How do you discover new music?

help me pls

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lurk this board

I've been doing that for a few months now, found some pretty good stuff here, but somedays I don't find anything that interests me. Would you mind describing the way you lurk the board?

Ball Park Music from Brisbane, Australia

Attached: bpm-puddings.jpg (500x500, 26K)

What kind of gusic do you like, give us some ideas for recs

Check the fucking wiki.

I'm not looking for recs, I want to know about your methods of finding new music
I know about all that already user, I want to know what you guys do when you visit those websites? Do you browse the charts? Do you search by genre?

Just the same way as anyone else does. Try playing one of those random roll threads and listen to something outside of your comfort zone

I don't listen to new music

>your methods of finding new music
ask for recs, talk about what you like and then try some stuff you've not heard that might be similar

I look on the genre list on rym for every year for every genre I like and if something looks interesting I check it out on youtube and if I like it I download it.

Finding new music that grips you is a tough mistress sometimes. My approach is if lots of people like it, and it isn’t intolerable, but I don’t feel it, let me see if I can understand it and maybe find a part of my personality that likes it and cultivate that shit a little

unironically spotify

>listen to 100 albums
>end up only liking less than 5 of them

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This, even in genres I like I play random ones and they are just shit. There is so much music and so much crap

spotify is pretty good can connect to the PS4 or chromecast, easy to navigate, easy to make playlists

Here are my tips
>use rym for lists and charts
>use allmusic’s similar albums and related artist features
>wikipedia is actually a great resource for finding good music by reading about genres and bands
>spotify’s discover quickly tool is pretty good for introducing you to the basics of genres that are new to you
>if a release you like was on a smaller indie label, explore the label
>look at what else the artist or band members have put out
>various artist compilations themed around genres or labels are great
>don’t be scared of greatest hits albums. for some bands and artists it’s the preferred method of listening and for most others they’re a great introduction
>use some of the charts on the wiki for a starting place
hope this helps

random tape labels on bandcamp

Youtube automixes.

the local library

Mom's vinyl collection

start here, scaruffi's website and chart threads

algorithms are the way of the future bro

spotify, youtube, lastfm, itunes whatever, as long as it has information on what you like, the algorithms will give you new gucci shit

yes goy just tell corporations exactly what you want. i personally can't wait to upload my brainwaves to the cloud for a perfectly customizable experience for me :)

sounds good sign me in