Have you prayed to your goddes today?
Ariana General: dabbing on the president addition
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you like my dubs? gee thanks, just bought em
hAha nice tRy
chEck Em
Trump BTFO!
this songs is a bop
Any Slander directed at the Godesu will be met with death
sorry user blackboys only
ariana seems like a trump supporter dbh
or a woman
ThE tIMing was Off
ChEck aGain
succumb to her now
ChEcK Em
go away tripfag.
that dog knows whats up.
or "white" guys as per her last two relationships
whats everyones favorite song
But seriously... gEt ChEcKed
>iPhone 4S
where the fuck did time go
Check out those
>listening to the dipshit political opinions of an MKultra Disney pop star
is Yea Forums really this gay now?
p bAsed mAtE
digits confirm stay will die in 2019
>caring about this 80 IQ thot reading off a script
If someone didn't tell her, I bet she wouldn't even know who's president, let alone be able to offer any intelligent commentary or critique of his policies.
have sex lol
That’s a cringe from mE
NOw chEcK Em
bend over
ok, what now?
she was hotter when she was white
How did she dab on the president?
Oh, I thought that was a fan made gif referencing the gif memes of the early teens
>I regularly go to the donut shop where she licked the donut and said hated America
do NOT slander 2Chainz
I really want to fuck her throat
>gets blacked
>turns black
oh shit
w2c that jacket
She clearly must no have emotions
She witnessed so many people die and she didn't skip a beat after that.
Dan the Man must have really fucked with her mind.
Do you not know the difference between a tripfag and a namefag?
wtf she gets emotional on stage all the time
I still use an iphone 4s
What did she mean by this?