The new death grips?

Attached: clowngrips.jpg (1702x1656, 331K)

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It’s just as pretentious so sure

imagine the


More creative than DG has been for years yeah

Good reverb in a toilet they must be recording

Their song about pizza is pretty good

desu clown core isnt death grips 2. its more hella if anything

The new Beatles

Except fuck-ton of better.

Unironically, reddit meme.

Lol clown mask replica sick man 10/10 in 2019 keep living your truth

If I woke up one day and was this retarded I'd fall back asleep.

i have a feeling they really don't want to be called "death grips 2"

maybe they'll do just a collab with mc ride and put it io rest.

>jazz and grindcore

They arent ripping off death grips. They are ripping off john zorn.

Zoomers wouldnt know though.

did this band go #viral recently or something? I remember seeing their vids on fb years ago and then they disappeared

It's Knower.


Attached: band.jpg (606x600, 93K)


Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 21K)

>you will live to see Knower and Louis Cole get mainstream recognition
>you will get to brag about how you listened to them before they were cool
feels good man


They're annoying, use stupid reddit-tier humor for everything and are connected to Jack Conte of Patreon, so that's probably going to happen.

hell yeah. I love it when a band I like gets mainstream recognition so I can brag about liking them before they were cool. I brag daily about how I hated Billy Eilish before she was famous