Lil Dicky made a song to us all together Yea Forums

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most jewish looking ass nigger ive ever seen.

Think, if hitler took over shit like this wouldn't have been made

rule 3 you ugly racist

That voice is so unnaturally high-pitched, it sounds like someone autotuned him in the gonads.

>we forgive you, germany
well fuck you, too

>if hitler took over shit like this wouldn't have been made
is it bad i wish he won now

he said we forgive you though dont be mean user

How do I even broach this. This is the worst song that I have ever heard in my life. I don't care if all of the money made from it goes to charity - the fact that this many celebrities banded together--if even for a second--to take part in this is absolutely terrifying.

It's trite. It has no substance. It's an utter joke. Lil dicky keeps oscillating between taking himself seriously and portraying himself as a completely god-damned clown. It's absymal and negates the actual problems that we have in our world. "let's band together!!!!" yeah good one

Instead of manufacturing this garbage can, why couldn't the celebrities just donate money directly to the leo foundation or w/e... why do this? why? cashmere cat???? What happened to him?

"we forgive you, germany"? This can't be real. i'm surely asleep right now

We have to go back in time

Instead of manufacturing this garbage can, why couldn't the celebrities just donate money directly to the leo foundation or w/e... why do this?

This all started in the 80s with We Are the World, Band Aid, Live Aid, Farm Aid, AIDS Aid

"We forgive you Germany"
well I don't they clearly killed the wrong ones.

You're right, but those are valid songs! They aren't embarassing! They don't portray a dying earth as something worthy of animal puns

this is the spiritual sequel to what does the fox say

Damn. this is fucking terrible. If you're gonna make a song to raise awareness for something, at least make the shit sound good. God damn, this is hot dog water, this is dumpster juice, this is gooch sweat, straight cow shit, straight belly button lint, fucking foot fungus, absolute homeless man stench.

>am I white or black?
what did she mean by this

nice visuals though

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>we forgive you, Germany

I thought he said this. LOL

>yo let's forget about the Holocaust, Lil Dicky said it's cool now

I hate this kike.

Environmentalism was a fucking mistake.

>we forgive you, germany
Cool so can we stop with the refugees now?

This is literally the worst song I have ever heard, I'm not even kidding. Holy fuck

i wish climate change would just eliminate us all

It's so easy to trigger /pol/tards, based dickey.

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my depression has worsen

10/10 post

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holy shit, you guys aren't kidding about how crap this is

it's over

One of the worst songs ive ever heard and the music video is full of pedo messaging and propaganda.

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This is pretty fucking bad

It's like the shit parts of world music mixed with shitty rap and shit

This is very bad

How did everyone involved wrap up production on this and say "yeah let's release this"?

What a waste of time and money. No effort went into the writing of this song. Worst thing Lil Dicky's ever done. Everyone he got on this track is a soulless cretin.

The visuals are amazing. I'll give him that.

I see what he was trying to do, which is of course valiant, but this is an atrocious fuckup at the same time. Dicky is actually a very talented rapper and his flow is unmatched in a lot of his compositions, especially for this day and age. He's fucked with Snoop and The Game for instance. But he's wasting his time shilling out with these talentless hacks that require ghostwriters and multiple producers to get a hit out. Eversince Freaky Friday shit has been going downhill for him and he's barely out of the underground. In other words, things aren't looking so good.

trash song

This is literally R eddit: The Song

How could he go from the Professional Rapper album to this shit?

it looks like some low budget straight-to-dvd cartoon

True, but the animation still most likely took hours upon hours.

not if it was a team project, which it most likely was lol

Regardless of the /pol/ocks, this song is trash and Dicky is going in a downward spiral fucking with these idiots.

Yeah, you're right dude. I'm doing work with a music video currently (a 3 person project for a 3.5 minute song/video) and it's taking a while but with a larger crew I'm sure it would be almost effortless.

why doesn't he clean up the litter in the beginning? typical liberal, all talk and no action

It's one thing to pick it up if some dumbass kids leave a bit of trash around a ball court (they're gone before you get there) or a park or something. But would You honestly want to be their bitch and pick up after them? Besides, it's not like a city of asphalt, skyscrapers and industry in and of itself isn't litter regardless.

>shit comedy rapper makes shit comedy song

Doesn't seem too unlikely my man

I'm trying to become less prejudiced against Jews but shit like this makes it really hard.

>we forgive you Germany

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once you know, the nose never goes.


He's had some undisputed hits for sure bro, despite being a comedy rapper or not. Tenacious D is a comedy duo and they've come out with bonafide gold. If you're unfamiliar, look up Work (Paid for That?), Professional Rapper, How Can You Sleep and Darwin (the latter two are easily some of his hardest songs)

this is somehow worse than freaky friday. probably the worst of the year so far

brain damage

The worst aspect of it all is that he's fucked with legitimate rappers and now he's cucking himself out by "working" with these new age idiots.

I get that, but it's his video, he didn't have to write the intro in a way that he's literally walking away from litter while telling the kids who should be picking it up not to litter/ it's just fucking dumb and hypocritical in a way

>to us all together

Has anyone ever been so far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

For every Lil Dicky, there's a Lou Reed and Leonard Cohen out there

He's selling out and it's sad. But I guess most people in his position do.

i want death

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Would have used a way better example than that depressing fuck Leonard Cohen. Like I'd listen to his music if I decided to shoot myself Christmas morning in front of my wife and kids.

We forgive you, OP

And then before pulling the trigger I'd realize that there is something better to kill myself to even and then switch to something else.

"I don't care about the money; it's the respect that i'm wanting"
Fucking lies

I know dude. He was harvesting respect for several years and then this shit started with Freaky Friday. Money gets them all, user.

>t's the respect that i'm wanting
lost it after this

>I don't care about the money
of course he doesn't, he's jewish

no, we must wait until Germany is a muslim country and starts their third world war (jihad edition)

>the fact that this many celebrities banded together--if even for a second--to take part in this is absolutely terrifying.
It’s basically the Foodfight of music.

notice how all the celebrities in it are top tier normies

Pretty sure he's managed by Scooter Braun so that literally explains everything.

i could only make it to like the two-minute mark but this was extremely upsetting

i'd rather sit through 10 minutes of gore and screaming than watch that whole fucking thing

okay so this is definitely the worst song lil dicky has ever put out, but whatever I like the message. 0/10 music for a good cause.

>le animals good humans bad!!! all humans should die!!!!! stop reproducing we are gonna destroy the earth!!!!!!

Animals are dope what's your beef with other creatures doing their thing. We're like the only animal on Earth that can be intentionally evil.

But, yeah, people like me and you being the cause of the Earth's problem is mega propaganda. It's the fortune 500 companies and governments that really need to get their shit together first.

Is there any way I can donate TO global warming?

>We're like the only animal on Earth that can be intentionally evil.
dolphins, pitbulls, and killer whales are evil as well.

>We forgive you Germany

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this is nowhere near catchy enough to blow up. hell it's been on youtube for 12 hours, #1 trending yet only has 3 millions views.

>And I'm Kanye West

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isn't it fucked up that humans drink cow breast milk like wtf

this shit is cornier than anything unkle adams ever put out

Notice how all celebrities in general are normies who speak creepy rhetoric that favors eugenics and mass depopulation.

Yeah but most humans are evil in a "corruption, ambition and power" sense. So yeah, take your ignorant comments to which you probably belong there.

Entertainment not music related
Don’t post his on Yea Forums

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Shut the fuck up, Jew.
Take a look around. The era of your life when people cared about what you think is behind you.

I'm all for animal lifes. Exhibition and captivity Zoos are one of the most disastrous creations working in favor of communism that sadly still are seen as part of the free world. But this agenda of all animals good all humans EVIL is getting tired now, people come out in defense of killer whales that anihilate their own kids, dolphins are usually the face of ecologism and they are terrible animals that are out to kill defenseless preys in packs, people come out in defense of fucking movie dinosaurs that eat and destroy anything in their path.
As for the climate thing, I'm pretty skeptical about it to be honest. I've seen at least 2 very similar "phenomenons" in my life time, that were supposedly out to destroy us. At this point I think humans are very insignificant to even tickle the earth, if something will kill us all it's the earth itself, a fart of energy from the (still unreached) earth's mantle and we are all pretty much over.

Also this song fucking sucks, has there ever been a better "Earth" song than Michael Jackson's Earth Song?

I'd argue that pitbulls are just absolutely fucked genetically from the time they're shat out into the world. We created them and now we need to extinguish them.

You right bout dolphins and killer whales though. They're fucked up with some of the shit they do.

>trying to become less prejudiced against Jews

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can't wait to watch this shit on acid

This song does absolutely suck huge dick. Okay, it's totally cool to think climate change isn't real and all. But, take some time and think about people that devote their life to studying climate while making like 100k a year tops. They could be shilling for corporations and making a lot more money, but instead they're scientists with a passion for facts and adding to the bank of knowledge.

>inb4 some boomer /pol/ shit like college is a tranny liberal brainwashing zone and the only thing I need is God, guns and beer.

You're just mad because you're angry. There are plenty of other threads that are actually off topic that you could be holier-than-thou in. These comments are at least tangential to the message of the music video.

>only thing I need is God, guns and beer.
This is the truth though. You ask for too much because you're a Godless tranny cuck.

this was exactly what I thought while watching it
This cancer is just this but with hokey environmentalism thrown in

>David Andrew
>Burd grew up in an upper-middle-class Jewish family in the Elkins Park neighborhood of Cheltenham Township, on the north border of Philadelphia.[1] He attended Cheltenham High School. Speaking about his time in high school, Burd said "I was a pussy. I was really awkward looking. I wasn’t getting any girls at all, but I was very class-clownish and I got good grades.”

(((Lil Dicky)))

This seems more about video and Celebs than than the music and the real issue. I don't know who this video is for besides them.

>You're just mad because you're angry
You’re just being dumb because you’re too stupid
And you just listen to this earnestly because you don’t see this is isn’t what musi should be, this is entertainment centered around there persona of he person making it. It’s memey and not in the spirit of creation. Sage when you post because everything this faggot touches (Dicky) becomes redundant and trite.

i hope the earth gets obliterated in a nuclear holocaust because of this song

Lmao calm down chief. You don't wanna elevate your blood pressure do you? This isn't any worse than Kpop.

Was this funded by Dreamworks?

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Magnificent video.

Had tu turn down the shitty, shitty music after a heard a few lines of the retarded lyrics, but had no problem enjoying the aimation anyway.

The "save the Earth" thing is a scam, but at least it is a popular song ostensibly about love. And that is a step in the right direction

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>DUDE climate change LMAO
>DUDE let’s get the millionaire actor who pollutes the earth with private jets to be our climate change spokesperson instead of someone educated LMAO
it’s all so tiresome

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this is actually the worst song I have ever heard in my life

WTF is this cringe???

also what did

was it about jews?

“most jewish looking ass nigger ive ever seen.”

Think about who was in charge of making it

>“most jewish looking ass nigger ive ever seen.”
well yeah... he's a j__ . pro zionist anti white as well. note his song "it's a damn good day to be a white dude" but just raps about jewish privilege and thinks that's how whites really are. he's a fellow white.

how is it against the rules to say someone looks jewish?

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That's really bad, whether it's to spread awareness or not . At first I thought it would be a cute song aimed for kids until I heard lil jon screaming "IM A FUCKING CLAM BITCH".


everything alright lad?

he's a libtard and, worse, likes lil dickie

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More like "We are the World".

>pro zionist anti white
I see youve been reading your Stefan Molyneux texts

you have a shallow line of thinking. is it really about love when the core message of the song is to get people to vote for special interest groups to help save "the environment?"

we all know who those groups are and what they stand for. it certainly isn't love.

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indeed, my good sir. yes indeed.

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Maybe start caring for the earth and people will be for youf team you lik guzzling, bdibe taking, ani gay republishit

itt: triggered autists

you retards will take any chance to spin a thread into a cesspool of political bullshit

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Know this, all information is filtered through a cognitive bias that is shaped by your genetics and your environmental upbringing, both things that you have virtually no control over, and as such, all biases are trivial and at best only partially informed by the truth, thereby rendering passionate belief about anything detrimental to your own success in penetrating that bias filter and living a self-actualized experience of reality.

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>Maybe start caring for the earth
lol, you think anyone that doesnt support monetizing carbon, subsidzing "green" industry, and redistributing wealth doesnt care about the earth

Am I having a stroke or is the cow not actually played by Fetty Wap? Because it sounds nothing like Zac Brown.

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>syria we forgive you

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yeah, the only way to actually care for the earth is through globalist polices. there is no other way.

and what's the point? yeah, we all have cognitive biases. truth is still truth.

You're missing the point, the only way to penetrate the matrix of your own evolutionary programming is to give up on the traditional notion of "truth". Knowing is not knowing.

Based Lil Dicky singlehandedly triggering all of Yea Forums with one song


>germany we forgive you

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