This is a great album

This is a great album.

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When you’re 15 sure

not really

it is, but other albums by TI are much better

It is.

One of the best of the 2010s actually.

literally and unironically this

It's a pretty dope Tame Impala album. My favorite song off the album has to be apocalypse dreams.

imagine thinking this

But I do think that, user.

Mind Mischief is a 10/10 track

It's good
Innerspeaker > Lonerism >>> Currents

First post best post.

>that drum pattern

If you listened to more than 5 psychedelics albums in your life, even the classic ones from the 60s you realize how boring and sterile Tame Impala is.

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only contrarians will disagree.

BUt the aesthetics and vibes bruh... Kevin Parker makes all of his music by himself he’s a genius

>talks about love and having sex
>has friends and tours around the world
Could he be any more dishonest? What a waste of an album title

Yea Forums only turned on this album when tame impala became popular
Yea Forums absolutely creamed themselves over this in 2012

Good, solid album.

it's a solid good

Yea Forums always had shit taste


So did a shitton of better musicians before him.
Was it meant to be impressive?


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Yes it is
This is great too, especially if you like Lonerism

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Thanks for the rec

You should check out the innerspeaker b-sides!

meant to quote:

has that impact you know
this album prevented millions of teenagers from maturing

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aussie club banger

based desu