3x3/4x4/5x5 collage

Share your taste! Post last week, month, year, whatever. Guess each other's weight and height, give recs and have fun.
Happy easter sunday edition! plz recc me music to focus

Attached: collage.php.jpg (1000x1000, 343K)

Other urls found in this thread:


other one is about to 404 but oh well

nothing here catches my eyes :(


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That's a bigass collage. What's the frame of time?
Also, there's some pretty cool stuff there.

7 days, but the shit past the sunn albums is only one song per cover

woah the elusive 10x10
5' 0" 100lbs
6' 7" 120lbs

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Ascend - ample fire within
Bong - stoner rock
Up-tight - five psychedelic peices

Attached: collage (1).jpg (1250x1250, 622K)

1 month

>he didn't donate 5 bucks to our buddy WW
you asked about stan getz
he's pretty mellow and I'm not a huge fan but I guess he can adapt and he's collabs can end up pretty well
almendra is overrated I think
oh no
oh god the argentineans are at my door what do I do

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>6' 7" 120lbs

poorfags, amirite?

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>5' 0" 100lbs
>tfw not a female

5' 11" 233 lb fat cunt here


>5 bucks
fuck that i got better things to spend my money on than a USELESS 10x10 collage
dont tell wait what i said that hes a nice guy
yea... like slenderman

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nah dont

Do you have titties?

yea... like slenderman

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Diana's face is kind of disturbing.

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>The Phosphorescent Blue
Hey I love that painting.



>almendra is overrated
The band or the album?

yea... like slenderman

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recs please
if you like aphex twin try sweet trip - velocity, design comfort

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You may like capn jazz. Also thanks for the Aphex rec

i rec you kys

ooh emo, finally i get to listen to american football - the somewhat on the same level sequel

Sometimes I think that I'm an entry level pleb but then people like you go and post this shit.

But its ok user. Just try harder. With enough time and work you will develop a taste in music that is obscure enough to not anger people on this website.

shut up

Do you have a personality?

he does its just terrible

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based fren

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wtf that's me

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dr octogon is based
love blue flowers and 3000

damn son, big ass collage, my guy
these records look dope
Giraffes? Giraffes! - More Skin With Milk-Mouth

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are u havin a fookin go m8? oasis is biblical innit

my favorite pinoy
what's with the zoomer (c)rap music hahah

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hey bby
which of the tdr sexy boys is this
>what's with the zoomer (c)rap music hahah
they fun pls no judge

Last week baybeeeee


+Beach Boys, Iceage, Boogie Nights Soundtrack, Joji, Avalanches, Young Thug, Erik Satie
- Playboi Carti, A$AP Rocky

+Radiohead (x2), Sufjan, Have A Nice Life
- Daughters

+American Football, MF Doom (x2), Kanye, Tyler, Smashing Pumpkins, Weezer
- Death Grips, Pink Floyd
Fugees - The Score

+Xmal Deutschland, Clan of Xymox
++++++ Ministry (seriously fuck what Al says, that album slaps)
- Taylor Swift

+Sarcofago, Minor Threat, Carcass (x2), Death, Posessed, Weezer, Mastodon, Morbid Angel, Darkthrone,Suffocation, Napalm Death, Aphex Twin
- Slayer
Honestly if I'd known you in high school, I feel like we'd have been bros just going off this chart.

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need more sad dream pop

Attached: 21-04-2019.jpg (1250x1250, 630K)

fear of smell is incredible punk comp one of my favorites ever
huh is kinda cool
big brother abd the holding company is janis joplin band pretty alright

the rest are meh 90s alt rock comps can't recommend

oh hi mark

okay this is epic cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/565467118393622529/569500432364339232/chart.png

++Souvlaki, Stratosphere. Man stratosphere brings me back.

mystifier-the world is so good that who made it doesn´t live here
blonde redhead-misery is a butterfly

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>Radiohead, Paramore and the Amelie sound track mixed with all those obscure records
Fucking based

Genesis p orridge & white stains - at stockholm
Melting euphoria - inside the gardens of the mind
16 - drop out
Noothgrush - erode the person
deine lakaien - kasmodiah
English heretic - radar angelology: a drone for joe kennedy
Shahmen - all in the circle
Melting euphoria - inside the gardens of the mind
The gault - even as all before us
Eagle twin - the unkindness of crows
deine lakaien - kasmodiah
The soft moon - criminal
Sutcliffe jugend - offal

>obscure records


Love, Claire

Charles Ives


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Teeth of the sea - your mercury
The souljazz orchestra - rising sun
Thanks ill check this out

7 days
The Verve Pipe - The Freshmen

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Shackleton - music for the quiet hour
O'death - outside
Kiss the anus of a black cat - hewers of wood and drawers of water

long thread boiis