Wow, buying another Aphex Twin record? You must be a massive faggot!

>wow, buying another Aphex Twin record? You must be a massive faggot!

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Do they even sell gaysex twin albums at target? I always thought stores like that only had lowest common denominator top 40 bullshit, like Now That's What I Call Music and Taylor Swift.

Who the fuck buys CDs anymore

I dare you to say that again, Ciara.

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she looks delighted to have her picture taken

I found a target giftcard lying around and ordered a mastadon album from targets website back when i used to like mastadon a fucking lot. I'll bet they didn't carry it in the stores though

She’s almost really cute but her face has just enough masculine qualities to make her look like a trap

>aphex twin
>not extremely popular, entry level, and lowest common denominator

this is true, worked at a restaurant for awhile and they always played your average normie rap music but every once in awhile one of them would put on something "weird" and one time it was aphex twin. He's essentially a name drop for people without taste. I would put him in between normie and outlier music, with patrician being the next tier, and elder god patrician (my personal taste), being the last


Sounds like Aphex Twin and all related Richard D. James* projects would fit right in.

*I refuse to reference him by "RDJ" as those initials are reserved for Robert Downey Jr.

I pity you and the depressing way you think

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She's good for breeding a son.

I pity you if you think afx has released a single even decent electronic track in the last like 21 years

mastodon are literal mallcore. no, I really mean it literally - they're at the core of every mall! hahaha what a funny joke!
just kidding, they were featured in some adult swim idiocy for fratboys, so how are you even surprised? they're actually shit too btw

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>h-hey, Ciara, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to do something this evening, like get a coffee or something, you don't have to but I was just wondering


target doesn't carry aphex twin records you daft whore


Um, that’s a Dylan CD. Are you blind or something? I don’t like Aphex Twin.

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user i...

i fucking hate this video so much

How tall is she? Always looked petite to me in pics but he she looks more like 5'8 or something

what the fuck

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Oh boy there goes my 3 week nofap

At least this time I'll fap to something normal

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This is why kids should not browse this site

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where the fuck does this even come from

she records these videos for lonely /r9k/cels and they shower her with attention and money. not really that hard to understand

unrelated but iirc she used to have a really bad drug addiction, like meth heroin and stuff. wonder how she is now

I do

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Didn't she have 30 year old sugar daddy?

I buy cds from amazon

>bad drug addiction
was this even true?

i don't really know. last i remember she was dating some dorky hispanic kid. it's been a long time since i've been to /r9k/

yeah she was addicted to heroin at age 16

collapse is pretty great. now show me some electronic musicians that are better than afx. hard mode: not bullshit /bleep/crap club techno.

t. people who have no idea what is lowest common denominator means

She looks like a male with long hair


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most women are because they are narcissistic as fuck

Well Ciara, i don’t appreciate your homophobia and would like to speak to your manager

>Who the fuck buys CDs anymore

:::raises hand:::

I was raised to think of music as a tactile pastime. It should not only be heard, but seen (album art, for example), and touched (holding a record album, a tape, or a CD) also.

I feel the same way about reading. Ebooks vs. real, paper books. Books should be tactile.

I'm torn whether she's a he or a she.

It could go either way.


>What? This is Yeezus.

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Women with masculine features are the best

fucking cringe wtf

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If you seriously get affection from this you're pathologically far removed from reality.

ceephax camelot chronicles, I see you're a man of acid as well.

t. idiot who has no idea what lowest common denominator means

I mean not really... Video simulates affection rather well. You're removed from reality if you can't see the flaws in it and actively pursue it

if only

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is this a boy?


You guys are fucking retards, I get such a big kick out of it.

oh fuck...

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damn thats kinda fucked up

imagine her just bouncing on his dick

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I haven't listened to him in a minute but he's alright.

If this person were an album they'd probably be like a folky version of the Endless River.

She's delighted to be admired. Human nature.

Based alpha creep not giving a fuck

>aphex twin?
>lol no, m'lady. let me show you some truly patrician beats
her pussy is fucking SOAKING wet at this point, let me assure you

obtaining normie alpha status

>mfw watching that trash

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Give a hoe money and she'll ask for more.
Give a hoe drugs and she won't stop riding your dick.

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who actually says user like that

>then you can never leave me
and that's where you're wrong

she looks like finn wolfhard

yeah i always pronounced it in my head like ay non

whan an asexual demigod that guy is. i can only hope to have half as much self-control.

Ins't she a grown up already?

muh dick

bump :)

I say it like the a in ant

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ciara is actually not bad at all and she bought me a $50 uber giftcard so stfu creepy incels

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I would let her rape me any time

>Yea Forums suddenly hates AFX
what the fuck happened???


When something is really well liked it’s bound to get some backlash. Especially here.

thanks for the info gwenposter

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jesus christ

not watching lol

Target doesn't sell Aphex Twin albums