What happened to him?

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he became based and redpilled for the (You)s

He glo'd up

he's redpilled hes one of /us/ now

He never changed. Judging from what I've heard, he's always been the narcissistic man we know today. The industry only turned on him because he publicly admitted to voting for Trump, instead of keeping it quiet like the rest of them.

People have gone against him since he started rapping because he's living 10 years ahead of everyone else, the Trump stuff was business as usual

Dude is fundamentally the same but with different friends and more resources.

Son of an academic, so had early exposure to the arts with an excellent support system encouraging him to pursue his interests. Became a weird art kid with painfully academic interests (like post-structuralist essays and shit) that hated school because he had issues expressing himself.

He always felt like an underdog or an outsider due to his awkward ass introvert tendencies, which is even harder when you're black. Niggas hate black nerds. Should have collapsed early in his career but Donda built his self esteem way up.

Connected with conscious rappers. Connected with racial politics. Mirrored his self image of an oppressed genius. Spent two albums convincing the rap industry that he could be conscious and pop friendly at the same damn time. Killed it. Graduation Era begins.

Rich af. Popular af. Getting good pussy for the first time (his fiance in the early days was kinda stank). Goes balls deep on pop as a victory lap, slaps some french electronic shit in there, some other nigga-tier opulent sounds like Flashing Lights. Advances nothing, had no need to do so.

At this point the mangaka behind the Kanye shonen manga realized that Yeezy needed tragedy to strike before the time skip to build motivation.

Kanye buys his mom some quality of life plastic surgery because she's his favorite person in the whole world and she fucking dies. 808s happens. Kanye torpedoes his signature sound because he couldn't properly express his sorrow with nigga beats and accidentally invents Drake and sadboi rap. I genuinely believe that Kanye had no idea what he was doing to the genre, was locked in his own head, leaned into his interest in Quiet Storm and New Wave, and made a new sound out of necessity.

These are all a fairly accurate summary that I feel can be supported with evidence. Next is half conjecture and half backed up statements.

Everyone fucking hated him for the VMA Taylor Swift shit. First black president called him a jackass. 808s caught shit from hip hop purists. MBDTF was a straight up cry for help. He makes MBDTF to capitalize off of how fucked up in the head he was while giving people exactly what they wanted.

He legit knew the formula for a pop rap album that everyone would want at that exact moment, cranked it out, but built the album narrative to be about how he is a broken person and nobody fucking cares. Even anything, people prefer him broken. Album got rave reviews but sold kinda shittily.

I think at this point Kanye "gave up" on music. Not that he stopped putting in effort or wanted to quit or anything. I think he just finally realized that he could essentially live of the interest generated by his raw celebrity forever, so why even fucking bother doing what other people day.

Kanye goes hard into fashion now. Industry tells him to fuck off. Kanye is genuine in his efforts and is frustrated by the fact that he is not rewarded for this when he is the perfect vehicle for fashion, now that hip hop is so essential to the cultural zeitgeist.

Kanye makes Yeezus. Leans entirely into industrial, art pop, noise. People say that Yeezus is normie Death Grips, but if anything it's runway music by way of nigga beats.

This is really the end of any development for Kanye the person imo. He now knows he can break into any field he wants. He has almost two decades worth of raw celebrity at this point and has a respectabld baseline talent at just about everything that he knows he can improve with enough resources, connections, and mentorships.

The Yeezus era saw him moving harder into the artworld and hypebeast shit, seen obviously in TLOP and ye era music / merch. All his friends and family now are Silicon Valley types or A List celebrities. Or Trump.

Kanye knows that his position is untouchable for the rest of time. He can explore any interest without consequence

He fell for the Trump meme

He exposed his power level, now he's

fucking based kanye

Suicide when?

>Kanye torpedoes his signature sound because he couldn't properly express his sorrow with nigga beats and accidentally invents Drake and sadboi rap.
Perfect summation of Drake's career

God fucking dammit Kanye is so based

he grew out of his furry phase

He became so good production wise and concept wise among the rap and pop community that every mainstream pop and rap artists wants to take a bite at him.

hi kanye

Kanye ubermench, release yandhi.

hopefully alive and well

yeezus sucks

Dude's a fucking retard, most of his music is heavily sampled with copied melodies. The fact that he's famous for anything is a joke. Goes for his wife too.



The truth hurts


he's performing in 10 minutes I think


still hurts huh?