The Velvet Underground > The Beatles
The Velvet Underground > The Beatles
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Well duh
We already knew this
How the fuck did they get away with it?
reddit migrate just realize this
ironically this
How do i get Lou haircut?I really like it
>OP thought he would be flamed
>literally everyone ITT agrees with him
lol no
Beatles fags are just sleeping
no i'm here
any band ever > the shitles
Not even close
I love The Velvet Underground, but The Beatles were objectively the greatest band of all time and the fact that we compare every other band to them is a testament to that. They're the gold standard by which we measure every other band.
Nah, TVU sucks
>the virgin avant-teen opinion
The Beatles > every other band
hardly an achievement, Kanye is better than the beatles too.
Brian Wilson and His Backup band > Beatles >Velvet Underground >>>>> Lou's solo career