Competent musician or just dumb thot?

Competent musician or just dumb thot?

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Incompetent at being a thot

Just a retard who used to make alright music

shes ugly

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Fatso should eat less cheetos

Who’s this lady?

She's an alien princess.

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dumb musician and competent thot desu


competent musician and acclaimed producer and music video maker + visualr artist. haters btfo!


She was always dumb and always was a competent musician. The thot part came later on.

very competent, also the best from this decade

Sad and pathetic if true

she is so gorgeous

unironically one of my favorite artists.

i hope she is happy


Neither. She's such a fucking delusional cokehead the likes of which we will not see again in our generation. This bitch is off her fucking rocker. Her new album is going to be absolutely terrible and she is going to lash out at everyone who doesn't give it glowing praise. Pitchfork will give it like a fucking 8 and she's going to burn them down for it. Mark my words.

Well, that We Appreciate Power song/video was absolute GARBAGE, and that is the direction she is going. No way will she ever be even halfway decent ever again.

Visions is fucking awesome. Her earlier work is alright as well; art angels was some wonk pseudo artistic pop crap. I don't think she'll ever put out a good album again, her new singles are at least trying something different, but fails spectacularly to my ears. I respect her as a musician tho, she writes her own stuff and seems to have a unique aesthetic that isn't based around her sexuality, like many other female musicians (which isn't a bad thing, as long as your music isn't trash, as it often is). I remember this board used to unironically love her. I get that her new music may not be what you want, but to loathe her so just misguided sexual anguish. Grow up mu.


>grimesthreads still being spambotted on Yea Forums
see you in 3 years!

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I miss witch house Grimes.

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