ITT:memes that ruined music

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>soi boy memes ruined music, amirite fellow gamers?

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who is this fine gentleman


Also the [spoiler]/have sex/[spoiler] meme.

Attached: auto-tune_pro.jpg (500x500, 46K)

what does "original" taste like?
>inb4 hurr durr bbc cum

onions is actually fine but fuck onions it's for lazy fatass nu-males

Forgot about the filter, the first onion is the bean and derived products and the second onion is the fag juice


it worsened the quality of this (already shitty) board for a few months, I don't see how this "ruined music"

/metal/ general is cancer because of this meme

PC music

didn't know tzoilent gets filtered as onions aswell. Sucks for people trying to discuss onions green on Yea Forums.

literally just buy a bodybuilding mass gainer it's the same thing

>[spoiler]/have sex/[spoiler]
i think you mean [spoiler] have sex [/spoiler]

In reality, the entire lactose tolerance thing was bullshit. Virtually everyone on earth is lactose tolerant: some can just digest the lactose in addition to that. Consider that literally every plant food contains cellulose, which you cannot digest. Therefore, european men are cellulose intolerant, and should become carnivores. Except that's retarded you stupid fucking shit-for-brained cuck.

It also explains why Japan or Russia still drink significant amounts of milk. And it also explains why Indoeuropean invaders were 100% lactose intolerant. Everyone can drink milk, but only in the northwest of Europe did the persistence trait develop, because of the necessity to take advantage of every calorie. In other words, starvation conditions. Anglos are much fatter than other europeans, which jives well with this. It had absolutely nothing with "being able to drink milk" as even the most Nihonese Ainuid individual in the world can manage three glasses a day with no ill effects.

I think there are a lot of problems with modern milk, but milk is also a good food to consume semiregularly. Lactose is very helpful because it fosters gram positive bacteria (only if you're "not white"), it enhances the absorption of calcium (again, only if you're "not white"). It's also a very clean source of water in its natural form.

I drink milk as a supplement to my diet, maybe a cup a day roughly.

(((h a v e se x)))

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The rise of EDM. Now younglings can make music with computer easily and a lot of time their taste are deeply impacted by it (I'll just watch a few tutorials and do some stupid bland songs, maybe some label will notice me). The democratization of CAM can still be a good thing but people need to stop being so lazy and try to work on their aesthetics a little.

The disappearance of the wall between "alternative" and mainstream. It happened when ten years ago websites like Pitchfork tried to tell people to stop having punk guilt and enjoy what mainstream music to offer. The plan totally worked and now zoomers don't even know why you should say fuck you to the Man and do your own thing (and why you should admire and support the people who did).

He's right. Why would you ever drink milk when you're a grown up human? Even if you don't puke or whatever, it doesn't mean your body is ok with the lactose.
While I'm at it, the söy meme wasn't meant to be taken literally, but some still do (probably while being dizzied by that beverage called beer that actually give them belly fat and tits)

ocean man

It tastes like milk left over after eating a bowl of cheerios

You leave nick murphy out of this.

you missed the point