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Other urls found in this thread:

first for yeji

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How can you look at this can tell me that kpop isn't popular around the world

>cub is a goddess now
what happened?

momo as wife cub as daughterwife

i'm in kpg cause i don't care about jpop. why do i always have to explain how the japanese market works to random people, when i don't even like the japanese market with all those physicals...

Attached: yananpalm.jpg (540x960, 215K)

>sea niggers

not human

sea's are fucking disgusting


who else believe that this twice comeback will be a bridge between cutepop and some mature content to pave the way for their next comeback?..

>imagine if sana or mina was your nurse or doctor
my health would probably deteriorate
my body would direct most of my blood to a specific area

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why do people hate sea so much, we are like 60 percent of your nugu groups' income.


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Yeah, it'll be 75% Twicepop + 25% gurl crushu

We only like real groups here so that doesn't matter


>sea monkeys
>having money
pick one

your heart?

one thing that commoners tend to ignore when comparing jpop and kpop is all that english. people are all like hurr durr it's just a few words here and there, but yes, that little bad english goes a long way in making things more accessible.
another thing is the quality of video content. full hd in korea is way more of a thing than most of the rest of the world. you got hd quality reality shows and dramas there way before most of the other markets around the world.

clc and bp...

how easy is Korean compared to Jap?
PS Im learning Jap and just curious, I'm well past the phase of learning top 3000 kanji etc.

ugggh they seriously can’t top this one

guess I’ll keep replaying into oblivion..

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>every year, the media tries to shill kpop
>despite all the shilling, nobody besides bts ever charts

>I'm well past the phase of learning top 3000 kanji
doesn't that mean you are fluent enough to watch stuff unsubbed

apparently it's the same amount of time for basic fluency in both, 1-2 years

but they had HD in Japan too
and English in lyrics (Utada Hikaru)

>we are like 60 percent
japan accounts for 70% of korean groups income nowdays
so if you are 60% of the 30% that remains that leave us with a 18% total
which considering your gdp you either are rich as fuck
or you are lying

jpop does have quite a lot of english too, i think it's more to evoke that historical pop culture cool feeling than for international audiences though

what do femnazis in Korea think about KPOP?

she's always been a godess, you just let the roasties here sway your opinion when they spam uggocrops

it has an alphabet so you dont have to learn thousands of chinese letters, but its closer to japanese style than to chinese

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do i see glue under her left eye there?

i mean, even if you learn japanese, it still depends on what your mother tongue is. for me both japanese and korean grammar are a piece of cake compared to english, cause my mother tongue is agglutinative. (also pronunciation is easy for me due to my mother tongue. easier than english pronunciation and intonation anyway.)
if you are an english native, for you all of them will be harder.
it's probably going to take you a few hours to learn hangul. i think you did the right thing, starting with the harder writing system. after japanese, it should be easier. other way around is a struggle.

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i thought jpop uses more english than kpop. like egirls, chanmina, riri, etc. i think the most english songs we get from popular group in kpop are kill this love and rbb.

pentag0n has a decent discography overall. they can die with pride.

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good job

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yeah that's my glue

are there any groups in Korea when girls are supposed to have image of a virgin and dont have bfs? how important is purity in KPOP?

almost all of them

the crop spamming antis are mentally ill guys though (jisoo erper, cripple, tinny...)

it's kinda working though, the overall sales of physical albums have probably at least doubled from 10 years ago when it was mostly a korean/asian thing
bp is crawling up the western charts too

>lip bite
What a slut

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this is hilarious
they are not only slapping posters for demos now they slap posters for views too?

most of them yeah, nearly all
if they get caught with a boyfriend before their groups dating ban has been lifted, they'll get kicked out of the company

as if you wouldnt cum in a instant if she sit on top of you wrap her legs around your waist move close to your ear and whisper


>if they get caught with a boyfriend before their groups dating ban has been lifted, they'll get kicked out of the company
i don't think that ever happened, idols usually keep it secret when they're rookies though
the only one i can remember dating early on was gsd hyeri and that didn't stop her from getting really popular later

is it worth to watch pentagon maker now?? ima new age trash universe and haven’t gone back past shine yet

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their company wants them to be pure, but majority will still date anyway


nothing happened to jennie either

damn nigga where have you been?

Dubu is so out of place in this picture. Poor girl is getting turbomogged.

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Kwon Eunbi

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shut the fuck up barreltov

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it's still not in their blood like in korea. they still use such ancient technology in japan for a lot of tv content that you would want to shoot your brains out if you had to work with that shit. while korean idol groups are basically followed around with their content either streamed live in hd or edited within a matter of hours.
plus did they make video content accessible internationally, though...?
i was just on an utada binge actually.

>kpop is popular

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everybody does that

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hyuna was kicked out YG for dating e'dawn

I mean the fact that bp and bts are appearing on American tv talk shows indicates global growth, right? ......riiiight??

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that image is important for rookies although i think it's also understood lots of them date on the low, veteran idols joke or tell stories about it pretty often
some groups like gfriend trade on the pure image and a male fanbase more than someone like blackpink where jennie's dating didn't really shock anyone

dear lord


kpop is another attempt by the illuminati to spread satanism to the world

i have a confession to make. i know the whole pentag0n discog very well, i watched their performances back and forth, etc.
never watched pentagon maker. i think i gave it a go, a few years ago, and found it boring.
maybe i'll give it another go, i'm more invested in these losers now since i realize that they barely have any support left.

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Who the fuck thought sending asian twinks to perform on a show for boomers was a good idea again?

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the fact that bts is selling 3 million copies while tvxq's generation did 0,5 million seems to indicate that, overall physicals seem to increase every year

>Hyuna & Edawn


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The cutest

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last question from the guest.
what kind of people do usually follow KPOP, can you characterise them? is it just guys who are horny, roasties and pretty failed female dancers?

cube that is
but i think that was more because they embarrassed the company by contradicting their statement and pr tactic and caused a mess with pentagon's fans, not because hyuna wasn't allowed to date at all

pic unrelated

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not that user, but is it possible and/or a good idea to play some korean mmorpg and voice chat with the gooks for immersion? that’s what I was planning to do when I reach a base conversational level, but idk

isn't it worse for gaypops to be caught dating? girl groups can still maintain their female fanbase

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almost all kpop fans are mentally ill in one way or another. it's a form of fantastical escapism more than a music genre

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Cube doesn't even have an official dating ban, some pentagon guy dated a gidle girl and Cube didn't do shit

what does this thread think about "random play dance"? do you want to have that much fun too or is it cringe?

You are one of those mentally ill people who comes here and probably doesn't even like to listen to kpop.

>fantastical escapism
wow very concise lol

this girl

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this is sad lmao

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are you doing some research or what?
i follow people who are a) talented, b) seem to be genuinely into being idols. (yeah, not too many people.) i know most of them hate being idols after realizing what it actually means, but like, there a few here and there who love being onstage, and have fun most of the time. oh and i follow trolls.

Is this hot?

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there's 1 mentally ill poster here (he just replied to you) the rest of us are innies & intellectuals

wow even the idols r cucking me huh
god i should just fucking kill myself

KPOP seems to have more dancable moves, JPOP is too complex

in korea it seems to be regular kids and students and certain groups have an older niche following too
i think it used to have a more nerdy audience in the west of tumblr/Yea Forums type girls and guys but it's becoming increasingly popular among normie teens now


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based psy

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you doing research for kcon?

yeah, back in the days junhyung dated hara, everyone else was losing their shit until cube said they don't give a fuck. and i think similar stuff happened a few times afterwards, too.

there are a lot of creepy ahjummas in korea

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Attached: mina60.webm (1920x1080, 2.83M)

only teenage korean girls listen to kpop

then why are korean trainees more skilled than japanese ones?

20somethings seem to be the biggest audience for almost all groups on melon weird as it seems
maybe kids don't have accounts?


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Asian guy in the black shirt and jeans is based

not really, at fansigns it's usually just older women, there is a reason why a lot of male idols pander to noonas

This, learning based on english materials made it obvious how hard it is for english natives since they have to bend over backwards phonetically

piglet is round just like her boobs

you'd have to be mentally ill to unironically listen to kpop

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What is her best feature?

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ommg that yanan gif, my cutie >__>

ahhh, well I’ll definitely check out their earlier discography after listening to can you feel it. and ima sucker for kreality so I’m sure I’ll watch sometime.

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found a picture of you

Attached: hurt.png (601x495, 204K)

You are here and you don't even like kpop for the music, you're literally mentally ill.

re noona fans (and for those wanting to practice korean), and the acceptance of listening to idol groups.
there is some yg kid playing the idol superstar.
the entire drama is about how embarrassed people are about stanning idols while being an adult.

this fancam was pretty nice as well

Attached: mina64.webm (1468x1080, 2.86M)

>are you doing some research or what?
nah, altough it looks like it cos i had a lot of questions, im into JPOP but i wondered about certain things in KPOP because it seemed to grew so much in the last 10 years

why are millenials so retarded
we're still like teenagers in our 20s

weird and surprising
same ppl who read twilight huh

mentally stable individuals only listen to neoromantic noisefunk

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Her lips

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there's always 1 token nigger and 1 fatty in those crowds

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it's at the bottom part of your screen

Attached: mina (2).webm (1464x2004, 3M)

>we're still like teenagers in our 20s

Are you going to help nugu Mina pay rent while she's working the corner in this outfit?

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everyone here is mentally ill. you're obsessed about plastic gooks that don't give a shit about you. you probably spend half your time thinking about these idols. don't kid yourself faggot you're in the same boat

yeah, i think i'll give it another go very soon, too. going to korea again soon, it's gonna be good as a little practice.

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Average Blackpink fan

Just sexualized Twice ama


blackpink wasn't at kconLA. more likely it was a twice fan LMAO

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that fat nigger lmao

do anons go to KPOP cons?

Who is the best for lewding?


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just concerts

cherrypicked pro pic

everyone but chewy

no, they're full of ugly sea monkeys

I'm mostly here for the music. Sometimes people post good stuff here.

Stop normalizing your mental illness, not everyone is retarded like you.

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i would if my shithole ever had any

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im not mentally ill im just lonely
mental illness doesn't exist

my friends tried to get me into jpop (initially visual kei actually) for the longest time. it just simply didn't sit well with my ears. it was fun while we were partying, but i never listened to it at home.
i also refused to listen to kpop for almost a decade. but i got into korean movies (!!), and then my mom started watching kdramas, then we tried to cook some dishes from that drama. by the time you are so used to the korean language, that kpop just sounds like english pop. (esl obviously.)

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but in white countries they dont

based me

omg have fun!! damn, hopefully someday I will go too

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t. feldmar

no, but i do go to kpop parties and concerts every now and then.
zico was unironically fun last year.

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s-sounds like a very mentally healthy and well adjusted point of view there

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i love her

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who dat

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of course we're all teenage korean girls here

i'm sure that's what you tell yourself. you're probably here for hours every day

there she is

she's too shy for that

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who is feldmar..

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shush you're giving us away

holy shit black hair bacon is back

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word. mentally ill spammers (like the guy you just replied to) are just more vocal for obvious reasons

most of us here are still relatively normal

thanks! it's always fun, though not very kpop. i hope you'll be able to check it out, soon, too! can't say much more on here, but like, it's going to be fucking amazing, it's going to be a huge round-trip.

Hawkeye from the avengers

Attached: IMG_20190416_074208.jpg (1536x2048, 991K)

i'm not a spammer you dumb faggot, i'm just a lot smarter than you are. you're not normal, you're obsessed and mentally ill

she looks so good in this set

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based seething mentally ill bro spammer

anyone have any hi touch experience or advice? I wanna go to svt hi touch but my autistic ass is horrified. plus there’s always some rando who records them and posts it on yt...

I just wanna touch woozis hand without him feeling too awk in knowing how much of a fag I am for him

fuck jihyo looks so hot

gaypops love male fans, they'll be happy to see you

how was the show? i missed it

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he's a psychotherapist who says exactly what was saying. that everyone is normal, mental illness does not exist. that humans need companionship. humans need to feel like someone cares about them. that they are loved.

it was lit

spic shiteater hates seas 'cause his father is a thai tranny

Attached: 34816973_2215492542012183_8705358041328910336_n.jpg (640x799, 65K)

jihyo should be captain marvel..

>most of us here are still relatively normal
Most of kpg these days are faggots that talk about getting fucked in the ass every day. Definitely mentally ill

you'll be fine just be aware that its expensive to get a hi-touch ticket because they usually roll them with RNG and you might not get your group with your ticket, they have seen a lot worse so as long as you aren't a fat smelly neckbeard they'll greet you with a smile

i forgot to add wooseok who is cheering on you

i know sf9 and monstaxxx love their male fans, i would doubt that svt would be too different.

Attached: fighting.jpg (672x1024, 113K)

Our girls won again

your schizophrenia doesn't exist bruh just like get some companionship

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who are our girls again? I forgot


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sounds pretty based!

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that's our mentally ill bro

Which twice would sound the best while speaking English?

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they're doing kaching, i wish i was there

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my toy on the right

no one cares faggot come back during gaypop hours

is that the guy from the rapist clique?

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texas mina obviously

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god I want to fuck everyone in this picture so bad

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why do you hate jennie, bros? the western media loves her

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imagine yooa doing that

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no it's baekhyun, sehun is the one who was Seungri's friend


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and pcy was friends with jjy

I'm gonna be Wony's home school teacher and teach her the way of life


it's just one guy. we love jennie here

Attached: jennie37.webm (1078x820, 1.4M)

Attached: 1555256387642.webm (1280x720, 2.32M)

pcy is friends with jjy, jonghyun, the whole rape squad


wow now I want long haired cub back

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Dark hair Eunbi is still best Eunbi. Current Eunbi reminds me too much about Kazoo

fuck I needed that. wooseok low key has been making me feel things lately

yeah im sure they would be chill too, im just overthinking everything. paranoid me tho believes the touch will somehow instantly transfer all of my disgusting desires and obviously unrequited feelings in that split second, causing him to subconsciously deem my soul undesirable in comparison to the rest LOL

Attached: 3B1715C2-D16D-4749-A08D-114F6BADBF9B.jpg (740x493, 67K)

because lisa and jisoo is far better and they have proven themself enough without yg constant shilling towards jennie

she looks like a gremlin and is flat as an ironing board

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that most likely will happen, but he's probably used to it

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Yeah. Just look at that butt when she climbs the stairs.

wtf do you mean, this hair is great

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what is this about
did people complain about shuhua not wearing enough makeup or something?

Cut that hair short and Kazoo is back

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I can see pcy doing stupid shit like that


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obviously. if your whole group of friends are rapists you're obviously not a decent guy yourself

Kazoo was also dark once

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>if your whole group of friends are rapists you're obviously not a decent guy yourself
and yet people think Taeyang is a saint and couldn't have possibly known of G-D & TOP's drug use, or Seungri's hoe operation

I think he's just better at hiding his skeletons

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Simply gorgeous

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holy fuck sally

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>tfw no Sana gf

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that outfit is hot. too bad there's not many pictures from that date.

this girl is really pretty, the shape of her face, her eyebrows, her eyes and specially her nose make her one of the most beautiful kpop girls i've ever seen in my entire life

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Attached: 180519 트와이스(TWICE) 미나 really really.webm (1920x1080, 2.31M)

Is she gonna crawl out of my TV after seven days?

it's one thing when you're in a group with them, apparently big bang aren't even too close. but i do agree, that guy's probably not nearly as innocent as he's made out. but it's a lot different when it's your friends that you choose, like in pcy's case. literally as big of scumbags as they come, obviously he's one too. they all are

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mina you utter hussy

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uggh I’m too selfish and petty to live in a world where I’m deemed relatively unworthy by hiiiim... well, actually, I guess it’s his thing to be naturally full of disdain so maybe I’ll end up liking it who knows lolol

damn i want to see full tzuyu one

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>IZ*ONE robbed yet another empty house
congratulations for winning what can essentially be compared to an adult kicking the shit out of a grade schooler, you pathetic group

Fuckin hell mate

Attached: GivingFragrantEastsiberianlaika.webm (1920x1080, 683K)

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is it really a robbery if its an empty house?

mina you incorrigible strumpet


Jennie is so cute

Attached: MilkyGranularCaimanlizard.webm (1080x1080, 435K)

tzuyu is so pure

Life isnt fucking fair. They should make a sana clone for all of us

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flopzone robbed everglow

janny is sleeping
post something sneaky

all girls become cute in front of chad

Stop projecting, you are the worst part of kpg

and they are not the only scumbags he's friends with
there was another one that a few years ago was exposed for raping a girl when he was in highschool

The part in the vlog that you posted made me slump in my chair, her legs and whole body is just a 10/10

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got any cute jennies? i mostly have lewd jennies.

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Dont post sana while you're talking about jennie, you fuck

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Do jannies even come here at all?


shouts ''dicklets"

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Maybe a couple, let me check
Don't be mad sanabro, nothing wrong with being fond of more than one idol

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I wish

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continous to mock

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i want eunseo to eat my ass

That gummy smile is so cute

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they used to

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remember to get your bp tickets before they sell out, lads

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based 22/22 visionbro

Attached: Twiceboy vs Sana - also Mina and Dubu (180214).webm (788x512, 2.88M)

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based midnight bro

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post something

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This is shit time desu, we gotta wait for EU to finish work


I just can't think of her this way. She's a hot piece of ass is what she is.

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i managed to snap this video earlier when i was riding the tube into work. bp have really gotten big in london!

Attached: 1554278069494.webm (852x480, 2.86M)

looks cyberpunk

Attached: 1543041224121.png (1800x1200, 3.02M)

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that's pretty crazy but not all that surprising in hindsight

>london full of chinese and not muslims
nice try

chinks are taking over.