The other members are cartoonishly ugly, while Kurt's face looks like it was chiseled out of stone

The other members are cartoonishly ugly, while Kurt's face looks like it was chiseled out of stone.

Attached: nirvana.jpg (986x656, 293K)

Lighting, hair, and the fact that he's covered in 5 pounds of makeup while the other two aren't contribute to that. Record companies understand marketing.

They all have hair and are under the same lighting. And no amount of makeup can give you this bone-structure.

Attached: kurt.jpg (1800x1013, 203K)

Their hair isn't styled, in fact Grohl is in a ball cap. The lighting isn't uniform by a long shot. The photo is composed to shadow Cobain's face to make it appear more angular than it actually is. The copious eye makeup has the same effect. He does have a nice square jaw, for what it's worth.

pre heroin habit kurt is beautiful

It's weird how different he looks in that pic compared to when he was 19. His jaw is a lot more angular and chiseled and his chin looks stronger too.

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Kurt looks like a supermodel compared to these ugly fucks.

Dave Ghrol - Bug eyes, thin eyebrows, weak browridge, pointy nose with flared nostrils, recessed cheekbones, protruding mouth area like a monkey, overbite buck teeth, small chin , weak jawline.

Krist Noveselic - Receding hairline, bulbous forehead, droopy eyes with bags, negative canthal tilt, fatty cheeks and misshapen face, weak facial muscle tones, caused by overall crappy facial bone-structure, narrow maxillary arch, fucked up teeth and deformed jaw.

that's because he was replaced by a body double industry plant early during the band's life

Retards, go back to r9k.

I'd only fuck krist
wouldn't touch kurdt in a million years

Heroin will cut out all of the fat on your face and reveal your bone structure really well. You guys should definitely try it.

Dave Grohl is pretty cute desu

Attached: nirvana.jpg (780x439, 109K)

kurt coban waifu status

Kurt has a golden ratio face.

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who cares about looks its about the music bud

>Arrested for spray painting "God is gay."

The other members are cartoonishly alive

I do think a big part of the reason Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, and Alice in Chains did so much better than Mudhoney, Seaweed, Tad, Love Battery, Pond, Hazel, etc. was because of the attractiveness of their front man. However, Krist Novoselic was honestly fine looking. He was rather cute, just not model-tier like Kurt. Dave Grohl is ugly, but he's also one of the biggest rock stars in the world now, so that's neither here nor there.

Novoselic looked good with low body fat and facial hair. He's also 6'7".

Attached: ZLenGRumA.jpg (480x300, 40K)

Krist looks like the kind of dude that comments "Beautiful :)))" on all your instagram pics

he looks pretty good in this pic

Also suck all the calcium out of your teeth. Just an all round fun experience.

Krist was balding right out of the gate, check out the visibility of his scalp in interviews

Krist Novoselic makes up for looking like a goofy goober by being freakishly tall. Probably got more puss than the manlet Kurt.

krist is 6'7" which by default is not ugly
dave grohl looked OK in the late 90's

kurt was a S oyboy. He'd be a never Trump tranny if he were alive today.

Attached: orly.jpg (259x194, 5K)

And then he shot his face LMAO

>kurt would be a tranny if he was alive

i don't doubt that desu

Maybe it was suggested for him to keep a underbite on cameras to look more like a Chad (which he wasn't by the way)

And yet we are supposed to feel sorry for poor, misunderstood outcast Kurt.

The guy was a fucking Chad. If he'd been psychologically healthy he'd have been in Motley Crue or some shit

>God is gay

the guy in the hat looks like the guy from the foo fighters

>No reference to bonzo cap

>Mfw i look exactly like grohl here

It’s not crazy for Dave and Krist to be ugly while Kurt’s pretty