This is OBJECTIVELY the best album of all time

this is OBJECTIVELY the best album of all time.

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The King of Limbs is.

You're objectively gay, now check my digits.

Radioshit are a 6/10 band

Maybe if you're favorite show is Rick and Morty

Radiohead? More like Shithead.

How are you measuring this?


Attached: best.jpg (225x225, 11K)

According to who? RYM? Fuck you, fuck sharifi and FUCK gender tourists

nice, mom

and FUCK marxists too!

i just got knowledge boy


according the every based person

Such as?


>OP's claim
>lovless exists

It's by Radiohead, though.

The greatest albums of all time(arranged according to release date) are as follows;

Pablo Honey
The Bends
Ok Computer
Kid A
Hail to the Thief
In Rainbows
The King of Limbs
A Moon shaped Pool

Honestly, RYM is probably the best metric we have for measuring any sort of "objective" best. OK Computer and Dark Side of the Moon sure as hell wouldn't be my picks, but you can't deny their impact, accessibility and critical acclaim.

this album is objectively a 3/10
airbag, paranoid android and no surprises are the only good songs

>Honestly, RYM is probably the best metric we have for measuring any sort of "objective" best.

Attached: wow-kid-youre-a-fucking-retard.jpg (620x417, 193K)

Radiohead? More like Radioass. Because they resemble that part of the human anatomy more than the one that is associated with intelligent thought (although not in the case of Radiohead members).

How are you measuring this?

Okay, sorry. Your obscure as fuck avant-jazzcore record is clearly the best record of all time because you like it so much.


measuring it by how much it sucks

RYM is a hivemind of underage-early twenties kids. None of them have independently formed opinions.

Can one report this as spam? Just a question. Does this quality as spam?

It's not spam

Then that's not objective.

Okay, what's a correct answer for the best album of all time? Speaking objectively of course.

My debut, but I haven't released it yet.

Trout Mask Replica of course.

You nearly managed to engage in some sort of proper discourse for a second there. Not bad.

neither is your stupid fucking opinion retard

When did I state my opinion?


it's not even their best album

and their best album is only a 6,5/10

in rainbows, by the way

Prove that OKC is the best album of all time.

r u OP

tim heidecker - i am a cuck

There are no objectives in music. That's why all we can do is base it off the majority vote.


Ten Freedom Summers by Wadada Leo Smith. It's irrefutable. You can check yourself.

albums are albums dude there's no best album of all time

>That's why all we can do is base it off the majority vote.
Not really, since some people's votes are worth more than others.

my bad

That's precisely my point. Hence

>None of them have independently formed opinions.
Same thing with Yea Forums. Told what to like or dislike based on certain things usually not related to the music

Voting is inherently non-objective. You can't just say "oh well" and forfeit what should be an objective metric of determination to a bunch of illinformed children just because you want an answer to the question.

Objectively the best album of all time

Exactly, which is why a lot of Yea Forumstants are also RYM users.

Who are you to say whose vote is worthwhile? What metric do you base that off? Does someone have to have listened to a set amount of albums? Do they need to be a professional reviewer? There's no line in the sand for whose vote counts and whose doesn't, so you just have to accept them all.

Why are you talking about Brexit?

>Who are you to say whose vote is worthwhile?
Well, one voter might know music theory, while the other would not.
>Does someone have to have listened to a set amount of albums?
That would surely help, don't you think?
>Do they need to be a professional reviewer?
That depends on a lot of factors.
>There's no line in the sand for whose vote counts and whose doesn't
You can certainly make one.

Okay, so tell me specifically. Who gets to vote on what is or is not good music?

Critics do and they've decided

Oh, anyone can vote. It's just that some voters are worth more than others.

Why are you so concerned over this in the first place?

Based purely on critic scores, The White Album is a better record.

Listening the whole RYM top 100.

if it's spam its quality spam. i'd say if it is spam then op's post is also spam, its just shitposty/trolling, not really trying to start a conversation about the album

Gotta do something with my time. Might as well engage in a pointless internet argument.
Then how would that system work?

>Then how would that system work?
What system?

Weighing votes based on what? Musical knowledge? Time spent listening to music? Ties to the industry? Whose votes are worth more?

I'm actually surprised the thread got so much heat. I legitimately thought it was trolling but OP came to defend his actual no joke opinion.

>Weighing votes based on what? Musical knowledge?
>Time spent listening to music?
Not necessarily. It also depends on what you listen to.
>Ties to the industry?
Not necessarily, if anything those votes should be worth even less.

>Whose votes are worth more?
Pretty sure I've answered this a few times now.

Only the first 6 songs are good, just listen to kid a or the bends you fag

>Pretty sure I've answered this a few times now.
Incredibly vaguely. My point is that it's incredibly unfeasible to means test every single person for any type of "musical IQ", and the criteria behind such a thing would in itself probably be biased towards the opinions of the people who create it.
As such, the only fair way to measure a "best" album is to allow any and all votes to be counted equally. And the result of this is what you see on RYM.

>Incredibly vaguely.
>My point is that it's incredibly unfeasible to means test every single person for any type of "musical IQ", and the criteria behind such a thing would in itself probably be biased towards the opinions of the people who create it.
>And the result of this is what you see on RYM.
Or you could indeed have a music theory test for every profile user on RYM. If they don't pass the test, their vote is either not counted or their profile deleted.

The problem is that anyone can have a RYM profile, when not everyone's opinion on music deserves to be counted.

So unless you have competent knowledge of music theory, your opinion isn't worth anything?

Are you intentionally making a strawman?

this but unironically

That's literally what you said though.

So you think "less than" = 0

>If they don't pass the test, their vote is either not counted or their profile deleted.
Sounds like 0 to me.

the shaggs debut

See and Read the thread before posting

I'm aware of what you said earlier. But you literally just said that people who don't pass a music theory test should have their votes discounted. Was that a typo or something?

>I'm aware of what you said earlier.
So this is misdirection
>But you literally just said that people who don't pass a music theory test should have their votes discounted.
Well, they can still vote. It just wouldn't be counted.

>ITT it's 1999 and you've been heavily overdosing on puberty and drugs
It's great - truly the voice of a generation!

it's very mediocre and boring though...



Someone can't understand music

Have you listened to every album that's come out before making your decision?


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You literally can't deny this

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weak bait OP

Last 2 songs sound to much alike

How so?

They have completely different chord structures, lyrics and voice leading.

Attached: 58901593-18BA-451F-93E4-2EF9221A0BC9.jpg (640x411, 39K)

Radiohead is bad. Say hello to the world's best album of all time.

Attached: aof.jpg (220x220, 11K)

Burzum begs to differ

it's not, but i wouldnt be mad if someone honestly said it was. its a fantastic album