Is LA worth it?

Is LA worth it?

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fuck off fatfuck tripshit

It’s worth it if you like being up to your ankles in the shit of spics

I knew a few people who've lived in the area
It is crazy expensive there's a lot of good art and music shit though
Traffic is bad

If you really really want to make it through the established channels of entertainment then living in LA is your only option, unfortunately.

Maybe in 1985.. this isn't true anymore

it's expensive. do you have a job? do you have that security to go? why do you want to go? do you have a place to live? these are all questions to ask yourself and are universal to moving anywhere.

>through the established channels

What does that even mean. The internet is the only established channel that matters anymore

Kill yourself, Brandon.

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Major label connections etc still matter in terms of promotion

You can get those without living in LA my guy

I'm not going to search for fame and fortune. It's been something I've wanted to do since my early teens.
>do you have a job?
No, but they always need people like forklift drivers and warehouse workers to work for production companies. Being a forklift driver can pay pretty well.
>do you have that security to go?
See above, but I do have some money sat aside that I haven't touched that can get me there, on a greyhound.
>Why do you want to go?
A dream I've had since my early teens, plus, I'm not as happy here as I thought I'd be.
>Do you have a place to live?
No, But I'm finding rooms for rent in east LA that are close to what I'm paying here.

I also meant to post this on /adv/ but the threads been up to long for me to delete it. Sorry mods.


la is tight fr

ya it expensive to live here but there's a lot of work and it pays better than everywhere else . everything happens here

also i own a venue n tons of artist come thru like every band tours thru here

All of the worst art comes from LA. NYC is where the creatives live

Worth what? The cost? The drought? The gangs? The disgusting capitalist decadence? The only thing LA is good for is the weather. If I could live there in the winter, I would.

>living in the united states

>the retard is still replying to himself
oh boy, pathetic as fuck

i wouldn't go anywhere unless I was at least somewhat financially secure, had a job, and a solid place to stay. going with a fist full of cash, and hoping for the best might not work out. plus, it's a bit immature. you've been unemployed since the early part of the year, and look where you're at now. you could be in the same situation there with nothing to fall back on, and paying for a month or two would have you on the street right now.

basically, if you want to do it, you have to be smart about it, don't be grandiose, and realize the reality of it and the situation, and maybe you're just having a pipe dream because you're in a shitty situation, moved to a city you found out you don't like that much, and want out of what you put yourself in. that doesn't mean you should do something fucking stupid.

OP i moved to la when i was 18 with nowhere to go n $150 in my pocket n i slept on couches for a few months but now i run a venue n make $200+ a day .. plus the weather is perfect

if this is true, you got lucky. very lucky.

Cool, thanks.

Sounds like something out of a movie.

get ebt the day you get there n it will all work out !!

i'm telling him not to make a stupid mistake he'll possibly regret. i'm not saying he shouldn't do anything, and before at least be smart about it and look at his options and consider what may or may not happen. i still think this is all about him not liking his rommates, losing his job, not liking richmond that much, and wanting out and away from it all. it's understandable, but it's not worth making an idiotic choice over.

Dear fat fuck Brandon. Stop using Yea Forums as your personal blog. Now fuck off.

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>hurr durr i hate where i live
I would too if i spent all of my time alone spending all of my money on eating and drinking and not taking what a city has to offer.

don't make offtopic threads, you're giving us tripfags a bad name

nah it's chill what's the worst thing that happens you gotta buy a bus ticket home and you at least tried to do something cool ? live your life, traveling isn't that big of a deal turns out

Posted it on the worng forum by accident.
You may be right.
I don't know man, I just have this feeling I should do it, not that I'm chasing old dreams.
Not going to blame you.

dont ever take risks and get out of your comfort zone, dont ever experience anything, dont ever have a story to tell, don't ever live. go to work, buy, consume, die.

I don’t know man
I’m about to find out myself.

I’m saving up money until the end of summer and then I’m moving down there.
Plan on living out of my Outback once I get down there to start.
Except I’m tryna make it as an actor.

I’ve already gotten some paid work where I’m at but there’s very few opportunities.
There’s nothing else I really want to do with my life, and I feel like I gotta at least try while I’m young.

oh ya the people that move to la to be actors are the actual worst tho fr lmao

You did not post this shit by accident, please kill your self. Let me say it again. Kill. Your. Self. No one likes you, not in real life or on the internet. Just kill your self

Yay! go ahead and contribute more to southern california's serious homeless problem! not like anyone ever had the same idea as you and failed! Not like san fran's rich and elite didn't start a gofund me to keep a homeless shelter from being built, if you can't afford it, you don't have the means to live here, than you shouldn't fucking come here! easy!

fuck off, no one's talkign to you. you kys.

Stop replying

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I feel bad for you man, I really do. Yes, I did actually post this on accident. Oh well. Nothing that's a big deal.

Lmao there is a gray area, you know. You can live your life and take risks without moving to the most overrated city on planet earth

san fransisco isn't even southern california, maybe northern.

lmao ya yer rite la sucks don't come here

Brandon wanna be roommates ive been dreaming of moving to LA for over a year now

>does this
>ends up broke and homeless
yeah i bet they'd have a story to tell, where they went somewhere with a stupid pipe dream, lost it all, and is now sleeping out of a cardboard box in an alley with no money, no way to get back home, or anything.

>just dont do anything

just sayin these ppl dont live in la ..
if you have any common sense and self respect you wont be in a cardboard box lol . a little motivation and pressure can take you a long way

I’m currently working with a manager ex as a minimum wage line cook.
Either way I need to change up.

I’ve got a couple thousand saved up, plan on looking for other work of some kind if I can but my primary focus is acting.
Plus my parents are in debt, it’s at least partially due to me, and the only way I could ever hope to help them with it is if I get lucky.

And if not, at least I won’t be looking back in 20-30 years wishing I had at least tried to make my dreams come true.

As someone who jumped from his shitty small town to a bigger town with nothing but his mother and the clothes on his back with no cash besides enough to rent a hotel room for a month, you got a point. However, this was in Minnesota. Not one of the most overpriced and heavily taxed states out there.
People tend to underestimate just how spendy life in Cali can be.

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yeah, sometimes the homeless stay homeless. the real people pick themselves up, learn a lesson, and better their shit. LA apparently doesn't let that shit fly anymore and you'd be either arrested or forced out by the cops.
>I wanna be an actor
Ok buddy, you're in line with shitloads of other people. There's a 50/50 chance it'll work out and the people who are successful already have established themselves, came form money, and had connections. I'm not saying not to go for it, I'm just saying that you're kind of an idiot. Maybe and stupid and naive as Brandon.

just be smart . everything pays really good . i get paid like $25/hr it's silly like ya it's expensive but you make money . i didn't know how to do anything when i moved here and i couch crashed for a few months but hey i'm glad i did . you gotta want it

Naive is my middle name so that’s nothing new.
Sure having high expectations means you’ll be disappointed frequently. But it also means you’ll be pushing yourself to be your best, and nobody ever accomplished anything noteworthy by giving up before they’ve even tried.

I know what I'm getting myself into if I did, but I'm not going to say anything in this thread that was said to me about the choice wasn't true.

If I could kill every fucking transplant I would, without hesitating. Stay in your fucking cities, we are full. We don’t want you.
>yeah bro la fr Cali weather
Cringe and tryhard

If you don't have money to fall back on, you don't have a job, if you don't have a place to stay. You don't go, until you have the means, that simple. Going somewhere with barely anything and hoping for the best like it's some feel good coming of age Hollywood movie is wrong, and life and you choices WILL bite you on that ass.
Calm down.

nah be reckless sometimes it works out !!

>just get a job
Easier said than done with barely any experience or a lack if references, not to mention the huge amount of competition. Even retail jobs are getting a tad picky at hiring these days. No prospects, no buy.
>couch surf
With who? What if you don't make money as quick as you planned and can't rent a room? Keep in mind most people won't have established connections, they're just up and moving.
Not to sound like an asshole but I feel like you're oversimplifying this to a dangerous degree.

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I’m angry about dirty east coasters moving here and trying to bulldoze everything to make room for more dirty east coasters and their pet immigrantS

craigslist giiiiggggsssss

maybe get a job, get your shit together,see how you like were you're at then make a decision. running away because somethings went wrong, and putting yourself in what could become a bigger problem isn't too wise no matter what " muh story to tell" bullshit you read. more than half of the people who said that came from rich parents who had their backs no matter what happened and you obviously don't have that.

Mods this shit is off topic, please do something. I’m tired of this fatass making threads about his personal life. And no brandon I’m not montie, you fucking schizo freak

LA's doing that to themselves, it's not just east coasters or anyone else you want to blame like an angry over grown child.

Sure, if you're willing to put your personal safety at risk, with no legal contracts of the sort and all pay being sorted out under the table - in one of the skwtchiest cities in the US.
Honestly it's as helpful as saying "just sell drugs dude you'll get $$$". Only for less money.

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nah it's so much easier when you have nothin to lose !! stress builds character !! pressure makes diamonds !!!

>muh grudge
lol, i'm not brandon either, i just think you're a salty dipshit

actually selling drugs is where it's at

you can make some good money off from random craigslist gigs and job offers. if you want it, you can get it, you just have to go for that shit no holds barred, while being smart about it.

>selling drugs in LA
yeah, the gangs and government officials(that work for the gangs) will have your ass in a heartbeat

hahahahahahahaha oh man



you're just really naive it's cute
i don't sell drugs cause i don't need to but people totally do if you're into that sorta thing . n also there's hella weed trim jobs that literally ANYONE can do n is legal

What a long way of saying absolutely nothing.
>just do it
>no holds barred
>but be smart
This is some "just be yourself" levels of worthless advice.

With weed being legal there, that doesn't mean shit. I'm talking about coke, heroin, etc. That's where the money's at in places like that, you have no idea what you're talking about and how fast you'd be shot in the head in an alleyway.

Yeah I’m sure the 35% of Los Angeles County residents who were actually born in California are dominating the numbers games in politics

ew don't sell heroin you don't gotta go full heroin to make it by lmao

Yeah, except tons of other assholes are into that weed trimming job too. Have you never applied for a job before? How sheltered are you?
You got other lazy fucks, quite a few of which have a good amount of work experience and references. Now, you just show up and apply for an already saturated market. What puts you above them? Why should they hire you, some rando from out of state, over all the other applicants?
You sound completely cloistered from how the bottom level job market actually works.

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i literally had $150 to my name and no experience when i moved here . just a couch to crash on . y'all just lazy . also trim jobs are in excess

You ain't gonna make shit slinging grass bags in a legal state, you delusional fuck. Not unless you cut down prices, which in turn means way less profit for you.
Why the fuck would anyone buy some mystery bud from some rando on the street when you can just go and buy the good clean shit, and be assured in what you're buying?

Why would I be complaining about transplants if I weren’t local? I was born here, my mom was born here, her parents were born here. It’s exceedingly rare for this city and the few of us there are have been feeling the squeeze for some time now.

do you live in la ? do you sell heroin to live in la ? ya me neither

I seriously think you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
I have a feeling you aren't a LA local and have no room to be talking about it like you are.

There’s a big market for that 18-20 range who can’t legally go to dispensary’s yet

Well lucky you, where'd that couch come from? A friend? What? It's not that easy for everyone else.
>trim jobs are in excess
So is the workforce for it. Hence the competition.

you are really dumb and obviously aren't from here

ya but i actually live in la and i moved here from nowheresville like 7 years ago with nothing to my name so idk if you wanna do something just go do it might work out is all i'm sayin

Plus, how would someone that does the trim make on average? Full time or part time? These things matter.

>big market
Hardly, damn near everyone already has an established connection because everyone knows someone who CAN easily get it.
What you're suggesting is like trying to sell booze to teens on the street - with about as much profit. Not to mention - again - how are you gonna meet these very few potential clients? Just hit teens up on the street? "Ey kid, wanna buy some weed?" That'll go over like a lead baloon.

See my post

lmao you antisocial fuck just go outside

Not many people you meet at random are going to let you crash on their couch, for an extended period of time or will it be something frequent and solid.

Get real.

>you are really dumb
Watch out, galaxy brain over here just defused all of my points.
>just do da ting bro!
Unga bunga me had couch! Sober up, dude.

>brandon doesn't make good threads

>quality discussion happens in offtopic thread

im v reel

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So, you're a hooker or soemthing?

Well now we know where that couch surfing bit came from.
Also for fucks sake, ditch those nails. Wicked witch of the west-lookin ass hand.

i wouldn't let you crash on my couch because id be suspicious as hell where you got all of the cash from if you were apparently homeless

>96 posts
>18 ip's

oh ya i almost forgot Yea Forums is full of 15 yr old beta cucks lol

That's another long way of saying absolutely nothing.


move to la n sell yr ass live yr dreeeeeem$$$

Show me yours and I'll consider it.

LA's been dead for 20 years. NYC has been dead for a minute now too. You guys are clueless.

that'll cost ya

Well good thing you're so above it all and in the know, huh?
Consider me enlightened.

brandon caught her hahaha

maybe people like and want to go places and don't care if it's "dead"

Nah, that wasn't the deal. Boy, shit at convincing AND shitty at deals. I'm starting to think you're a fraud and our whole conversation was a sham.

El goblino...

believe what you want doesn't concern me i'm just trolling at this point lol

Looks like I'm going to LA to sell my ass.

Hey, at least you admit you were talking out of your ass. Kinda disappointed you drug it out this long and just give up like that though.
Disappointing, little cub.

oh no i really live in la n all that jazz i'm just not a hooker y'all said that lol i'm decent i manage a workshop

I was the only person that said that.

Wanna be my gf?

Lmao don't y'all think it's a coincidence half of the posts in this thread are posted literal an exact minute after each other? Pathetic.

yes, people are talking to each other. if you're saying its me samefagging, it's not.

i have a bf he's hot n drives a mercedes sorryyyyy lmaoooooo

>87221180 (You)
Refer to


oh wait hey let's make this about music again guys yeah hey what are y'all listening to ?? :)

>what is New York
>what is Nashville
>what is Miami
>what is Chicago
>what is Seattle

Police sirens in the distance, random city ambiance. This thread can also be about LA and it's music culture, the influence it's had etc.

aw dang i kinda hate it it's almost the vibe i'm goin for tho

Brandon please

oh well hey i run an underground venue la's got music happening all the time i hosted that folk punk band blackbird raum one time they were assholes lol

Don't crush his dreams. He's as bad off as it is.

A dream I'v'e had for years that I actually want to pursue and not leave abandoned like everything else.

leeeettt'sssss listennn to thissssss now


oh hey but really tho i was super depressed and suicidal when i ditched everything and ran away to la . i felt like i could just be dead so what did i have to lose . which worked out because all this is just bonus essentially n i'm having fun now n things are great so idk my advice is just do whatever u want nothing matters just don't half ass anything n you'll get by

no one cares.

Sick quads though.

it's a sign i'm riiiiiight u should prolly go 2 la

fuck off we're full we don't need any more out of towners going here

omg youre right.
bootyhole music

why not visit for a bit and see if you like it before committing

Cause brandon is a retard who makes bad decisions

I got- got-nothin' to lose

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okay but if you visit don't do the touristy shit go to punk shows n see some art maybe ride a bike hollywood is fucking lame venice is fucking lame hike up griffith check out the observatory idk ya ride a bike

Listn to the album LA Woman by the Doors Brandon. it's literally your life at this point

he can literally do all of that in richmond, they have a punk, noise, and hardcore scene

yeah but richmond is fucking boring

he should listen to as much music about california and LA as possible to get himself psyched

everyone check out this song that just came up


you haven't done anything but drink and eat. go outside, go to a show, then talk shit

I don't really feel like it, and honestly, have been a bit un-interested in going to shows here. I thought it'd be the opposite when I got here, but nope.

This is the most pathetic thread on the site. Stop replying to yourself Brandon?

the thread was great, the fuck you talking about?

Dude do you live in VA? and used to work at Kroger?

For you, you fucking schizo.

who are you talking to?

Grow up.

I don't know what's going on. Are you ok user?

I used to work with you at kroger bruh u was lazy as hell and always smoked my weed. damn bro why u trynna leave now

he thinks you're Brandon