How does this get a 10/10 when some of the songs don't even have music in them???

How does this get a 10/10 when some of the songs don't even have music in them???

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Acapella singing is still singing.

Acapella singing isn't music.
I listen to albums for music.
Also maybe I'd let it pass if he tried to sing well.

>not music

He's just that damn good. He is light years ahead in music

The songs didn't have music in them.
So it's not music.

define "music"

>Acapella singing isn't music.
Objectively wrong.
You know this too, you just want a disingenuous excuse to shit on TMR.

Why did I bother replying to this actual retard?
Why am I still doing it?

>get a 10/10
From who? I honestly agree, but I'm curious who's rating you're talking about.


Wrong faggot.

Maybe you could try and reply with an actual compleling argument instead of whining spazmoid.

not an argument

Define instrument

I think it's a 10 and my opinion means a lot in my circles

Is choral music not music either?
If it is, how many voices are required for a piece to become music?

>Acapella singing isn't music

The acapella parts genuinely sound like shit, anybody can put zero effort singing out of tune.

>retard posts retarded falsehood
>immediately btfo
>doubles down
the absolute state of this board

the voice is an instrument, is it not?

Talking is just microtonal free jazz.

>being this easily b8d into (You)'s

Hes parodying blues. It's a goof. Relax dude.

The whole album is supposed to sound "like shit", so it works the purpose of variety and pacing.

A lot of it is just interludes of shit like people just talking. But there are a bunch of other issues with the album in general in that most of it sounds the fucking same because it's the same trick being employed with very similar riffs that are always in the same three keys.

You can go listen to a Rihanna album or something and find more harmonic variety.

>merely pretending

>le ebin pretending to be retarded

It's a deconstruction of the blues rock genre

Attached: 705.jpg (1440x810, 141K)

here's a deconstruction of a baloney sandwich

Attached: layered-bologna-cake-with-mayonnaise-and-mustard-icing.png (640x628, 697K)

It’s more musical than rap.

Vocals are an instrument ya dingus

wheres the bread

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because of edgelords who want to feel special.
It's NOT "supposed" to sound like shit - he was mental. Read Zappa's account of recording the thing (CB refused to wear earphones so he couldn't fucking hear the tracks, for start)