Dubs decides what album I listen to

Dubs decides what album I listen to

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billie eilish - WHERE DO WE GO WHEN WE SLEEP

Mer de Noms by APC

natural snow buildings - daughter of darkness

madcap laughs by syd barrett

Soup by Blind Melon

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Dogbowl - Cyclops Nuclear Submarine Captain

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the bilbao tapes by ween

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Some Rap Songs

weezer by weezer

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tful282 - strangers from the universe

hum - you'd prefer an astronaut


thanks. this is gonna be the last album recommendation i ever listen to from Yea Forums as i'm leaving the site.i will check this out, thanks again.

pretty sure you recommended me that yesterday or something lol. either way i listened to it.

We'll miss you.

UB40 - Promises and Lies


Please OP, listen to my album i got dubs