why does the mere mention of this album, and feminine strength in music in general, cause incels on mu to lose their minds?
Why does the mere mention of this album, and feminine strength in music in general...
It’s more about the spamming, retard
bc the largely male population here hates and fears what it can't control
Shut up and don't munch on bait, you raging retard.
stop spamming this shit thread
reported, fucking faggot cunt shill
I've never heard of this besides the spam threads, but by the amount of meaningless buzzwords in that brief description I can assume it's a shit album
imagine the smell
Shave, you disgusting slob
Nice reddit face faggot. Space spamming this shit. Nobody cares.
mmm delectable, lickable pits
>hurr I better meme, that will deflect
jesus fucking christ can you imagine the odor coming off this woman!!
No you fucking morons it's the constant spamming of this album with a disgusting slob on the cover and you fucks act like it's not a degenerate fetish for liking it.
Go back to your fucking people and make a general thread there.
Calm down, Ronald Reagan
I won't calm down because you fucks are too stupid to realize that they can mske general theads to their fetishes, instead we have to deal with looking at that ugly mug of a cover everytime I go to this goddammn board. This album cover is fucking gross and unhealthy for a women to do. So any fucks willing to fucking (you) me go to a board and make a thread about you.
The person who keeps making these threads is obviously underage since he likes shoving his fetish were it doesn't belong but using an album so mods won't ban it
>unhealthy for a women to do
oh i see. you're concerned about women's health. gotcha
she is so hot
>unhealthy for a women to do
Shaving damages skin and increases infection risk.
gonna throw up now
This chick is hot but it's because she is conventionally attractive. You put some pit hair on a fat girl and it's still just a gross fat girl made grosser by hairy pits.
Lol this is objectively wrong dude it's technically the opposite.
But you know this isn't a real album and it's only spammed to trigger sexist guys like you right? Right?
women can't make good music, let alone make music
i wanna marry her
Whiteknight detected
>arrgghhhh, it takes a MAN to make a son Wooofff!!!
ok faggot