moon (best)
Wolf at the door
I will
sail to the moon is top 10 radiohead desu
In Rainbows
fucking cringe
A normie for actually liking In Rainbows.
>no 2+2=5
>no There There
>no Scatterbrain
So you're leaving out
>Go to Sleep
>Where I End and You Begin
>There There
>Scatterbrain (which is just better Sail to the Moon btw)
I mean I love every track on HTTT, but those ones seem like the most glaring omissions.
Seriously, Where I End is my second favorite Radiohead song period.
absolutely based
HttT has so many overlooked songs. I especially love Backdrifts (one of Thom's best melodies), Go To Sleep and A Punchup at a Wedding.
This. There, there is Radiohead top 10.
A pleb if you rank TKOL below them, a patrician if you rank it above them.
Okay cool.
those other tracks never seem to catch my interest
i dont know, maybe im due for a relisten soon. they just never seemed to be very appealing
Well that's why I posted Where I End. Give it a listen. Also since you omitted There There you should probably try that one again as well. Even people who hate this album love There There.
Every time I hear someone criticize HTTT it's because they don't remember half the songs, ten as soon as they go back to it they realize it's actually ridiculously good. You can't passively listen to it like their other records, and I think that's why it misses the mark for so many people.
Kid A is far better imho :)
I'm a fan of just about everything Radiohead related, but yeah, I rank TKOL slightly lower. I feel like it could have been a bit longer, it's over before you know it. I feel the same about Kid A.
Kid A IMO. OKC has amazing writing and composition but pales in comparison to the creativity of Kid A.
i cant stand the guitar in there there, and overall it doesnt really sound much like a radiohead song, which feels a bit strange.
where i end isnt that bad upon relisten
Ok computer = more consistent songs
Kid A = more consistent experience
I think if you were to have everyone collectively vote on which Radiohead song is the best, There There would be the one most likely to rank as #1.
I'm not saying you're not allowed to dislike it, I'm just saying literally no one will understand that criticism. I certainly don't. The guitar on There There is beautiful, fuzzy and open which allows the tribal drumming to overtake and paint a gorgeous melancholic picture.
>ok reddit
>reddit a
fuck reddithead
Good opinion.
Except that Idioteque -> Morning Bell -> Motion Picture Soundtrack is one of the greatest streaks in the history of albums
Let Down -> Karma Police -> Fitter Happier -> Electioneering is up there too though.
>fitter happier
good point
shut up pleb Fitter Happier is fucking amazing.
Yes I love throwaway piano underneath spooky effects and a poem so bad it had no possibility of ever being put to real music.
if you unironically think that's what it is i feel sorry for you lmao
no you don't, you'd rather call me a pleb for not liking what you like
Yeah, I'm thinking OKC narrowly wins
Kid A better album, Ok Computer more nostalgia
this is the most plebbit reply I've ever seen in this shit of board.
aint got shit on lemon boy
ok kid
a computer
both suck ass
ok computer is better but i say kid a is better to sound cool