Stop talking about me. You're no better than Yea Forumstants because you're clearly perpetuating uselnessnesses, pointlessnesses and meaninglessnesses. I'm a thing? cool to know. tell me more.
I don't even want to be a "high profile RYMer". What does that even mean anyhow? Just because I don't post irrelevant random xd bullshit on a useless forum? I hate Yea Forums as well, if anything, the fact that I'm talked about there disgusts me.
Number of visits to AntiWarhol's RYM page*: 391330 - Am I a high profile RYMer yet? tell me when please.
As much as I hate Yea Forums and Yea Forums, at least that horrible and disgusting place is better than RYM's forum. RYM's forum has nothing good about it at all and all the users that post there often are nothing but obnoxious. I seriously hope sonemic sucks so I can just stop using this website and focus on my studies instead. I'm tired of being talked about when I say nothing to no one.
I don't even know who you are and you post almost 30k message posts of nothing but pointless obnoxious bullshit. I just rate stuff and say nothing for the most part. I am a higher profile RYMer than you are and I don't even want to be. My e-penis is bigger than your e-penis. Do you care? I guess you do.
Well, how am I "thing" and what's the point in talking about me in the first place then? Why care about that then if it's "not interesting"?
If you have something to say, simply say it to me. I seriously have no idea why so many people talk about me when I literally talk to about 6 people here. It's quite strange and it literally makes no sense to me at all.
I don't know who you are and I don't want to know who you are. If anything, you're far worse than anyone who frequents Yea Forums.
Do you aspire to be a "high profile RYMer"? If so, why? I seriously want to know. Please tell me.
Anyone who posts frequently on the RYM forums is the part of RYM I don't want to know at all. But please do tell me. I'm oh so interested in what a "high profile RYMer" is and isn't.
Stop talking about me. You're no better than Yea Forumstants because you're clearly perpetuating uselnessnesses...
the joys of joys, etc.
weird post
why this nigga be lookin like a fat mexican lesbian
whos this guy
a titan. a forward-thinking expert of music and master of literature, music, film, philosophy, video games, painting and haute couture.
and he's handosme.. I think I'm in love uwu
He truly has it all. What's the point of even living if you aren't Rich?
Laugh at them...
That's pretty based desu.
What's the context of it? Was it a discord message or something?
is sal making these threads?
p sure he posted it in VargCasio's shout box. one can only wonder what he said about him to warrant a reply like that
VargCasio said AW hasn't been relevant in a couple years and that Yea Forums needs to stop giving a shit about him and other "avant teens" like chumlum and hbb, basically. I didn't care to cap his side of the conversation at the time so I don't remember what he said word for word.
Sal and Anti are BFF irl
I saw them huffing poppers near the gay district once
that’s morrissey
Rich a fool for trusting a drug addict who post his dick pics and literal shit to Yea Forums not to dox and harass him lmao
new AW sucks, i miss him being an ass to everyone and not giving a fuck
I miss the old Anti, straight from Anti
Native americans folk music Anti, fifteen 5s Anti
I hate the new Anti, the Linkin Park Anti
The introvert Anti, no comment box Anti
I miss the bully Anti, the onkyo lover Anti
I gotta say, at that time I'd like to meet Anti
See, I invented Anti, it wasn't any Antis
And now I look and look around and there's so many Antis
I used to love Anti, I used to love Anti
I even had the shidaiqu walmart box set, I thought I was Anti
What if Anti made a song about Anti
Called "I Miss The Old Anti"? Man, that'd be so Anti
That's all it was Anti, we still love Anti
And I love you like Anti loves Anti
>I even had the shidaiqu walmart box set, I thought I was Anti
hits home...
holy base d
So you all think you know antiwarhol? Describe the incident that made him close down his rym comment box for good then.
antiwarhol just cataloged one of my favourite unknown albums with two ratings
How peak would it be if anti came out as transgendered?
what was it uwu?
My one true wish in life is for people to stop bullying Rich already and respect him for all he's done for us
I don't really believe in transmigration but I hope to, one day, be reborn as AntiWarhol.
he just rated it 6/10 lol
smith & erickson - blue skies
by the way it's absolutely amazing and anyone who wants to hear new age music should go and listen to it
r u nyanposter?
who IS antiwarhol, really?
no im plastictears
There is an idea of an AntiWarhol, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real AntiWarhol, only an entity, something illusory, and though he can hide his cold gaze and you can shake his hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense your music tastes are probably comparable: he simply is not there.
ah, i wanted to drone your taste for more music but your profile is empty or some shit
I'm actually nyanposter, I did find that album through plastictears though
Just go to your profile, click on any rate, like your 5's page, and change the link from your name to 'plastictears'
wasn't plastictears just some guy who droned hardboiledbabe and bossadellic?
yeah but that's not all what he does. he adds a lot of stuff and is often the only person to rate it
oink oink
stoP tAlkinG About ME. yOu'RE No BEtTEr ThaN Yea ForumsTAnTS BeCaUsE YoU're ClEARly pErpEtuaTinG uSelNessnEssEs, poiNtLESsNESsEs anD MeANiNglESsnESSeS. I'm a THinG? CoOl to KnOW. TeLl mE mORe.
I DoN'T EVEn wANT To Be a "hIgh pRoFIlE RYMer". What dOeS ThAt EvEN mEan AnyhOw? Just BEcAUsE i doN'T PoST IRrELEVaNt RAndom xD BuLlshIT On a uSELESs FORUM? I HAte Yea Forums AS WeLl, if AnyTHing, tHE FACt thAt I'M tAlked About THeRE dISGuSTS ME.
nUMBEr oF viSiTS tO ANTIWArhoL'S rym PAGE*: 391330 - aM i a HIgH ProfIle rymeR yET? tElL Me WHeN plEAsE.
as mUCh as I hatE Yea Forums aND Yea Forums, aT leASt THat HorRibLe anD dIsgUSTing plaCe Is bEttER tHan rym's forUM. rym's foRUm Has NothIng gOOd aBouT IT at aLL ANd ALL The USERS thAt posT there often aRE NothING BUT obNOXiOuS. i SerIOUSlY hOPE SoNemiC sucks so I cAN jUst sTOP uSINg tHis wEbSite And foCuS on My sTUDIES InSTeAD. i'm TIred oF beIng TalkeD aBoUT whEn I SAy NOthING To No oNe.
i doN'T eVEn KNow WhO YoU ARe and YOU Post aLMost 30K mEssagE POSTS of NOTHIng But PoInTLESs ObNoxIOUs bUlLshIT. i juST Rate STuFF ANd SaY noTHinG for tHe MOsT pArt. I Am a HiGHEr ProfiLE rYMer tHAn YOu arE aND I DOn'T eveN want tO Be. mY e-pENiS is BIGGer ThaN yOuR E-PENiS. dO yoU cARe? i GuEsS yoU dO.
wEll, HoW AM i "ThinG" and wHAT'S THE POiNT iN talkiNG abOut me in tHE first pLacE tHen? WhY caRe AbOUT THaT TheN iF iT'S "NOt inTEResTiNg"?
IF yOU havE sOmETHING To Say, siMPly Say iT to mE. i sERIoUsLy hAVe NO IdEa Why SO MANy PEoPlE TAlk abouT me wHEN i liTerAlly tAlk to ABOUt 6 PEOPLe HEre. IT'S QuITe STRanGE AND IT liTEraLLy makeS nO sEnsE TO me At ALl.
i Don'T KnOW Who YOU ARE aNd i DoN'T wANt TO KNOW WhO yOu ArE. if AnYThinG, YoU'RE FaR WORSE THaN aNyONE wHo freQuentS Yea Forums.
Do you aspIRE To Be A "HIGh profiLE rYMER"? IF SO, wHY? i SERiousLY WAnt tO KNOw. PLeASE TELL ME.
anyONe WhO POSts frEQUeNtly oN THE Rym fORUmS Is The pART oF Rym I dOn't WANT tO knoW at AlL. buT PLeASe do TelL me. i'M oh so InteRestED In wHat A "HIgH PrOfIlE RYmer" is anD iSn't
looks like he quit
i really hope he doesn't delete his account. his ratings are still pretty dank
AntiWarhol is an FTM transgender. The clues are all there if you look.
he has a new selfie on his goodreads which is linked on his profile currently.
>straight from Anti
same. he used to troll the shit out of me back then cos i was a pleb.
Holy shit he’s ugly
Free hampus
whatever happened to that guy?
Guys, Rich is FtM. That is why he used the handle "berdaches" for his once, berdaches is the Native American term for two-spirit (trans) people. He added himself to the LGBT list. His face looks 80% female -- she/he is probably on testosterone HRT now, but she/he still looks just like a manly lesbian.
His haircut is exactly like a dyke girl trying to pass as a man. Yes, it is true, Rich is a reverse tranny.
that explains why im sexually attracted to him (her)
>reverse tranny
based retard
what did he say?
trips confirm