This is just one of his goofy pranks right?

this is just one of his goofy pranks right?

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yeah he just shaved the top of his head

and all of our


are gone


he's like 28 and his Dad is a baldie
of course constant touring and smoking smd drinking speeds up the process but he's just a proto-boomer right now


fools love to amp up shit

Macs been balding for a while now surprised you faggots just noticed. He’s just letting it go in a based way. Props

at least he knows who his real dad is now

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>he's like 28
I like how you say that like being 28 is borderline geriatric. How old are you, 16?

memento mori guys

This is really fucking sad. He's destroying both his mind and body as the public claps and cheers him on. The eternal goofball. The tragic clown.

Go away, dad.

No he's right how fucking old are you you smoothballed fuck

He looks like an obese Pat Metheny now.

A picture of Pat Metheny from last year for reference

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I wold rather die than being a 28 year old grandpa.

It's just the age

It Will happen you too fucking zoomers you Will see

When you wake up and you look at the mirror and you already look like an old man

It's really not just the age, he is looking absolutely haggard.

Nigga he's 28. Here's Adam Levine at 40 for comparison.

Attached: Adam-Levine.jpg (2048x2048, 373K)

But it Is. He's balding, fat and his Face expression done changed
It's just that he's about to be 30 now.
In that other pic he looks like 16

Those Hindi tattoos are not fetch and are offensive #culturalappropriationsucks

That's absolutely no excuse.

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This. Mac's becoming a shell of Mac. I couldn't even being to get interested in his last two albums. He makes the same "chill" song over and over again now, it's like he doesn't even actively think to make it interesting anymore or has lost the capacity to do it.

He's been Flanderized by the popular, completely wrong perception of him, the one that says he's a goofy, laid back, barely trying stoner that pumps out 50 BPM music after 50 BPM music. In reality, his best songs are energetic, including most on 2, Chamber of Reflection, and so on.

He should really take care of himself and try to find inspiration again, because it's obvious he's been working in auto mode for a while now.

>It's just the age
no it isn't, lmfao
that's not how 28 year olds look

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hello hello fellow dads :^)

If you’re older than 25 you should retire from the internet.

nah if youre older than 18-24 then retire

25 is ancient bro

Andrew in MGMT is like 40 and looks more than 10 years younger. all sorts of old bands like Hall and Oates were like 40. All sorts of old indie bands from the 2000s have near 40 year olds in them and they still look good

Mac just never looked good in my honest opinion

imagine wasting your youth browsing this shithole