Attached: BILLIE.jpg (666x666, 73K)
Yea Forums here. is billie eillish based and redpilled?
Jaxon Smith
Bentley Foster
let's play
Owen Baker
of course, we love her here, her new album is as Yea Forumscore as it gets
Thomas Martinez
fuck yea, the best chart
Zachary Wright
Thank god Billie isn't on there, roll
Xavier Anderson
It’s not actively bad, it’s just boring and pretty inoffensive.
Ian Stewart
fuck billbob eyelash, rollin
Bentley Scott
thanks for yet another shitty thread about this shitty hack
Ian Wood
Imagine those lips wrapped around your cock. I've never even heard her music before I just think she's fuckable.
Jeremiah Johnson
she's hot, though. you fags just discriminate against me 'cause I'm from Yea Forums.
Ethan Brown
David Carter
well yeah
you retards need to be discriminated against. probably euthanized for your stupidity.
go back
Blake Bailey
Yes we love her here
Jaxson Watson
William Ramirez
Henry Johnson
Andrew Bell
Jeremiah Martin
Zachary Carter
Benjamin Russell
lmao this bitch is so nasty, and transparently fake. how can people eat this up?
Xavier Morales
Have sex
Leo Mitchell
o k i n c e l
Luis Long
She's got the ugly!
Aaron Jenkins
Kill yourself gamer pleb
Ryder Gray
Have intercourse.
Jack Thomas
Adam Diaz
Carter Turner
oH mY goD sHes sUcH aN iNduStrY pLaNnt
Mason Gonzalez
roll time
Henry Cox
Jaxson Sanders
Rolling I guess
Isaiah Turner
Caleb Clark
She looks like she _____ _____ ____.
James Hughes
makes horrible music
Bentley Ramirez
no she isn't you pleb
also fuck off go back to Yea Forums where you belong
Angel Morgan
Thanks for the bump
Jackson Harris
no problem
Gavin Diaz
i'd rather imagine these
Dylan Gomez
enjoys negro semen.
Christopher Reed
Whats wrong with having sex with black guys? Not like Billie was gonna fuck ur pasty ass
Hunter Flores
Jason Jackson
Lincoln Taylor
Rollin rollin rollin
Ryder Evans
Thomas Allen
Robert Lewis
she looks like she's allergic to bees
Camden Powell