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Muse has never made a single respectable piece of music
the only band worse than radiohead
>not coldplay
I liked 2 or 3 songs but I heard them in middle school.
Watch this video for most absolute cringe dance ever. It's like the anti-moonwalk
damn that's a fine looking crowd . . .
Cringe and cringe pilled
I once went to a 30 Seconds to Mars show because my girlfriend had tickets. I thought it would at least be well-staged but it was just fucking horrible.
I find it funny how Radiohead's imitators once released good pop albums after figuring out how to copy elements of their sound ingeniously, but have since reached the point in their careers where they've released more bad albums than Radiohead.
Holy shit that's not even a dance, he just shimmied his feet like a fifth grader at recess.
Lmao what a chad
This has got to be this weeks worst thread so far
muse is the coldplay for girls who "are not like the other girls"
not an argument
One of the worst nights in my life was when I decided to fuck a girl who was a Muse fan. She was extremely dry and the condom broke just as I came really hard. I then spend the next hour being driven in her car blasting Muse at 12 am rushing to CVS to buy plan b. I wanted to fucking die.
Plug in baby is 10/10 and so is newborn
I once pretended to like Music for twenty-six and a half minutes to impress a girl. Almost died. I still have PTSD flashbacks.
I dont know man, they was he comes aroound full circle is pretty SICK
>those dance moves
absolutely fucking based
this is literally me
>Muse has no good alb-
Muse isn't even that shite, but it is hilarious and memeworthy to shit on the band who unironically named one of their songs "thoughts of a dying atheist"
indeed, we are not arguing. we are having a respectful disagreement.
shut the FUCK up
>She was extremely dry
And who's fault is that?