
- Before posting give feedback on at least 3 anons.
- RECCS are not FEEDBACK, avoid lazy reccs.
- People who post links and shill themselves without participating in any feedback/discussion are unwelcome and MUST be ignored.
- Only give feedback to people following the rules. Don't let em get away with not giving anything
- First posters should come back later if there weren't at least 3 replies in the thread. OP must follow the rule.
- Tag your genre in green-text like usual.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm making an album based off of the original Spiderman video game for PS1. Here is my promotional single. Any feedback is appreciated, ty.


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>vgm feel

Made a long time ago.

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funkiest and bounciest tune around

something i've been working on recently

> bouncy
> funky
> pop

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Kek. Your private key looks like it spells swag. What is this, 2011? Btw, your shit is way too good for these threads, like it's instantly fuckwitable.

>melodic ambient

Very interesting idea, I like the sound of this track as well, has attitude and isnt overproduced.

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Here's a classic that I'm always posting, releasing a music vid soon

>experimental, pop, indie, rock, electronic, noise

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>[]-[] [] []D []-[] [[]] []D

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Folkish, acoustic track, with flutes recorded by my friend, double tracked guitar creating new rhytmic patters that I'm sort of proud of (especially in the second part), and vocals in a small choir. I borrowed an accordion, and even wrote the lines, but it turns out that learning to play this shit isn't as easy as it seems, and they were scrapped for a single chord in the middle.
Track's in two parts, in 4/4 and 3/4 respectively, with first serving as a sort of a prelude. Some people said that it sounds like folkish Sigur Ros, and some other that it reminded them of The Microphones. These people were very nice. I return all feedback, so hit me up.

i don't really get it, as in, what is there to leave feedback about. the main theme is pretty cool, but it's quickly drowned under production value, and seemingly random bassline.

listening to window
first thing that hits me is a very cool guitar tone, some warm first chords. The bleepbloops in the background are great, and make the track in my opinion. Unfortunately, at 0:55 i felt that the drums coming in with some additional synths were great, only to get overshadowed by guitar suddenly getting louder. 2:00 reminds of that one How to Dress well track in a very good way - my favourite part.
also, i cant really say your voice seems to much that track. It sounds sarcastic at times, and this feel doesn't match well with the song overall. So to sum up, there is some very cool sound material (and i really mean it, this sounds like something just right up my alley), but I think you need to, first thing, get the song form under control (why did it hit at 2;00 only to disappear right after?), and second, try to find a style of singing (whats happening at around 0:40 is a good thing in my opinion). that works better with your songwriting. Sorry for the rambling!

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just recorded this today! let me know what other genres to tag this on bandcamp

HOLY SHIT this is the best concept ever, i love the cool ass bass and squishy synth sounds. Also how it fades out at the end like an early 2000s music video is fantastic.

this sounds like something from pokemon lol

ok this is my favorite on the thread. your guitar work is perfect, it sounds almost like acoustic mercury rev! do you have any music i can download or on spotify?

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Redid the vocals on an oldish track, not much better but meh

Will be back to post feedback, or more likely leave some on sc, or both.

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actually lol i found ur bandcamp im buying a cassette

Damn man, shouty, I like. Cool instrumentals.

Fuck me, crazy intro. sounds pretty professional, I like the mix of rappishness and singing.

This is really really good, huge rec.

me, ooh trips.

just wanted to give you all something. zounds fun to me. there is zero basslines to catch, just vgm synths + (marimba?) piano with a whiff of sfx. originally latched lyrics onto the main theme but pc broke. bleh.

Thanks so much man! I'll ship it before the end of the week. most of my music is available on spotify as well!

This is really good btw reminds me a bit of Algernon Cadwallader or Pictures of Vernon

sounds like a soundbite they endlessly replay in those cheap shitty fake nes games
release this bruv
>rap trap angery
>zillakami inspired
>beat the shit out of the neighborhood hobo for fun type beat

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>hip hop
>experimental if u can even consider it that
>song theme about a terrifying insect torture dream i had

Straightt fire gave u a like and follow i love this shit. Very good mixing and i love the sample. It doesnt call anywhere close to that bullshit old town road song but still makes me think of being an absolute merc on RDR2 or somethin like that. Love it keep it up!

Singing is a bit off my dude, but i fully agree 10 years is too long. Nice song writing id rate a good 6/10.

I still love this song after all this time highly recc this here boys

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>experimental trance
>electronic vocals
>ambient soundscape

Feedback ON SOUNDCLOUD will be returned

Instagram @reptile_brain_uk

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Thanks for the 6 man, I'm gonna spend a few days redoing the vocals again and hopefully I can push it up a point or two :D

>noise pop
>psychosis pop
>synth punk



these is good ass shit bros!

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Are you feeling yourself today my man?


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its like a retro

i can tell your a big fan of me
but other than your dj dubbi fandom this is no

I'm really really happy you came of of the closet, i know you love /gif/ based on your open fetishs
not the best music tho

>What is this, 2011
he doesnt have swag but he likes you as in has a crush , he thinks bullys are the big guys

>Very interesting idea
Why say things that are not about the truth? no sh!tposts after 2014 please and thanks

>1/10 (-2 for lying about "experimental")
tell me what you think is experimental, maybe you can change my mind :/

my son

you probably think your the king of these threads now jus because you can rite a long time? i was the big boss of legit answers,
be careful, anons on mu HATE long posts... i used to get banned because the amatrure musicians here hate critisism!

YIKES lol big nope to that, but keep working on your craft, i believe you could be great one day!

don't pick fights you swineherder and a smack to your insults.

lets colab since you are a fan of my work.


ok, so...

I'm back! lol been a long year so far, got a lot on the way and i'm still grindin! wow i love seeing NEW faces here on mu, i've been here longer than all of you, i'm basically an ELDER in soundcloud threads lol! LOL

I used to be hated here, but now Im LOVED!!

I hope There will Be LOTS of posts ITT and we can all grow together I will help you with your careers!


Heres my links for the noobs
>Dubstep ( and POST-DUBSTEP since I ENDED the genre of Dubstep and brought in the age of TRAP-BANGERS that replaced WUB-WUBWUBs)
>Trap Bangers

Attached: 1532275880942.jpg (500x500, 21K)

>YIKES lol big nope to that, but keep working on your craft, i believe you could be great one day!

so do you not like it cause the music or the genres?

just ignore him, he has a learning disability

Pretty sure its a troll using someone elses soundcloud link to start flamewars.

What’s up faqqu i think this is really good you’ve settled on a basic dubstep sound. Your signature cringebass style blends in here nicely. Iirc It felt very shoehorned in your older work

He was Dubbi 1st, he started that whole Faqqi thing more recently, he used to be DJ Dubbi back in like 2013 or something idek.

>someone elses soundcloud link
Go look at his comments, its him.

Losing interest quickly but thanks

yeah thanks for asking bro its hard sometimes

>he has a learning disability
that would be a compliment, dubbi is dumb as fuck

hey guys lil b just released a new tape we should all listen to that instead of each others shitty music lol

Lmao this guys fuckin awesome, your music sucks tho :/

HOW CAN I BE A FAN OF YOURS IF I'VE NEVER HEARD OF YOU MY ENTIRE LIFE??? obvious bait. i'll stop. 10/10 critique, (no matter how bullshitty it is, it's still feedback) your music is god-awful to. what i posted is no better but wow, i feel motion-sickness after listening to your shite. still blocked your ass cuz i feel that you'll just keep fucking with me. fun reading your posts tho. keep it up.

Went through liked and followed some of the tracks I dug. Some really cool shit in this thread!

> alternative r&b
> cloud rap

such a cool atmosphere. make more pls
synth tones are good, i would try experimenting more into complex melodies. i don’t know shit about that but you could probably make really cool shit if u get technically creative

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don't you have anything else to post here?
>chill beats


really easy listen.

woah its 2006

>obvious bait.
but you still bit , just grow up


your shit's unavailable and it's best to stay that way
>cloud rap

>don't you have anything else to post here?
some anons just don't want to be cringy, you could learn something about that I bet.

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>your shit's unavailable

try it now ^



still unavailable. link me your bandcamp or some shit cuz soundcloud is broken for you.

fuck that, I hate dubbi just as much as you do.

wow is it because I don't have a premium soundcloud or something? I'm new to this.


please tell me you're keking.

this is where you lead me...

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man I suck at this. help me. should I just buy the premium soundcloud or whatever its called.

fuck no. i'll let someone else handle your shit. post your track(s) here, not your profile. you're prolly bs-ing me.

wtf is this thread anymore?

are you saying you'll be my manager? wow this is a big step for me.

>wtf is this thread anymore?
Dubbi showed up and got people talking instead of sharing music. I hate how you all start taking so much, post music and say REC to the good songs

how can anyone manage an "artist" that doesn't exist in the first place? you didn't post music here, just an empty link to your "profile".

sorry, I guess I over stepped a bit. I just got excited because you seemed so enthusiastic about handling all of my music for me.

hey guys who fucking cares what some "post-dubstep" producer thinks of their music
>manic retard pop
>ffo pop will eat itself and the first john maus album

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ur a fucking faggot. lol

whatever man, go back to your post-dubstep garbage. I'll fix my link on my own.

nigga i had too much fun with you. also, anyone who classifies their music as 'post-dubstep' should get shot on the spot.

>anyone who classifies their music as 'post-dubstep' should get shot on the spot.
so you're pretending you're not dj dubbi?


What year is this? 2011?



this thread is fucking gold. swag.

It is indeed epic desu *italian fingers* le based senpai

Dj dubbi at it again, go to bed

I miss Honest Reviewer

We need to have a rule in the sticky about ignoring DJ Dubbi for all the newfags

wow you guys sure do get wound up easily lmao
>"Two sets from Lekanrabek Central FM: the premiere #1 dance/techno, rock and pop station in all of Membok Palay."

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you know what, even tho i'm not dj dubbi, i'll rock with that here. too fun.

Easy for you to say, you haven't been harassed by dj dubby. Btw your link is fucked.

same here. he was indeed honest.

Wtf is DJ Dubbi

>- Anthony Fantano

Too bad he doesn't even know who you are, go make some propper music.

The good old days

huh thats funny its working for me

Not for me.

yeah I don't know that link is not working for me either.

what the fuck i copied that link and opened it 5 separate times and it worked on all of them

and its definitely not set to private

weird shit!

It works bud, dubbi is trying to teach you to hate him

haha that make me go "TOP kek"

>dubbi is trying to teach you to hate him
Oh shit

same, dj dubbi do it for the lulz!

Stop samefagging , no one cares dubbi

geez. some OP deleted a shillthread just cuz i said 'fuck you', major pussy tom.

Grow up dubbi, you're boring.

Here's an ANTI-DJ DUBBI thread


why tho? it's fucking aids. let it die.

Olive Garden likes this mix but the quality is baked potato.

Really good vox compared to most this stuff. Pretty friendly indie sound. super chill synth. Crazy tones in the bridge

Idk what to say man. What the fuck am I listening to?

This redirects to the homepage for me?


hope you enjoy

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The beats are really out there and Alive Garden approves. I don't really see how this is post-dubstep though.

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Nah, he was talking about dj dubbi, who classifies his music as post-dubstep, which is super cringey.

Fuck yeah bro! Wouldnt hurt at all and thats the kind of attitude that makes for a successful person just in general. Keep working man! Keep your head down and dont let people talk shit.

wtf even is post-dubstep?

I don't see why I have to keep my head down, how about my head high like the sky.
the link is retarded.

That's because it ISNT post-dubstep. I was making fun of Dubbi.

Thanks man, dunno who is