Jeez oh man......

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left side Mac looks like Zac Efron

idk i think he looks pretty good for a 40yo dude

he looks like shit. 40 yo dudes look like 25 yo nowadays


IDK why it's so funny, you're gonna go bald someday

Baby Mac looks like Ross from Game Grumps

will he be fine?

My dad looked better at 40 and he used to do heroin.

Honestly, who cares.

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what does he listen to?


I hope he dies eating a donut and kiki takes a pic

BTW 50 yo asian here

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I hope he gets his shit together. I can't see his "fans" still listening to him now that he looks like a boomer sexual predator.

If he doesn’t care, why should you?

but that's been his gimmick all along

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people get old, young user. you're gonna look like that too

salad days are gone

Nah he used to be a quirky cute twink.

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oh my god

slob-core when

>Honestly, who cares.

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>b-but everyone goes bald at 28!!!

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it's almost like smoking cigarettes and being a sexual deviant has negative side effects
who would have thought

too much testosterone do that
y'all never understand...

have sex


>that disgusting belly & those hairy legs & facial hair
yeah you absolutely have no idea what you're talking about

He’s literally been dating the same girl from before he even got big. Seeth harder

>dating the same girl means you can't cheat
lmfao. You naive fool. Welcome to the world of musicians i guess.

Literally rocking the sleaze core look like a pro. Lettin it all go. Youre a faggot if you care.

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Have sex

This is what happens when your diet consists of pic related

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Eh idk dude half the stuff he writes is love songs, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve got an open relationship sorta deal. Also you’re the one implying sex makes you lose hair lmao fucking retard

have cope

He really couldn't look less like Zac Efron.

this is sad, its like watching my dad fade away

What is it with ''''''''''males'''''''''' on Yea Forums and their obsession with how other male musicians look?

they dont have an open relationship. mac has kissed one or two girls around the mid-point of his career, which were issues he and kira worked through, but they're still tight. supposedly they have an impressively healthy relationship.

t. good friends with a lifelong friend to mac

I started going bald at like 19 so I just started shaving my head. I don't drink or smoke or anything

ducktails, pwr bttm, ryan adams

He already looked 30 in his early 20s. Why are you so surprised?

how much plastic surgery?

Ageing is the fucking worst. There are a few people that age like wine but not for the mayority.

Based and wholesome-pilled

depends on how you define "fine"

Hes been gripping cigs since he was like 12. This isnt really the norm

yea sure whatever larper, i bet your dad works at nintendo too

if he just lost the weight and got a haircut it wouldn't be that bad.