How can one man be so based?

how can one man be so based?

Attached: Morrissey-Alexander-Film_(cropped).jpg (861x754, 476K)

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>homosexual tendencies

He's literally Hitler

His new shit is mediocre. And by new, I mean anything from the 10s

pick 1 and only 1

well yeah he triggers everyone because he doesn't fall into any herd mentality, be it progressive or conservative

you meant soi right?

thing is, even in his more humdrum albums there are shining moments of genius like Staircase at the University and Spent the Day in Bed

love that Chain Gang cover


It sounds so basic

I wish Moz would make like a Next Day/Ye/Blue Mask. Like a self reflective album on himself, Spent the Day in Bed would've been perfect for it and Blue Dreamers Eyes would worked so well as a closer (also really underrated and an example of what I was taling about: )

Attached: moz smiley.jpg (436x648, 50K)

we're co-opting "based" and letting it fall into more categories.(ie you can be for gay rights/human rights but still hate china and call them "subhuman" because of their treatment of animals and the environment)

he follows no tune but his own. morrissey has been a professional contrarian for almost 40 years now. the fact that he's kept it up is based.

he's basically milo yianopolis with musical talent

Jesus Christ, absolutely not. That Yianapopulous person is a sad, sad, mediocre and vulgar individual.

Ha! They can't be as famous so they reference someone famous. Sorry but no.

Whatever you say, darling.

Attached: Milo on the women's march.png (511x618, 308K)

He's a true individualist, the mere idea of what someone else thinks mattering simply has never entered into the Moz Man's brain. There is nothing more offensive to the phonies and fakers of the world than just being yourself, because it reminds them of what they can't do but would like to.

Fuck off back to /r/the_donald

hates chinks, jews, muslims and blacks

can't get any more based

What? This doesn't prove me wrong. He may be funny (he's not, he's trite; this kind of humor was hilarious in ~2014-2016 but now it's stale), but he let some ugly things out that prove he's sad and damaged inside. Like that pedo thing he said. Not funny nor talented.

Moz loves Jews. There's even a song dedicated to Israel on his last album

I love that he had his autobiography published by Penguin Classic. No other person has done that.

also mexicans, he hates trump because he wants to build a wall that will disadvantage mexicans

Mexicans are based while yanks are cancer though.

but mexicans eat animals and in mexico and the rest of latin america there are stray dogs on every street

t. CHI

Yeah because in the USA and Canada they just get put down.

No one cares about your dad's band

>Muh conservative views
Still faggot