More thrash metal albums like this? Clean, precise sound, technical, fast as fuck but still groovy and melodic...

More thrash metal albums like this? Clean, precise sound, technical, fast as fuck but still groovy and melodic. No Metallica please

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Uhhhh i'm way too cool for metallicA brooo

>clean, precise sound
>with daves goblin vocals
good one

I like Mustaine's voice although I can see why it would be a big turn off for a lot of people. Regardless, I was talking about the production sound. It's very cleanly recorded, punchy but every guitar note shines through. Just not looking for anything too muddy in terms of recording and production is what I meant.

I've just already listened to them and don't like them nearly as much

metallica don't have any albums like this. AJFA is the closest but it's still not the same. rust in peace hits the sweet spot between technicality and melodic catchiness

Forbidden- Twisted Into Form

Annihilator - Alice In Hell

This is pretty good, some good riffs in the middle, not the best I've ever heard but I could get down with it. The lyrics are pretty hilarious in a bad way though

This looks really cool, putting it on now, thanks user

Have you listened to coroner, might be worth a shot. start with mental vortex or no more colour

This is pretty good, the riffs kind of have a weird quality to them, very physical is how I'd describe it. The vocalist even sounds like he's running out of breath sometimes - this is great mosh music. Thanks, I'll definitely dig into this one a bit more.

This is fucking fantastic. Pretty much exactly what I was looking for... thanks user, this one is definitely going in heavy rotation for me. Love the melodic but still dark and twisted kind of guitar riffs.

Gonna some on right away, thanks

There's more where that came from
not quite what you're talking about but the riffs are great and its very technical
check out the intro riff on Tetrastructural Minds

Ok, yeah this is fantastic. REALLY loving Mental Vortex. Thanks, this is an awesome rec. I love the riffs, the vocals, the production, everything about this is awesome.

this is next up, I'll listen to everything ITT though

Once the hook came in on this, I was completely sold. Almost a punk feel with the gang vocals?? Love it. Is the rest of the album this good?

The first two of these are great. The first one is maybe a bit cheesy, but I liked it a lot anyways. Fantastic melodic aspect to it. The second one, I really liked when they slowed the riffs down into a groovier sound, fantastic stuff awesome solo and the ending was just excellent. The last one started ok but once they picked up the speed it kind of all just became boring to me, the lyrics were a little corny as well.

Putting this on now, thanks guys. Any more you want to rec?

Based Christian Metal poster.

>Is the rest of the album this good?
Not quite. That's there best song imo.

Try Toxik
Or maybe Artillery

I think im in the minority of people that prefer the remaster

I love this shit. Pretty sure I’ve seen these guys posted around before but never listened... tetrastructural minds is fantastic. Thanks man I’m definitely going to have to dig deeper into these guys.

I think my faves so far are annihilator, coroner, and vektor. Lots of good stuff though guys keep em coming

Alright man well I’m definitely adding that song to my library it’s a real good one.

These are both fantastic. I LOVE the singer for Toxik, feel like they have a really heavy groovy style which is really cool. Artillery... holy fuck. Something about the way these guys play is amazing. The riffs are not only super technical but also convey so much emotion and melody, I love that shit. Thanks man

Alright, every time I think I’ve heard the best in this thread something comes along and blows me away. I cannot believe this is a demo, the guitars sound so full and the whole recording is just vicious. Love love love it, thanks

give their other records a go
terminal redux is a fantastic concept album, and black future is more raw
Black Fast might be something you enjoy as well, if vektor is doing it for you, check out Terms of Surrender

These were interesting to me, a little mixed. The first one had amazing vocals but I thought the riffing was a tad basic and I wasn’t a fan of the extraneous sounds going on in the percussion. Cool video tho. Second one, loved the riffing but the vocals left me a bit wanting. I could see myself getting into it a bit more with time though but it’s not quite what I’m looking for

Thanks man, I’m going to add all of those records to my library. I’m really excited to dive into Vektors stuff I love their whole sound, riffing style, vocals, atmosphere, everything

Alright guys it’s been fun but I’m gonna get to bed I’ll leave the thread open in my browser tho if you post more stuff I will listen in the morning, thank you :)

Sweet dreams

Not strictly thrash, but Painkiller is obligatory and fits the description.

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Master of Puppetts???

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yeah also this, one of Judas Priest's thrashiest records and very epic especially considering how long those guys have been making music

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I’m probably eating a sandwich now

om nom nom

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Waking Into Nightmares best album

not trash but Death's Symbolic is like that. Very tight riffs, extremely clean playing, very groovy and fat, some nice solos, great production.
You probably know that already though

Try this:

Out of the stuff you've already been rec'd and listened to, it's much like a cross between Coroner and Annihilator. German tech thrash, very twisty and lots of melody. The whole album is good, as are Deathrow's others

After a re-listen I've decided Devastation - Idolatry is one the best Thrash Metal albums ever..

I don't think I've seen anyone recommend Aspid - Extravsation yet and that is overall what I think is the best Thrash album.

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Thrash should be filthy and fucking gnarly

Burn in hell, heretic. Are you telling me you don't want a bullet through your head after listening to the flaccid-ass remastered Take No Prisoners bass solo?

Master of Puppets is excellent, but claiming it's anything close to Rust in Peace is just wrong. Now, AJFA... that gets pretty close.

Rust in Peace is good though

Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets and AJFA are all better than Rust in Peace and that's coming from someone who loves that album

With the exception of the drum intro just sounding kinda weird, it's pretty good, yeah. But as an album, it makes a lot of really odd decisions. (Worst of all being the fact that the original was entirely removed from Spotify in favor of the remaster)

When did you realise that German Thrash is better than any other?

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well, two outta three anyway

Well AJFA might be on par with Rust in Peace but Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets are definitely better

Not exactly the same sound but check out Anthrax-Among the Living from the same era


I wouldnt put it on or even near par.
but then I havent listened to it in 20 years or so. I just remember being seriously let down by it
opinions eh?

but you are right about the rest, Burton era Metallica was god-like

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i've always found the way he positions his fingers when playing really aesthetic. heard it was because he broke his pinkie so it stuck out like that.

Hey man, got two recs for you.
I actually like Annihilators second album even more than Alice in hell.
Check out "Never Neverland"

Also, Sanctuary "Into the Mirror Black"

Why doesnt AJFA get the love it deserves
That shit blew me away

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the songs were just too much honestly, they were really boring at times and dragged on for ages. the whole album was just overkill.

The Unjust is so good, Burn in Hell is one of the greatest metal songs of all time.

I suppose I can understand and even agree with thinking the songs lasted too long but the songs themselves are orgasm material

maybe give Havok a try
not entirely sure if its what you seek though, newfag here

No love for Atrophy?

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>Sanctuary "Into the Mirror Black
I'd argue Tefuge Denied is thrashier but still a good recommendation. iirc Dave did that solo on White Rabbit

Don't worry user it's one of the best albums of all-time and a 10/10

Metallica and Megadeth were two of the first bands I listened to when I started getting more into music 10 years ago.
I haven't listened to a Metallica album in years but when Rust comes up every once and again I'm still blown out by how good it actually was.

>AJFAgs pushing their mess of an album again

Yea Refuge Denied is more straight thrash I love them both really.
That late 80's/early 90's power/thrash combo is a win to me, baby.

explain how it's a mess

>no mention of Kill’em All

hot take, kill em all is easily the worst of the first four Metallica albums.

it's just literal plebs skewing the general consensus like this guy

Agreed and they are my second favourite band

Why doesn't Deep Purple get any credit for helping to invent metal? They get overshadowed even by Led Zeppelin, who didn't make a metal song in their entire career.

had a guy tell me he thought Megadeth was the weakest of the big four, nearly gave me an aneurysm

Metallica > Megadeth = Slayer > Anthrax

It's generally slower, aside from the opening and ending tracks. The songwriting is far less concise, this continues the pattern MoP started of dragging on songs for far too long. Kirk fucking sucks, Dave's songwriting notes ran out, his Rhoads and Malmsteen worship waned, and he forgot shit he learned from Satriani in an effort to search for his "signature sound". James can't hit those high notes anymore and sounds strained, it's no wonder he blew out his voice. Aside from lolnobass, production is muddier (imo the guitar tone on RtL is one of the sexiest things ever and AJFA doesn't come close). To Live Is To Die is barely a song, Frayed Ends makes Escape abs Leper Messiah look good, and Eye of the Beholder is one of their simplest compositions.


heard Slayer is good if you like the same song over and over again

What's wrong with Slayer?

When I was younger and into metal, I preferred Metallica. But after revisiting some of my old favorite albums, it is Rust in Peace that impresses me the most. It honestly kicks the shit out of anything Metallica has done. Better riffs, better sound, and fucking Marty Friedman is just so much better than Hammett in every fucking way.

Post above you answers it. Also Jeff Hanneman and Kerry King are objectively shit guitarists and boring songwriters, once the novelty wears off there's not much to hold on to.

How does panteras discography hold up to the big 4? I feel like they're severely underrated.

t. has only listened to Reign in Blood once

are you okay

>How does panteras discography hold up to the big 4?
They have very few thrash songs and most of them were on Cowboys, and they've disowned since of their bradt music. Calling them thrash triggers me, especially when they're major influences on genres like nu metal and metalcore

Reign in Blood is massively overrated. Show No Mercy is a more solid thrash record, Hell Awaits is sinister without being cartoony, and SoH and Seasons have good production and arguably the band's best attempts at decent songwriting. Reign in Blood is an influencee on bands and genres that are far better than it

>didn't check grammar before phoneposting

They're discography is meh at best, I genuinely enjoyed cowboys from hell but everything after that quickly degrades in quality. It's a shame cause most of the members were really talented, dimebag was great at making riffs and solos but from a technical standpoint doesn't really hold a candle to most guitarists from his era and I think is quite overrated by his fans. Vinnie is a phenomenal drummer and it's a damn shame his talent was wasted on bands like damageplan and hell yeah after pantera split, phil is another one of those cases were he has great vocal range but instead fell for the hardcore meme and went full retard on his vocals in the later albums. Rex is alright as a bassist I guess, really nothing to write home about. Even with all that they're best album just doesn't really match up to the best of the big 4.

>Slayer is bad

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You (you)d someone asking what's wrong with slayer, fag.

I never said they were bad, I'm the guy defending them dummy

There's no other albums like Rust in Peace. Nothing comes close to it.

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Oh sorry

>Slayer is good.

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Yea no album come close being so shitty

Dave Mustaine is fucking annoying.

>Metallica fanboy

three metallica albums do

No. Try again.

Anal Cunt
Gets my groove going

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I actually bought violent by nature when i got really into thrash as a kid and still have It, still very solid thrash

I just wish It could get an oficial remix and remaster, reminder that Lars singlehandedly ruined that mix

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It just did and it's pretty good.

What? When?

Vektor officially completed thrash metal with the release of their album Terminal Redux.

There's nothing else to be done.

Death Angel is pretty fantastic, Ultra Violence is one of my favorite thrash albums of all times. This particular song doesn't feature vocals, but it's one of their best tracks nonetheless. Do check out the album, OP.

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End of last year it got remastered and put on vinyl.

How about helping OP instead of forcing your wrong opinions?

the 2018 release from blackened was good? I just kinda ignored it since I have the original

Yeah all the new remasters are excellent. Kill em All to AJFA

I also enjoyed the Italian Vektor rip off.

Seething bassists

Metallica first 3 albums >>> Megadeth > rest of Megadeth > Anthrax = Slayer

Ride the Lightning > Master of Puppets > Kill em All


*rest of Metallica

Kill em All is in no way better than RiP or Peace Sells. But I'll agree with everything else, sensible taste
Try some Believer.

No Kreator has been posted yet?

Proto-death thrash was a mistake.

If you liked Alice In Hell, be sure to check Never Neverland, it's almost better. Don't bother with the rest of their discog tho.