Favorite album + favorite porn genre

usually petite women but I've dabbled a lot in orgy related stuff recently.

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dumb thread

Reminder that porn is Jewish subversion

Also The Moon & Antartica.

Gay age gap porn where there is a significant difference in age of the guys involved.

Amateur since it makes it easier to imagine that maybe one day that'll be me.

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to pimp a butterfly
I'm so funny


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Threesome with two women. The idea of having sex with more than one girl at the same time is endlessly arousing to me, but I have a great gf at the moment so I'm not sure if that opportunity will present itself to me, although she's hinted she might be open to it if the situation were right

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That's one genre I would never get into but I don't shame - out of curiosity, what is appealing about that to you?

Also based taste user.

I love amateur stuff - especially when it's freaky/hardcore stuff that is omnipresent in professional porn. When you know it's genuine, it does something.

what about cuckold porn where the bull is white?

why does that album and a foot fetish go together so seamlessly...

godspeed user. just don't force her into it, and by extension don't let her force you into anything. as long as you're both vocal and honest, any pushing of the boundary will be an amazing experience. also you have good music taste.

cigarette burns

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Gas yourself you fucking degenerate

alright so you gave away that your favorite album is something from limp bizkit.

as for a porn genre, my guess would be rape since that's the only way incels can copulate - but I have a suspicion your mom has a parental block on your wifi.

ITT: incels that need to have sex.

handicapped porn

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i enjoy plain jane, white m/white f performing coitus in various positions. preferred positions are cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, and doggy. sounds boring but the sex i have irl is intimate so this style of porn is a good way to simulate it.

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you can be sexually active and still watch porn. why does Yea Forums have so much /pol/ spillover nowadays?

You sound like a true pornographic connoisseur. Can you point me in the right direction?

first disable the parental block

then go to reddit.com / r / cuckold.

have fun

You know who runs the porn industry, right? Look up Al Goldstein and Reuben Sturman.

What type of content can I find on / r / cuckold?

sounds too jewy to google. I don't want my computer asking me to buy kosher meat and ben shapiro metch.

exactly what you're looking for.

How do you know that's what I'm looking for? Was it something I said?

are you ?

Yeah. I think pornography is a parasitic industry that exploits naive young girls and has a negative effect on the psychological development of children who are exposed to sexually explicit content before or during puberty. It's a vile (and oftentimes degrading) commodification of an intimate form of human expression.


I disagree, but I respect your opinion.

I think it's a healthy outlet for many young women and men who were experienced neglect and abhorrence from their guardians as children. There are also oftentimes histories of sexual/emotional abuse that leave them completely lost in the world. Porn (as well as any other adult industry) will make them a living, let them feel useful, and provide a good for society that will never die.

>and provide a good for society that will never die
I don't respect your opinion. There is nothing "good" about pornography. It's an evil subversive industry that, like I said, is predatory in nature and feeds off of the naivete of young, impressionable girls. Just look up the instances of suicide and drug use in the adult entertainment industry. It's appalling.

Al Goldstein, the founder of SCREW magazine, had this to say about his role in pornography:

>The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks.

To me, that seems like an indication that the intent of pornography is not to provide a good for society. It actually seems fairly destructive and immoral. What do you think?

Not that user, but it's clear that there is a huge market for it and that there are people willing to create the product. Are you suggesting that people shouldn't be able to creat porn, or that it shouldn't be able to be watched?? Sounds awfully authoritarian to me.

Yes I agree that the industry can be hugely damaging but if anything that should be a sign that we need to shine some light on the shadier sides of the industry and increase regulations, and in order for that to happen the taboo around porn itself needs to be de-stigmatized.

>it's clear that there is a huge market for it
Do you know anybody who actually pays for pornography?

look up the cum hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy.

unless you provide me with statistical evidence that the drug use and suicide is directly cause by working in porn rather as opposed to personal issues, then I will continue to think you are 13 and finding articles on wikipedia to copy and paste (on top of slandering jews to appeal to the Yea Forums demographic).

do you not know how ad revenue works when the traffic is the heaviest on all of the internet? you don't need to fucking pay for it. porn sites are paid by advertisers.

Skinny girls

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Do you think that advertisements are free? I have NEVER seen a porn website not littered with ads. Furthermore, even if I don't pay for porn, I don't know if anyone I know does because it's not something you exactly talk about. But plenty of people evidently are willing to shell out for it, it's a billion dollar industry (although the actual numbers are disputed) finance.yahoo.com/news/porn-could-bigger-economic-influence-121524565.html

I'm just going to throw this out there, but I think if your career is literally taking dicks up your asshole, you probably have at least some personal issues.

Don't you find it strange how your porn addiction is subsidized by large corporations?

So is any other addiction you probably have in 2019 unless it's like, an addiction to trees or some shit

And that makes it okay?

Well I have a few problems with what you're implying right now
>How does that make it inherently bad?
>If you can prove it is inherently bad, what reasonably can be done about it given the fact that porn isn't going anywhere anytime soon?

punk/alternative chicks

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I think the United States could follow Israel's lead on a number of issues, including increased border security, lower immigration rates, and censorship of Internet pornography.

>porn addiction
false presumption. I don't have an addiction to porn. I am defending it's legitimacy as a product for those involved and those who enjoy it.

>subsidized by large corporations
everything in this world is that way. from the computer and internet you're using right now, to the PCP pipe you'll use to beat your dog tomorrow. You're unknowingly opening a gargantuan can of worms by throwing late-capitalist shit in here.

so is fucking music

>I am defending it's legitimacy as a product for those involved and those who enjoy it.
That sounds awfully libertarian of you. Do you also think people should be entitled to enjoy the consumption of heroin?

>I think it's a healthy outlet for many young women and men who were experienced neglect and abhorrence from their guardians as children.
are you fucking retarded? can you think of one porn star who seems mentally healthy?

>I think the United States could follow Israel's lead on a number of issues
Fucking kek, dropped

based taste user

How does it feel knowing your country is run by AIPAC?

>porn consumption=heroin consumption

I won't sit here and say many people don't have porn addictions, because they do. But you need to use a better analogy than that, or at least provide evidence for correlation. That could not be more of an apples and oranges argument.

Why do you just assume I live in the United States you literal retard?

they aren't mentally unstable because of porn. they are mentally unstable because their life was horrible, and they decided to earn money doing something that's mentally healthy for them as opposed to overdosing and dying.

I didn't realize Yea Forums was this dense. It's like arguing with your cousin with microcephaly.

You're defending pornography on the basis of the consumer's enjoyment. I don't see how heroin is any different in that regard.


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>they decided to earn money doing something that's mentally healthy for them

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What about this?

Probably JAV or something idk

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there were also no large corporations pushing porn in 1927

There was plenty of degenerate behavior being pushed in 1927, especially in Germany.

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>I love amateur stuff - especially when it's freaky/hardcore stuff that is omnipresent in professional porn. When you know it's genuine, it does something.
Damn yeah this exactly, and seeing girls legit enjoying themselves, except I watch very rarely anymore, usually with my partner.

Porn kinda desensitized me and changed the way I have sex and it's been impossible to go back, I mean it's an improvement in some ways but I
also really miss good plain passionate sex and it's just not enough anymore desu. Takes me longer to cum now too. I might have been kind of addicted at one point so yeah. No more than like once a month for me now.

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oh my

Gas yourself you fucking degenerate. You know porn is bad for you, so why do you keep watching it?

amateur handjob

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JAV probably.

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definitely agree brother. me and my girl will watch every now and then but I seldom do by myself and when I do, it's always amateur stuff. I was an absolute porn fiend in highschool and could only get off to progressively more hypersexualized shit.

props to kicking the habit.

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are you just refreshing this thread waiting for new anons to call degenerate?

Log off and go to bed. I know you have an honors biology quiz tomorrow Dustin.

I like turbo sluts, like Adrianna Chechyk, Megan Rain, Pheonix Marie, Proxy Paige. I also love shemale porn.

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>are you just refreshing this thread waiting for new anons to call degenerate?
Yeah, because nobody else is going to call them out on their sick behavior.

>me and my girl will watch every now and then
How about never? Do you have the willpower?

Go to reddit/r/christianity or something. I'm done acknowledging a dead horse who goes on Yea Forums of all places to point fingers at what he believes to be degenerate.

Same reason young women get with older men, older women get with young women, etc.: because of the opposites attract thing. Now that doesn't mean I'm sexually interest in balding, fat, small-dicked old queens, it has to do more with the differences.


Any porn where the girl looks like my ex

Idk about genre but I really enjoy pov videos of ginger girls, preferably with freckles

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that makes sense. somewhat similar to how I like petite shit because the difference between the small girl and bigger dude is different

mormon themed porn

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its mostly gay right?

Especially vanilla

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Also, Ai Mukai.

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every kind of porn involving propane

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gentle femdom and amateur stuff

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same except for favorite album. I love deathconsciousness though.

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>my partner

Yea Forums has become more reddit-tier than reddit itself. might as well enjoy it or fuck off.

I'm just surprised by how quickly it happened. Every poster uses reddit spacing, tumblr immigrants break the sarcastic posting and scold people for using bad words, some anons have sex and don't want to kill themselves, each post has 100 replies saying "this"/"based" (upvotes), might as well just start a new sub r*ddit and fuck off back there you know?

Whats the appeal of this album past the first 3 tracks?

>big titties

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the entire album is introspective, visceral, and theraputic. but music, as is porn preference, is subjective.

that being said, i thought that loving pink moon was a good indicator of someone interested in swinging/partner sharing/cuckolding. but i'm gladly proven wrong if you're telling the truth.

big titties are fucking awesome.

Female masturbation/grool

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Heaven or Las Vegas
foursomes (3 guys 1 girl)

that is a train/gangbang. not a foursome.

unaware giantess/feet/socks

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Asian girls

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Chubby girls but a cute chubby, not morbidly obese, feet and asian.

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i like it. you have a link i could view to see if i can indulge in a newly discovered kink? or should i just search socks / unaware on pornhub

excellent music taste. as for asian girls, i've only ever gotton off to a few of them in my life. i don't find them unnatractive at all, but for some reason asian porn just isn't my cup of 龙井

i enjoy chubby girls every now and then. do you prefer the chub to be on the stomach/tits or elsewhere like thighs or arms?

I on the whole prefer American-made Asian porn to JAV (though there are some good ones out there) because the camerawork's lenses and angles are lewder and the dicks are bigger. As for my attraction to the girls, I'm just way more into "cute" as a look than conventionally "sexy", and Asian women tend to be cuter on average than anyone else imo

Yeah like stomach/tits. I like a girl with a roll or two when they're on their back. Thighs are good too ig. Hospice guy

For me the giantess unaware thing gets tied in with feet/socks but I haven't found many clips that deliberately combine the two. Some of the "Giantess Roma" clip/movies on pornhub have a couple instances. Usually I just imagine being tiny and lost in my ex's house, worshipping her socks and laundry unnoticed

Stepmom blackmail

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POV Deepthroat

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>intimate form of human expression
what a retarded way to describe sex

how else am i gonna see ass and titties?

Porn is unhealthy

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I never knew "sex" could be euphemism'd into a 10-syllable term. I'm more impressed than upset.

watch it. trust me. you'll love it. it'll love you. it'll tear you apart. it'll tear you down. porn will make you it's bitch. you'll wake up soon and the first thing on your mind will be some petite teen getting rammed in the full nelson position. you'll love it, user. trust me.

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been there, done that. not interested anymore.

No this shit gets annoying though. If I make a long ass post I'm not just gonna leave it as a huge autisic wall of text that just noone wants to fuckin read. And saying partner is usually code for I'm a girl or I'm a faggot pretty sure most people know that. I usually say my wife instead of my husband to hide my gender but I hate larping if I'm not shitposting
Call people out for being r*ddit when they get pissed about the board not being PC or namefagging not because of some spacing. r*ddit spacing is like the one and only thing positive we can take desu. When someone posts a huge block of text in here I just assume copypasta or some sperg shit and I don't even read it.

I have a thing for creampies and blondes so... Blondes getting creampies. It's tame, I know, but it's what gets that nut.

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