Why the fuck do people like kpop

why the fuck do people like kpop

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It's catchy, and it doesn't matter how trite or banal the lyrics are because I don't understand them.

we love white men

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sounds good

no it doesn't

neither does any of the nigger music you listen to

your ching chong music is objectively bad

nice reddit retort

literally a dollface

you only like this shitty music because you have an asain fetish fag

nice projection reddit nigger. shouldn't you be posting more grimes and fantano threads?

>likes kpop
>calling people redditors

your shitty indie bands have many more followers on reddit than any kpop group

Red Velvet is actually good.

was* kind of*

its fun

you will never touch a Korean girl

i thought we were talking about music, reddit nigger. why do you keep bringing up off-topic shit?
perhaps you never had an argument to make at all?

you still will never touch a korean girl

there's some good artists and groups if you look around good enough reddit. go the fuck back to watching nostalgia critic like it's 2010 wishing you were a kid again

and you'll always suck black cock
seems you lose yet again

guys you can desire to suck black cock and touch koreon girl at the same time

freaking CUTE girls

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freakin cute

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this guy gets it

But can't I look at pictures of the cute girls without submitting myself to the shitty mass-produced pop music they're selling? Is attractiveness of the artist generally how you decide what music you like?

Wendy is the best singer in all of K-pop. Prove me wrong.

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she's not even the best sm girl group singer active in the last 5 years