Is it worth listening to?

Never listened to it. Is it worth listening to?

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I dont know give it a listen

Nope, it just became one of the most acclaimed rock albums ever and a staple discussion point in Yea Forums for a complete joke.

It's not their best but it is their most accessible

its just dad rock for people who don't want to admit they like dad rock

It’s pretentious music for pretentious people

what's their best album?

wdy prefer death metal?

are you implying death metal is bad?

not him but yes metal is 90% garbage and rest pretty boring

yes that is what I'm implying it most of it sounds pretty bad and is just all the fucking same

Where can you listen to it considering it's not on streaming services

>It's not their best
Actually it is, but they have several albums that are basically 10/10 so you're forgiven for making that mistake.
>it is their most accessible
Depends heavily on your existing taste. I could easily see Discipline being their most accessible, or Power to Believe.
If you think that it's pretentious you've been taken for a ride

it's not even an hour long

you are gays
it's pretty good listen to it

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Yes, Yea Forums is only a small niche group of contrarian dicks. Most normal people will think you're cool for listening to ITCOTCK

It's great except for Moonchild.

Discipline is way more accesible than this

Yes it is

Seek your soul faggot
Ornwaitna couple weeks

too bad it's one of their worst albums

Bro you actually have to listen to it to give an opinion.

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why not

I did

Plebspeak for "I don't understand it."

Yes, and its fans are lonely virgins.

Pornhub unironically

Yes, it is worth the listen, judge it yourself, this board is infested by fucking contrarians

This but reversed

Literally the only thing worth listening to


It is a masterpiece

In the court of the crimson kiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnggg aooooohh aoooh aaooooh aooooooh oaooh aooooohh

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Yes, but I would recommend listening to other prog albums from that time as well.

Sometimes you can understand when someone is just full of themselves

In the Wake of Posiedon or Larks tounge in aspic or whatever it's called

i would recommend it

Lizard was great.

Yes. Don't be deterred when Schizoid Man descends into jazz, because the rest of the album is really good.

It starts off weak with 21st Century Schizoid man, but gets far stronger from there.

Belew Crimson is the best Crimson and you're a fag

edgy take my man

Thank you

Discipline has the ‘80s cheese aesthetic to it

dicipline is my fav talking heads album

(Still a 10/10 though)

It starts with the only good track on the album.

Good point

Start there,

Then listen to Larks Tongues in Aspic & Red

If you want more in that vein listen to Starless & Bible Black & Islands. Lizard is good but the band was in a state of flux which reflects in the music. The same goes for In the Wake of Posiden. Not to say they're not good.

If you want it more angular listen to Discipline

If you want it harder listen to The Construcktion of Light

If you want the culmination of fifty plus years of musical experimentation listen to Radical Action to Unseat the Hold of the Monkey Mind & Meltdown:Live in Mexico City

KC is a bottomless well of musical goodness and the more you listen to the more you'll like it.

Before you know it you'll be listening to Heavy Construcktion and The Great Deciever.


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Its good

Look, another faggot who can't criticize prog without calling it pretentious or wank.

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Poseidon is just a shittier version of ITCOTCK. Lark's is great though.