Hey guys new to Yea Forums here, just needed some help figuring out this 2000s song i vaguely remember. the only things i remember of it are that its kind of reggae/hip hop, its about catching the singers girl cheating, and shooting them both, with a lyric about shooting Sanjay(?) dead. if anyone knows what it is ill fuckin cream ive been at this for like 2 hours
That one fucking song that you cant remember
Other urls found in this thread:
sublime santeria
Sean Kingston - You had me suicidal
Was in some Germanic language, name of the band was Gruppe (number of some sort), stoner rock genre. Bridge was a repeat of F E F E. Used to have it appear on Pandora when I did the King Crimson default playlist, think they had an upload on Youtube at some point
80s new wave song with a female voice singing “secrets” at the end of each chorus with a male singing all other parts
alright i got a big one for you.
>late 90s/early 2000s hip hop track
>found as a mis-labeled song from Limewire/Kaaza
>heavily filtered vocal sample was the basis of production.
>i think the song was about smoking weed
>the artist rapping was heavily pitch shifted (but not slowed/screwed)
that's pretty much all i can remember about it, but the melody has been stuck in my head for years. if anyone can point me in the right direction or just knows what the fuck i'm talking about then i won't sound crazy when i try to describe it to people
Pitch shifted down or up?
If anyone know this...
>Euro - Electronica song
>Foreing Language
>Synths and voice goes like this vocaroo.com
>Old (pre 2010 for sure)
Thanks a LOT!!!!!!!!
It's some synthpop sounding song with female vocals. The last few lines are "someone like youuu" repeated. I heard it at a water park so it can't be too obscure, it reminded me of Phantogram or Chromatics but I'm not sure if it's one of those bands.
I would have found it years ago via Google if it weren't for stupid Adele and her similar lyrics
i think it was a popular hip-hop song where the hook was a chipmunked vocal sample that went something like this: onlinesequencer.net
anyone know the about some mexican rapping about partying once its sunset or some shit like that
just google search and put -adele at the end you fucking retard
Black Sheep by Metric?
yeah, it's called reggaeton
hell nah its that adele song
No but I like that song
You really think I didn't try this? It's just such a common lyric
No I've come across this in my search though. The vocals were similarly distorted but the someone like you lyric was repeated at the end and the whole song was a female only.
I sometimes wonder if I remembered it wrong and lost it forever
found it thank you so much
Maybe, I don't know mate, I very much appreciate the help but I think my memory is fucked and the song as I know it just doesn't exist
I'm joking I gave myself a fucking laugh for sure
anyone pls :(
Passion Pit's Sleepyhead
got you senpai stay blessed
If you're up to it maybe record the melody in vocaroo
thank you so much dude! I've been looking for that for months! :)
don't know why I thought it was hip hop though
Not it but I love this song (and Beach House) and it can function as a replacement
the beginning sample sounds like a hip hop DJ. also the drums and claps.
I've been looking for years. I beg you anons PLEASE help me.
The music video has a guy in a hospital gown in a glass room. The song isn't lovely or pop and I'm sure there's a bit of the song which is like some weird moan when the man and a woman press up against the glass (in the way people on either side out their hand on and the other puts in the same place) The guy sort of looks poor young Eminem but it isn't him. Any idea?
There's a song. I think it's famous. I can't remember the melody, but there's a weird "Ga Ga Ga Gaga Gaga Ga" in the song. It's rock. I think I heard it in movie.
Is this bait? Is it Radio Gaga?
I remember this song from around 2013-2014, I'm pretty sure the title had something to do with Vice City and it was just a great summer vibe with no vocals and I think the video was deleted from YT as I can't find it anywhere. I don't have expectations for anyone to know (it had less than 100k views I think) but fuck it someone might know
No. It starts with a whistle Melody that goes "woohoo woo hoo hoo".
what about that one rock song talking about waiting for his girl
Whats that rap song about how the singer has money and gets laid a lot?
Jack White - Lazaretto
holy shit that's it
Alright user, good thing you made this thread cause I have a song I can't remember and it's been driving me crazy for a week.
I heard it on Yea Forums. It's a folk song, probably scottish, sang with a heavy accent. Its about a battle between scottish clans and the english army. Near the end the singer starts listing the different clans and what they did to the brits (like "the Macdougals kicked their asses here, the Macallen made them run there").
pls user, you are my only hope
70s dance pop song, really famous as I've caught it playing through speakers, but never well enough where I can make out most lyrics. Chorus about heart beating? heart breaking? It's been years
Datarock - Fa Fa Fa
There’s a 70s/80s disco or funk song that has the lyrics (...so we could/can start again...)
I’ve been racking my brain for a year
fuck it I remember watching this video one time like 8 years ago on tv one morning, the video was like a porn parody from the 80's and kept repeating the same lyrics
nevermind I found it, it was fucking moby
I found it. Thanks anyway
Also, sorry I fucked up. I heard it in Kill Bill and that version had a Gaga in it.