Objectively better than Weezer

those with over 50 IQ admit BTS is superior to Weezer by any metric. Weezer is gay

Attached: Keep-It-Like-A-Secret-1545861244-640x640.jpg (640x640, 118K)

how are they even comparable....

Why are you comparing them? Why did you make this thread? Why do you insist on lowering the quality with of this board with your posts instead of just lurking? Why

Literally the dumbest thing I’ve read all day and it’s been a fucking doozy. Compare BTS to Pavement or Modest Mouse or at least a band that makes sense.

Fuck off retards this thread is for high iq posters ONLY


then get out

sub 50 IQ confirmed

anyone got a dl link to this or perfect from now on?
they are not on spotify where i live and i cant use soulseek right now

They’re both on YouTube retard

youtube fucking sucks though
and i want to scrobble them and listen to them on my phone

Built to spill vs BTS, who wins

Of course they are better, but it makes no sense to compare the two.

how could you compare a shitty band like weezer to built to spill

Weezer is my favourite band. Name 1 song by BTS that is better than any Weezer song.

Weezer sucks, Doug at least has a wife that fucks for the past 20 years and isn't making shitty subpar music

wow that was a good listen thank you op

if this board was anything like Yea Forums this thread would’ve been pruned in a few minutes. fuck you mods

They're doing a Keep it Like a Secret 20th anniversary tour with like 100 shows this year, gonna see them in Portland in September. hype.

Christ, this board's level of quality drops by the day with people posting shit this stupid.

Listening to this for the first time because of this thread.
And it is pretty good.
But I heard Weezer too much to say that it is better