Key modulations and counterpoint: The Album
Key modulations and counterpoint: The Album
Also, he raped a retarded girl
More like point-blank
I think the producers of that movie watched Gummo and felt inspired. Buzz O says that never happened
Nevermind? More like Worst Of Its Kind!
he just does flat-five subs with major chords, that's their entire sound
I never saw any movie, I am going purely off his 1987 diary entry on the matter
Kurt insists that he did rape a retarded girl
>The Album
It happens like twice
I intend to permanently physically harm
t. couldn't even handle harmonic analysis of a Nirvana song
daily reminder that theory fags are retarded
was he fucking illiterate? why is he constantly crossing shit out and writing over it? what a fucking shithead
lol have sex incel
triggered talentlet
Get raped, whore
Thousands of rapekits go entirely untested, every day
It's from his personal journals, he's writing a draft copy for some sort of letter to fans. Only an autist would rewrite an entire letter every time they wanted to change something, of course he's crossing shit out.
>was he fucking illiterate
Yeah and he still made 100x more worthwhile music than you ever could. It's gotta suck to know that an uneducated loser like him is still more talented than you, theory fag.
seems i struck a nerve
I can SEE what he is changing, and it's not gonna help your case, stupid. Let's go through them then, you smarmy bitch,
>Then I...
Whoa, what a way to START a letter.
And yes, you asshole, if you respect your fans then you will have a ROUGH draft, and then a FINAL draft.
Yep, like the nerves getting struck when your cuntlips are pried open by a stranger's cock. Enjoy wondering what STDs he may or may not be carrying. I mean, he's a rapist after all, not using any condoms. Enjoy your syphilis. Because I'll enjoy it. Suffer, while you sleep and wonder if tomorrow will be the day. They're counting down nicely. Oh, what an inevitability it will be when you're finally helpless and struggling, like a retard girl in the grasps of Kurt Cobain.
>openly admitting plagiarism and dabbing on theoryfags
kek getting a little flustered there incel. even in a site full of losers it's not common you come across one as rage filled as you are. i look forward to seeing your failed mass shooting and successful suicide reported on the news. nice reddit spacing btw
I am a homosexual and therefore I can have sex with no effort whatsoever and have meany times. I'm Squirtle and you're Charmander and your pissant flames aren't phasing me, motherfucker.
THESE ARE LINE BREAKS, and if you had any respect for the internet and grammar itself, you would be proud to employ them, you daft cunt.
I'd better strap a booster seat over my groin if you;re gonna ride my dick this hard, motherucker.
It's not even the first page lmao. Why are you getting so angry about the way Kurt Cobain of all people wrote some discarded draft for a letter/liner notes/whatever a quarter of a century ago.
just lol thanks for the entertainment dude
I am angry that someone as mentally minuscule as you would contradict me.
You're welcome. Thanks for those trips, brotha.
>Key modulations and counterpoint
Purely Accidental: The Album
In no uncertain terms, I have a personal intellectual vendetta towards you and I am determined to play it out to your discontent.
>I am angry that someone as mentally miniscule as you would contradict me
>In no uncertain terms, I have a personal intellectual vendetta towards you
t. will never be half the composer Kurt was
Nah, I am.
How about you?