This is one of the top reviewers on rym, yet people here still take it seriously

this is one of the top reviewers on rym, yet people here still take it seriously

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Other urls found in this thread:

No fucking way, seriously?

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is that the fat kid from Hot Tub Time Machine?

Fuck why are people just so goddamn weird? Why can't they just be normal? Why do they do this shit?

who is it

I love traps but this is fucking disgusting

>all these newfags who don't know that RYM is tranny central

Attached: decibelle.jpg (400x533, 52K)

The absolute state of RYM

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>I love traps

Attached: donaldo.jpg (200x200, 9K)

the tranny ratio must be at least 50% there now, probably higher

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I just use it to log what I listen to

Kek don't pretend like you don't

is ~bratty the only rym cis girl?

I don't

this the kind of retards that come here and call people niggers for no reason

transgenderism is like a disease that only affects lonely shut-in incels

hahahahah how ironic.

yourmomchoselife is a real woman and she's the most hated user on the site. coincidence? i think not.

literally autistic and looks like a tranny her cisness is in crisis I'd be worried if I were her father

Post modernism made everything just as valid as everything else

are you seriously gonna post this but not tell us who it is

what is the appeal of bdsm its disgusting

head like a fuckin orange

mental illness

>board uses a catalog website and ignores the community aspects
>newfaggots come in
>look at the bad community aspects
>"if you use this website you're cancer true board users only use notepad!"
>newfag is spotted

it was a pork CHOP that she said on

why is it always felix?

nah she cute and she seems fairly neurotypical

Today I will teach them my ways of pure transgender love.. through hyper sexulization!

beta name that slightly increases chance of getting bullied

What the fuck, I went on it' page and it's full of trap porn

what did you expect

Not that, traps like that are disgusting and need to be eradicated

somebody is paying for $20 for his private vids right now

That doesn't mean what you think it means.

she's literally diagnosed


Yes it does, you are just a pretentious faggot freshman in college who took one art history course


shrinks are just big pharma shills. anyone who isn't a turbo normie is diagnosed as autistic nowadays

Imagine being even passingly familiar with RYM reviewers

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i hate this bitch

Who wants to bet this person is happier than the average Yea Forumstant

Probably someone bad with money. Trannies are depressed wrecks

i kinda doubt that + happiness isn't measurable

I'm a lot happier taking an assortment of drugs and watching all the movies I still haven't caught up on from the past couple of decades.

the sadism/pain aspect of BDSM is kinda interesting desu but all the leather shit is so corny and outdated and hasn't been edgy since the 70's

you will never have sex with kennedi, incel

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I use AOTY, it's much better

gettin kate bush vibes from that pic



I can't imagine anyone actually paying to see this disgusting creature naked

Beta orbiter or bratty himself
Take your pills bratty

>t. tranny

you will NEVER be a real woman like bratty.

Same but I stick to for that. Way less pretentious.

That's ok because she's disgusting

ok i n c e l


RYM has over 50,000 active users.

i bet you believe in cultural markism too huh? rope yourself you fucking double nigger

40,000 are transitioning

So glad i stopped using it

speaking of trannies, this dude got tore apart for asking people to stop upvoting female vocals on a pre-transition against me album

Attached: IMG_1374.jpg (594x1212, 142K)

Please continue giving up rym to us, we'll talk about music while Yea Forums continues its long downward spiral. Have fun in your waifu threads and arguing about streaming all day :)

those tranny avatars, that place should be destroyed

RYM is commie tranny leftist central.

why is it always anime?

anime is popular with lonely beta losers
most online trannies are lonely beta losers

>even if she's got a deeper voice than most girls
hmmm I wonder why that is. could it be all the testosterone?

How is he wrong? Fuck RYM. I got called out because this user made a list of transphobic musicians. ''She'' implied that Ginuwine was transphobic for turning down a transgender female. As if that makes him hateful or bigoted. It just means he has a preference.

literally who????


The tag makes no fucking sense. Nobody needs a tag for female and male vocals. They want masculine, feminine or androgynous vocals. There's men who are famous for feminine vocals and women who are famous for masculine vocals.

Nobody does retard, unless they are impressionable faggots who fall for internet memes


It they're are male then male vocals is a descriptor or vice versa

based retard

>''So I assume you'll be voting up male vocals on releases by Nina Simone, Alabama Shakes and any other cis female artists with deep/androgynous voices then?''

Uhm no, cause they have always been female. That would make no sense. But if Laura was a man on previous releases, then that would make sense. How are they people so dense?


It makes them feel cute. No shit.

I don't believe in cultural Marxism. Try again. Maybe you will actually learn some philosophy by your junior year, kid

can we have a link to this page?

and people say transsexuality is not a mental illness

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That's Deci? Wow, this is the passive aggressive cunt who acts like his shit don't stink. Hilarious.

>As if that makes him hateful or bigoted. It just means he has a preference
yeah this doesn't make any sense coming from trannies. a huge issue that trannies experience is being murdered by cis-gendered men for not telling them about their dick until they get into the bed room, and yet it's bigoted if they don't want to date/fuck a tranny?
if I was a tranny, the last thing I'd want to do is risk my life by dating a dude who doesn't want another dick in his bed.

I'm serious, literally who is this?

It's a useless descriptor for casuals. If you just need to know whether they are male or female, there's zero reason for androgynous vocals to exist as a tag. If you must know the legal gender of the singer, then make the tag "male vocalist"/"female vocalist" and then "feminine vocals"/"masculine vocals". Would I go tag Bobb Trimble's Iron Curtain Innocence with "male vocals" just because he's a man. Fuck no, because it's a very androgynous voice.

it's an aspiring pornstar, his manyvids page will be up soon

ya know epithalamion (formerly telephone_junkie)?

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this is what "she" looks like irl

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the second to last sentence always kills me
absolute yikes

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>Not just using RYM to keep track of your album ratings
>Actually partocipating in the RYM community


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Gotta agree with this guy. The RYM community is fucking disgusting but not what the site is for. I've used it for years with 6000+ ratings and never talked to a single person.

wow what a fucking "review"

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why is it always a "girl" and not a "woman"?
unironically might become a terf

because theyre attracted to themselves and are pornsick pedophiles

Anybody else notice that every conversation with a tranny turns into a journey down the rabbit hole of mental retardation?

Yes you’re right. There is a definite correlation between trannys and mental illness

Literally the worst user on the site


i've seen so many accounts like that come and go from the site i can't even get mad at them anymore. you get used to it eventually

Protip: Terf is a slur, it's not an actual thing you can become. You can't possibly be a feminist without also being a trans-exclusionary radical. Otherwise you are misusing the term feminist.

Like Sylvester Stallone with less testosterone and a pair of sideburns

kek, no way

oh yes

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what a unit

>this person looks funny

>they’re not allowed to have an opinion