Why do trans people make music, this dude sounds like Weird Al and wants to be called a woman

why do trans people make music, this dude sounds like Weird Al and wants to be called a woman

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trans people can make music but jfc all they wanna talk about are pronouns

as a tranny, i would link my music here because it’s actually not about being trans(!) but my bandcamp is what i like to call dog shit

>tranny post says nothing of substance other than 'i'm trans'

same tranny here again, using more than one pronoun declension set for yourself disagrees with the rules of english and makes you look like an idiot
>>this artist

>unironically naming your album she/her/they/them
liberals need to learn to think critically

have sex incels

They already disagree with the rules of biology, why would they care about the rules of English?

ok i n c e l

trannies need to stick to electronic music

>why do trans people make music
Because all people should be allowed to make art?

t. seething art hoe

pick a sex, trannies

Imagine unironically listening to a tranny's music lmaoooo

$10 for a fucking digital album? Are you serious?

What does their gender have to do with it?

ok i n c e l

Hahahaha you cant have sex

ok i n c e l

what does gender have to do with shit music?
It's a shit album, because they're bad at making music, not because they're trans

I fucking hate Yea Forums's namefag system

>trans artist writes a song about pronouns
wow what a fucking surprise
trans music is so deep and ranges the whole spectrum of human emotion

This "trans" movement is all about cashing in the latest fad. These people aren't even genuine.

dilate your septic crotch wound, tranny

ok i n c e l

ok i n c e l

have sex
You cant hahahahah

>dilate your septic crotch wound, tranny

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he passes better than you, you subhuman tranny garbage

ok i n c e l

ok i n c e l

ok i n c e l

ok i n c e l

so brave, MAGAs rise up

>he passes better than you, you subhuman tranny garbage

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i tooted

ok i n c e l

Trans people are unironically very good at making music.

Attached: moo ah.jpg (1080x1250, 130K)

this thread has gone to shits
also OP you suck, gay music is fucking great

ok i n c e l

incel are you ok? are you ok? are you ok incel?