If you legitimately listen to this band past the age of 15 you have awful taste

if you legitimately listen to this band past the age of 15 you have awful taste

Attached: blink-182_0[1].jpg (550x365, 35K)

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lol they played all the small things at the club and it popped off stop being an incel

Yeah I'd also like to add Weezer to the "if you listen to this band you're shit" list. And REM, who only had one good song (props if you can guess what it is.)

Radio free Europe?

Correct, that was fast

No it's actually Orange Crush but thanks for playing

says the homo faggot who probably listens to indie rock and playboi carti like a fucking retard.

id agree with you for the most part but blue album and pinkerton are pretty solid albums
also rem are okay-ish but definitely a precursor to late 90s stuff like matchbox twenty, david matthews band and other horrid bands

I'm sorry the answer we were looking for was Life and How to Live It

objectively wrong, early blink 182 was the shit. Cheshire Cat is an underrated skate punk masterpiece and the They Came to Conquer Uranus ep is outstanding. Dude Ranch has it's moments and anything after that is fucking garbage.
Don't believe me listen to this audio kino:

indie rock, sure. playboy carti, big no

wasnt really good but i will give it to you that its the least awful of their stuff

fair enough, it's not for everyone. have a good day

watch it pal maybe i want to have a neutral day, dont tell me how to live my life

>pretty solid
Green album is at least blue album lite. Pinkerton is for incels and hipsters who deliberately enjoy poorly written music

pinkerton =/= incel rock. this has been disproven infinite times, read the first song dummy. as for your "poorly written music" statement, you're only highlighting your low IQ. If you cannot understand the emotional depth Rivers poors into songs like Across the Sea and The Good Life you should probably just off yourself.

Whatever gets you through the day, incel-kun

shut up nerd

Attached: -TFW_29c338_4067656.png (960x717, 489K)

I miss living in San Diego in the 00's

Well I guess it all dEpends



Pfff. REM doesn't belong anywhere near that list. You obviously are a very pedestrian listener when it comes to music. Total surface-level.

Bet me $5 right now that you're not an insecure pretentious depressed nerd

>If you listen to Blink 182 you have awful taste

Attached: sadfsdfsfa.jpg (612x408, 56K)

Ill listen to whoever I want, fuck your opinion

normies will never know that guy from drive like jehu produced a blink album