Is club culture dying because of the internet and smartphones?

is club culture dying because of the internet and smartphones?

what's the Ibiza, Warehouse, or Hacienda of the 2020s?

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>club culture
Disgusting. I hope it dies.


>what's the Ibiza, Warehouse, or Hacienda of the 2020s?
idk, it's not the 2020s

nah OP you and the lot are just fucking super gay

I go to a nice little warehouse setup once in a while, nothing illegal just a disused building in the middle of an industrial estate. It still exists here in the UK a bit.

I blame the corporate EDM death machine, and social media culture that scares some weaker people away from basically monging out and being uncool whilst you enjoy the music. Look at Ultra, basically caged-in dudebros barely moving as they protect "their girl" whilst rubbing shoulders with other men in low-cut vests.

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Raves are still going in UK

It's dying because the people who thought it was a good idea are growing up.

The entire thing was basically founded in trying to piss off their parents. Now if you want to piss off your parents you stay inside, VR chat with international friends, study the bible, and question the ethics of prepubescent gender transition.

Looks gay as fuck

>gen X
>I fucked like five bitches in middle school, DAD

>gen Y
>i met the love of my life at college, dad

>gen Z
>i'm saving myself for marriage, dad

>what's the Ibiza, Warehouse, or Hacienda of the 2020s?

My computer

I play my good house playlist, and that's the Ibiza of the future

I wouldn't consider a rave the same as club culture, but I've never been to a proper UK rave

it's been a thing since underground discotheques in the 1960s so basically you're retarded. The only thing I can see making it disappear is the fact that millennials are less physically social, all the big famous clubs in the USA are closing left and right

OP here
this post basically is an example of what I'm talking about

>club "culture"
You mean a carefully orchestrated marketing scheme to sell alcohol to already intoxicated horny rubes. Good riddance.

2020 is going to be the age of bedroom music.

because club culture is gross

it needed to die I hate that shallow shit

It's still club culture, just from the comfort of my house with no gross people

Businesses are closing left, right and centre in every industry. Not just clubs. It's because the average person has less disposable income than they did in previous decades.

Unless you're already a multibillion dollar corporation in the 21st century your business is basically fucked. Even if you manage to whether the shitty economy and retarded government decisions the Chinese are going to run you into the ground eventually. By 2050 the only clubs left will be McClubs.


Who needs anything more than a bottle of water after you've had some pingers?

We're talking about real clubs, not weird American nightclubs with guestlists, parking lots and men that are scared to dance in public.

I live in Manchester, bro. I've been to the "real clubs", they're shite. There's a good reason why no one goes to them sober and it's because it's such a cringey experience you need to be monged to the moon to enjoy it. Power tripping bouncers, sweaty packed dancefloors of barely vibrating bongoloids with rhythm of an epileptic granny and the entire place smells like the PE shorts of a hormonal teenager with weak bladder control.

>Who needs anything more than a bottle of water after you've had some pingers?
Aye and you'll be paying through the nose for that as well. And don't even get me started on the shit that passes for MDMA around here.

>everybody is poor
Came in to post essentially that since I'm just old enough to have experience the underground rave scene and non-mega clubs in big cities (USA) during the late 90's/early 00's. Why spend the money you don't have to travel to a insane commercial party like EDC three states away for a weekend when you can just listen to the same bangers at home? The nightclub experience is now either fussy establishments with gay dress codes to get around anti-rave ordanances, or they're catered specifically to niggers.

In the UK and Europe it doesn't appear to be all that much better. I hope I'm wrong.

House parties

I've had some great nights at White Hotel and Soup Kitchen lad so it might be your choice of artist and venue. I go to two places in Hull were the only bouncers are two sound old guys who take your money and coat.

I just buy customer-reviewed stuff off dark web sites for £5 a pop, no need to mess about with dealers.

It's more of a commodity now. Think of it as a version of event planning.

>House parties
how common are big underground artist/producer/dj house parties?
seems like they always go for clubs or festivals

There's a lot of warehouse/unused building underground parties going on in here Finland, some more underground than others (many big ones have fb events made for them and tickets purchasable online so not really ug at all but they still work basically the same), BYOB and prominent music styles being techno, house, acid, jungle, industrial etc.

Pretty sure parties like this used to be called "raves" before EDM became huge and now people refer to huge festivals like Tomorrowland and Ultra (which have lineups consisting mainly of big EDM/trance/hardstyle DJs) as "raves" which can cause some confusion since they really couldn't be less alike outside of both having DJs play electronic music

EDM events tend to be stereotypically attended by said dudebros, influencer-type girls and (atleast here) teenagers while the warehouse party crowd consists of "hip" young people from ages 20 to 35, uni students, "uncool in high school"-types and druggies

There's also a lot of clubs in most big european cities I've been to that cater to this type of group, Berlin being an obvious hotspot in northern europe. Not sure what OP is referring to as "club culture" exactly but atleast these kind of events and clubs are still going strong, people tend to go to these events either to just have fun with like-minded people or because they're really into electronic music, not because they're trying to get laid or look cool on social media. Many clubs and events also forbid filming at the venue (regarding the smartphones point), but usually the people attending and organizing are pretty open-minded regardless + any kind of discrimination or bullying is frowned upon, so the bar is lower for people with anxiety about dancing in public to just let go and not worry about people judging/filming you

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>namedropping seminal clubs from the 80s
>skipping all the ones that have come and gone since

This is the great thing about house parties. The only DJ's and artists there are you and your mates. You can listen to whatever you want, you can bring instruments and play your own music, you can even listen to nothing at all if that's what you like.

Culture as a whole is dying because of smartphones. Social media emotionally and spiritually deadens any person who uses it and makes it effectively impossible for them to make good art. Music would be flourishing right now without social media.

true, anti-natalism is winning.

what if your friends have shit taste in music tho

Then show them the good stuff

Brah all this shit still happens
You’re just apart of the shit tier internet culture. There are still tons of people out there just living.



>you will never be able to be here

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