Thank fucking god I started watching JoJo

thank fucking god I started watching JoJo

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Wtf I also just started watching Jojo this week, Roundabout is a great credits song. The albums also p good

Yeah but did you know?

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I like the album a lot. been slowly working my way through Yes' discography as a result. also nice, what season are you on?

Lol I’ve heard a lot of names and stands in the show reference music like this
Yea I’ve only heard Fragile and part of Close to the Edge, Yes is dope. I watched ep 5 of season 1 last night, but I’ve also seen the first couple episodes of season 4. Went back cause I didn’t realize there were spoilers if not watched chronologically

Joseph Joestar gets revived just after they defeat Dio by allowing Star Platinum to stop time just like Dio's The World.
Now fuck off back to whichever shithole you came from you fucking tourist.

>reading jojo for the plot

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that's mean :(

>being proud of watching jojo's reddit adventure

Welcome to Yea Forums. Now get out.

Bruce Willis was a ghost the whole time!

Fuck off gatekeeper

You say it like that's something that would ruin Yea Forums, when in fact it's the complete opposite.

l.a. boom boom dies

Kek I didn’t even read your post past “Joseph Joestar”. You’re a failure

>people discovering, enjoying, and sharing new music would destroy a music-themed discussion board

lmaoing at ur lyfe

>we NEED to talk about entry-level band for the 45278th time again!
Yeah, no...

>he wants to talk about the same one hundred bands over and over again
I think reddit might be more your speed, buddy.

So, didja know there's an enemy in the latest part who references SAW 85-92?
It's cute too see Araki reference music other than dadrock.

Aphex Twin is popular among dad rockers, so...

>part 3 spoilers
Not even trying

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It was directed at the OP, so that's why i went with that spoiler.
I don't get why he vomited razors though, for what purpose?

i havent read it in half a decade but iirc it was risotto nero's stand (metallica or some shit that turns the iron in your blood into nails and shit)

Yeah we also could do without less of the "i'm speshul for making a point of being optimistic and unjaded on Yea Forums" bait

JoJo's is overrated and boring garbage. it wasn't fun to watch because it was neither funny, had a good story or good animation. it's only popular because the normalfag-friendly memes

Good choice, Jojo is a great show. Also, if you want some more yes to listen to, try the yes album.

based, fuck jojofags

I feel like the only person that got into JoJo because of the references

I fucking hate you weeb fags


where the hell do you think you are
when you 404 do you not see yotsuba
was this not modeled on 2chan
were the first two boards not Yea Forums and Yea Forums, who were catalogued as anime/general and anime/random

Cry harder nerd

Not an argument.

Lurk more until you are out of your le edgy xD phase, please and thank you.