My wife got cancer. Music for this feel?

My wife got cancer. Music for this feel?

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Casimir Pulaski Day by Suf Jan Steve

A truly pathetic album, if it can even be called that
The time I spent listening to this may have been some of the worst five minutes of my life. Yes, many people have gotten into the very hateful theme of this album, which some have countered with "lul its' fUnNy how people got so triggered epic style by this album!" But even if you're some middle school edgelord who thinks that joking about the death of a wonderful person and how much it emotionally wrecked her husband is funny, this album just really. Isn't. That. Clever. The lyrics are incredibly low-effort and could be written out in 15 minutes or less. The creator of this album puts no effort into singing or playing the guitar well, and more likely than not recorded this in a similarly short amount of time. I can understand that some people have very dark senses of humor, but even putting aside the fact that this goes way too far, it would literally take no effort to create. I guarantee you that almost anybody on this website, if given an hour of time and an acoustic guitar to create an album like this, could put out something at least equal to this, if not better. Sure, maybe some people out there think that "the music being bad and low effort is the point." But even then, it's still bad music. Even Hopsin has some good beats on occasion. Even Jake Paul and Crazy Frog have some ironic comedic value. This album has nothing. It's easily the most pathetic attempt at being funny I've ever heard, and anyone who laughed at this is probably an equally pathetic person.

This may or may not be copy paste from somewhere.

I'm really sorry user. Stay strong.

whoever made that should unironically kill themself

Heads up mane, I’m listening to Cocteau Twins - Heaven or LV for the 1st and it’s pretty uplifting so far.

It’ll all turn out positively, with patience.

Lurker of chalice

How does this video always manage to work faggots into such a seethe?

ok i n c e l

knowing the cross section between mount eerie fans that would know about what happened to him and his wife and music, and someone who would actually take the time to do this, i can tell that the person behind it is white, emaciated, and an all time loser.

They’re a little “new wave” for my tastes.

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If you’re feeling irrationally guilty, I would suggest “I hung my head” the Johnny Cash version.

Fourth of July, another Sufjan Stevens. Hope she pulls though user. My mum had cancer too. Shit's bad, but life carries on in the end.

seethe harder faggot

Woodman " Watermelon Fucker" Johnson - Wife got cancer at the 3am devil train blues

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this triggers the emotionally dishonest normies

A Crow Looked At Me - Mount Eerie

OP's wife hasn't died yet

This. I wish the best to both of you.

Be like Thom Yorke and divorce her for a hot Italian model


Fuck Phil Elverum

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I don't have music for that feel, but I wish the both of you the best.

Dude Get Off Yea Forums - Spend Time With Your Wife

sending best wishes though, OP. hopefully she overcomes this.

OP here; thank you guys for the support. Thank you even for trolling, you made me smile in a strange way for a while.

Funny thing, I brought her this album few days ago, she loves it.

It helps if your wife is emotionally abusive

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I don't have any tunes for you OP but I hope that everything works out for you and your wife, be strong for her

who cares dude


noone here truly cares